Welcome to the last segment of "Dreams of Insanity." I hope that you guys have enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I won't keep you too long in this author's note because I'm sure that you want to get to reading.

Review Reply:

toptwentyfanthirteen: Thank you so much for that. I glad that you enjoyed reading.

Flying Star: Thank you.

AltonShadefoot: laughs You are by far my funniest reviewer. Yep, it's over, for now.

dantheman7777: Thanks, I'm glad you liked that idea. What better way to threaten a computer virus than with a hacker.

the-green-rose: Well someone's been pretty busy lately. (6) Yeah, I figured that would be a good title for that chapter. Yep, I borrowed those from Ghost Channel because I could just see Odd saying that. (7) laughs Couldn't you just see him doing that. (8) Glad you liked that. (9) Yeah, I figured that would make it a little more like the show. (10) Actually I have read that story, but I got the green tea thing because that's what my mom drinks when she's stressed.

Disclaimer: I don't own Code: Lyoko or anything that has to do with it or anything else.

Enjoy the last chapter.

They say that life goes on, but it doesn't, it can't.

It's been about two years since it happened. Since the event that changed my life forever. It seems that they were so close to getting out of that wretched place, but then he had to pull them back, killing all three of them.

It wasn't easy trying to explain how three people somehow mysteriously died. It was even harder to try to explain everything that really happened to there parents. It was hardest to try and explain it to Yumi's parents. Whenever I would mention her name I began to choke up. At first they didn't want to believe that it was all true, but neither did I. But soon they came to realize that their children were secret heroes and died after saving so many lives and they were so proud of them for that.

It took Kiwi a while before he finally accepted his owner being gone. He now accepts me as his new owner. I guess you could say he adapted me as his new owner. But I can tell he misses Odd. He may be a dog, but he makes good company. I can talk to him about anything, even Lyoko. He makes me feel better when I'm feeling down. He's the best thing I have, besides my memories, to remember Odd.

Aelita and I continue to fight on. I know that we are the only ones that stand between him and total world domination, and that scares me at times. But at other times it gave me the strength to keep going on, to keep him from winning.

I was devastated after the return trip and I couldn't find them. I searched and searched, but could never find them. But I think Aelita was hit worse than me. She had never lost anybody that she ever cared about. She would constantly roam across the vast reaches of Lyoko searching for him, hoping that he had some physical form that she could go after.

She had never felt such vengeance or rage before. There were quite a few times when she would feel like she was so close to him that she could feel his evil. But whenever that happened, a tower would activate and we would have to go back into action. After we would return to the past she would return to the spot that she felt him at. But he was never there; he would always run from her. It was almost like he was afraid of her, like she was the only thing that could destroy him. Maybe that's why she wasn't given a weapon; maybe her real weapon was the power to destroy him.

Aelita and I have been working on the anti-virus for her. But being that I am not the computer genius that Jeremie was, it's taking much longer to get done. I only hope that we can get her out of her prison before it's too late. If we can't then it will make their deaths worthless.

He's tried many things to try and stop us. He's tried destroying the factory at least a half a dozen times, polluting the environment a few times, plane crashes, train crashes, he's even tried to crash trucks that were filled with highly explosive gas or highly toxic chemicals into several different places. But the one that had me worried the most was when he trapped us all in the school again. I couldn't get to Aelita to help her, but she overcame the monsters. I guess she was in the forest region so she climbed a tree and created a path along the trees so that she could walk right to the tower. It's a good thing that the monsters weren't wasps or able to hit her because doing that caused her to lose ninety life points.

It's seems that after every attack he gets more and more powerful. I fear that soon he may be able to take control of things that he was never able to before. I just pray that he may not be able to take control of the weather. If he does then there may be absolutely no hope in defeating him.

I fight as hard as I can in Lyoko. A few times Aelita almost didn't make it to the tower before I was de-virtualized. But we always pulled through. As the battles got tougher and tougher, I got stronger and stronger. I am the only one left to get Aelita to the tower safely, so I have to do whatever is needed to get her there.

There have been several nights that I lay awake in my room, hoping to here Odd's snoring just one more time. I've even stuck my earplugs in my ears hoping that while there in he will sneak back into our room and everything will go back to normal.

There have been several times that I've wanted to just give up all hope and shut him down, ending this whole thing once and for all. I've even gone down to where his switch is, ready to end it all. But I never can. Whenever I try that and whenever I feel like giving up all hope I can feel Yumi's hand on my shoulder, I can hear Odd's laugh ringing between my ears, and I can hear Jeremie telling me not to give up hope and to bring Aelita back to Earth for him.

Several times Aelita has asked me to materialize her so that neither one of us may feel as empty as we are. Those short visits have been my only happiness since it happened. It's not that I love her, well I do but only as a friend. There's no way that I could be in love with her or anyone else for that matter. The one I loved is gone before even knowing that I loved her. But I must cope, for Aelita's sake and my own. We must keep our mission in front for once we complete that then I may finally get the since of closure that I'm looking for.

One day Aelita and I will stop him and we will bring her to Earth for good. Nothing will stop me from completing Jeremie's goal. It's ironic really. Jeremie always dreamed of bringing Aelita to Earth and spending the rest of his life with her. And it seems that his dream is becoming a reality while he becomes nothing more then a dream.

