A/N: Hello everyone who's reading this! This is my first Gilmore Girls Fanfic (but not my first fic). I was just so inspired by the concept of Rory and Logan getting together that I just had to write a fic about them. So I did. Now please, read and of course review, because reviews make me happy and happiness leads to updates. It's really just a vicious cycle. And now, I bid you adieu and on with the show!

Disclaimer: I, in no way, shape, or form, own Gilmore Girls; it all belongs to Amy Sherman-Pallidino, Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions, and Hofflund/Polone in Association with Warner Bros. Also, the song that this was fic was named after does not belong to me, it belongs to the band Keane and all other appropriate persons/companies.

"Lovesick bitter and hardened heart

Aching waiting for night waiting for life to start

Meet me in the morning when you wake up

Meet me in the morning then you'll wake up

If only I don't bend and break

I'll meet you on the other side

I'll meet you in the light

If only I don't suffocate

I'll meet you in the morning when you wake."

-Bend And Break by Keane

Chapter 1:

Driven. It was one word that could be used to describe Logan Huntzberger. But then again so could arrogant, argumentative, audacious, wealthy, and in many a young woman's opinion, devilishly handsome. All of these adjectives applied, but driven was the one that is most fitting to this particular situation.

As we saying, Logan was driven. He got this particular trait from both his mother and his father, his father being the famous Mitchem Huntzberger of journalistic tycoon fame. Logan had been taught from a very young age to stop at nothing when trying to get what you want. He also had been given what he wanted fairly easily his whole life. That's why he found this situation particularly troubling. It was the first time that he had not gotten what he wanted with incredible ease.

The thing that he wanted, but was having trouble getting, was not a thing at all, but rather a girl, who's grandparents ran in the same circles as his parents, but who's mother had run away with her to raise her in a completely separate world. This girl had fair skin, dark brown hair, and cerulean eyes. She was pretty, in that somewhat unconventional, slightly bookish sort of way. He found her to be quite amazing.

And to the best of his knowledge, she was abhorred him. That made it quite the situation.

He had no real idea why she disliked. Wait, no, he did have some idea why she disliked him and it had to do with the fact that he was somewhat arrogant, had talked down to her friend, and represented the life that she had been taught to dislike from a young age. It was fairly easy to understand once you knew who her parents were and what they had done.

He just wanted her to be his. It seemed that every time they took a step forward towards a meaningful friendship or any sort of relationship, something happened and they took two steps back. It was getting to be pretty aggravating; he was slowly running out of ideas to capture her attention.

Logan knew that some part of her enjoyed his company. It was that part of her that had made her agree to the sub-party and to jump off the scaffolding. That was the part of her that he wanted to see more often.

Then there was the other of part of her. The part that was still very much stuck in the world of her childhood. He liked that part of her too, but he felt it was stifling her in some way. That part of her was serious, scared, and easily embarrassed. That part of her did not enjoy his little stunt in her philosophy class or the way he baited her.

He had decided to do the stunt as a means of getting her attention and to loosen her up a bit. He'd been thinking that if he did something really big and overly dramatic like this, she might finally get the hint that he wanted something from her. Looking back, he could kind of see how this might make her angry, but hindsight is 20/20. It also doesn't help to have her grandfather corner him in the courtyard when he was getting coffee with Colin and Finn and start rambling about property agreements and pre-nups and finishing up by welcoming him to the family. It had taken him entirely off guard, and only later, after being mocked by Finn and Colin, did he realize that this had been her way of getting back at him. It had been her acting on the impulses that the part of her that liked him had been telling her. That only made him like her more.

So now, after that fiasco, Logan sat in his posh suite contemplating the way to get the girl. He'd obviously been too quiet and introverted for Finn's liking, so Finn decided to interrupt him.

"Mate, you're thinking far too hard about something that is obviously making you upset, so I suggest that you get out of here, go to a party, get drunk, and hook up with some beautiful blonde with legs up to here," Finn said, surprisingly soberly (which for him, was just mildly drunk), and motioning to just under his chin.

Looking up at his possibly alcoholic, self-proclaimed "exotic" friend, Logan was struck with a brilliant idea. He would invite the object of his amorous affections to the next LDB gathering. Perhaps he could even loosen her up enough to join the Brigade. It was her birthright after all.

"Finn, my man, you are a genius," Logan said, standing up and patting Finn on the back.

"Of course I am. Wait, what did I do?" Finn asked, slightly confused.

"You just gave me a solution to a very pressing problem. Now, let's see about that party," Logan responded, picking up his coat, and making his way towards the door.

Logan opened the door and turned back to Finn, "Are you coming?"

"Yeah," Finn answered walking slowly towards the door and shaking his head. "Maybe that afternoon pick-me-up shot was not such a good idea, I seem to be periodically blacking out," he continued as he walked out the door.

"Nah, Finn, you're just not up to your usual speed, perhaps some Guiness will help," Logan answered as he shut the door.

"Yeah, and a redhead," Finn said.

And they both made their way to what was surely going to be a very interesting party. Especially, with the prospect of tomorrow and the invitation of a lifetime to one Lorelai Leigh Gilmore, the girl who might've, quite possibly, captured the heart of one Logan Huntzberger.

A/N 2: And there you have it folks, the first chapter. Sorry that it is so short and if Finn is out of character (I tried, I really tried). More will be up soon. Thanks for reading and please, please review!