I'm failing school now. I'm supposed to graduate in a few years, but I don't know if I will. Everyone thinks that it's all because of the loss of my friends. There partially right. But I'm also trying to think of new ways of stopping him before anyone else can be killed.

We need to stop him soon. We can't keep relying on the return trips to save everyone. One day there will again be someone that it won't heal. Someone's life could just all of a sudden end and it would be all my fault. I would be just as guilty as him. No, I can't let that happen, not again. The world rests on my shoulders and all I can do is keep my ground. Well no more. No more running from him. We will stand and fight or die trying.

When it happened the students at school tried their hardest to comfort me. They would try and include me in whatever they were doing, but I always turned them down. They've tried to be my friends, tried to replace my friends, but they can never take their places or hers. Now they've become nothing but a faint memory in everyone else's minds, nothing more then a dream from long ago.

I eat alone now at all the meals. Sure people have tried to sit with me, but my constant dark mood seems to send them all away. People tell me to get over it and get on with my life, but how am I suppose to get on with my life when almost everything that matters in it is gone forever.

Jim was so distraught when I quit the soccer team. He said that I was the main reason that we were doing so well in our conference. He even said that I was the reason that we have been able to defeat our long time rivals, Lincoln. But there was no way that I would be able to play. I had too much to do and had too much on my mind.

One of these days we will succeed, and he will pay dearly for what he did to us. We will show him no mercy. He will never again be able to torment anybody, and I will finally be able to put my past behind me.

A sense of closure is all I'm looking for. To be able to put all the pain that he caused me behind and get on with my life, a life that should have been spent with Odd, Jeremie, and Yumi.

Yumi, if only you had listened to me, if only you had stayed at the factory then you would still be here with me. If only there were someway to bring you back. But there isn't any way to bring you back. I'll be stuck wondering what could have happened instead of what did happen. I miss you guys so much. I will always remember you.

A future. A future. I had a future. I had a future, it was meant to be with them. But now it's not. Now it's without them, without three of the people that I cared about the most. God I miss them. If only the situation could have been the other way around, if only it had been me trapped there and not them. If only... But it wasn't me, it was them. And I must fight on to keep there mission, our mission alive.

Rest in peace guys.

Ulrich closed his diary and slid it back under his bed. 'If only we could have waited a few more seconds, then maybe you'd be here with me. If only...' Ulrich's thoughts trailed off.

Aelita's face appeared on Ulrich's computer, or what once was Jeremie's computer. "Ulrich, I'm getting close to XANA again."

Ulrich got up and went over to the computer. "Okay Aelita, I'll head to the factory. This time we'll get him for sure. He won't be able to hide behind his towers anymore. This time we'll stop at nothing until he pays for what he's done to us." Ulrich left the room and headed for the factory.

He decided to take the sewers in the park. He climbed down into the musty sewer system and grabbed his skateboard. He paused briefly and looked at the two dusty skateboards and the dusty scooter before continuing his way through the complex sewer system.

Ulrich arrived at the factory minutes later. He swung down his rope and landed near the elevator. He walked into the elevator and pushed the down button. He stopped at the super calculator level and got out of the elevator. He walked over to the computer.

"Okay Aelita, I'm here. I'll set up the self transfer program and meet you at 60 degrees south." He began the set up.

"Alright Ulrich, see you in a minute."

Ulrich went back to the elevator and headed down to the scanners. He got out of the elevator and stood in front three scanners, two of which have been inactive for a couple of years. Ulrich let out a soft sigh and went into his scanner. He felt the normal sensations of being scanned into Lyoko, the spinning, scanning and the large gust of wind at the end.

He virtualized in the desert region. He looked around and saw Aelita at his left waving at him. He ran over to her and asked, "Okay Aelita, where is he?"

Aelita pointed to her right and said, "He's west of here, maybe about a mile or two."

Ulrich nodded and the two remaining heroes headed west. They didn't get to far when the ground began to pulsate. They stopped and Aelita said, "Ulrich you know what this means. XANA's launched an attack east of here. We need to get over there, who knows what he's planning on doing to Earth."

"We can't worry about that right now Aelita, we need to get to him before he can escape again."

"Ulrich are you saying that we just forget about Earth in order to settle a score with XANA?"

"We're going to finish this right now. Like I said, he's not going to be able to hide behind those towers anymore. We're no longer going to play the game by his rules."

"Okay Ulrich, let's finish this." The two heroes continue running westward, continue running to there final showdown with XANA.

The End

What'd you think? I'd love to read your comments on this. Personally, I loved this chapter. It was by far my favorite chapter to write, and the longest one too, over 2,000 words. This has been a wonderful story for me to write, I even got over 50 reviews for it, which is about 40 more then I thought I'd get. Before I let you all get on with your lives, I'd like to address a couple of questions, I decided not to have a question and answer chapter.

Will there be a sequel?

As far as I know, no. On the actual story, the one that ended last chapter, I think I tied up all the lose ends and so there's not really much to go on except to continue their adventures. But with the alternate ending, I left that a little open at the end so I could probably make a short story off of that. I'll leave it up to you guys.

What's next?

I'm going to Disney Land! No, not really. I'm going to get back to work on my other story that I'm writing. For info on that and any other upcoming stories, check my profile.

Well that's all from me. It's late and I need sleep. I hope you enjoyed our time together. Goodbye, so long, farewell, until we meet again in writing my friends.