Hi. sorryI took so long to update but I've had some trouble at school with a friend, and his girl. Thank you for your reveiws. I'll try to space outmy paragraphs more this time. (In resopnse to a reveiwer) I'll try to update faster this time too.
Disclaimer: I don't own and will never own Beyblade. I REALLY WISH I COULD.

Chapter2 Rei's sister and Tysons brother

"REI........."someone shouted excitedly. With the sudden noise everyone turned their heads to see a young girl about 15/16 years of age with long black and purple hair. She had blue eyes similar to the shade of Max's; she was about the same height as Rei and wore similar oriental clothing. She ran over to Rei and hugged him tightly. "Brother it's been way to long since I last saw you how have you been?" She asked kindly. "I've been good. You?" He smiled sweetly at his sister. "Yeah, the village is pretty quiet though it's so boring without you there. There's absolutely no good bey blade material anymore." She sighed and shrugged it off. Rei suddenly perked up. "Hey if you want some good bey battle material then let me introduce you to the bladebreakers." "Cool. I've always wanted to meet these guys.I mean Rei talks about you all the time i feel like i've known you as long as he has." "Joubie this is Hillary." "It's nice to meet you Joubie" Hillary said while extending a hand friendly."Nice to meet you too." she said as she shook it."Hey you see the ice cubes leaning on the wall over there? That's Kai and his sister Imi." Kai just glared at him. Imi followed her brother's lead. Joubie giggled at the action. "Hi." When she received no words from either of them she turned to Rei with a puzzled look. "Don't worry about Kai he's always like that. I guess his sisters the same. Anyway this is Tyson, Max, Kenny, and Daichi." "It's nice to meet you all" "Nice too meet you too."
"Yo Tyson..." "Huh? Oh my god... Hey bro. Guys this is my older brother Matt Kinoyama." With that being said Tyson took a bow and waved his hands. "hi. it's nice to meet you guys. Tysons told me so much about you." Sayingthat he smiled happilly. Kai looked over to Tysons brother. He was dressed in a red shirt that had a penquinon the frontsaying gay pride, blue faded cords and black shoes. He had dark brown hair with blonde tips, he had the most beautiful green eyes he'd seen in a long time. 'Hm. Not bad. He definantly got the looks in that family...well him and Hiro. Tyson completely skipped them.' He thought absent-mindedly. Seeing Kai look at him made him smile he wasn't quite sure why though. I mean sure he was beautiful and had that bad boy attitude but still...I mean okI know I'm gay and they've probably guessed thatI am by now too. Rei and Kai andMaxare gay. So I know that they're not homophobes. I'm really happy about the fact that Kai is gay, well hes bi, so that means thatI have a shot.I hope I have a shot anyway.

"So....who's meant to arrive next?" Rei asked at last, his feline curiosity finally getting the better of him. "I think it's Kenny's brother, then Max's, then Hillary's sister." Kai replied to his little neko.He loved being able to call Rei that. None of the others knew that he and Rei where dating. They didnt need to know. It wasnt their buisness it was only his and his kittens. Not even our family know about it. Ok I know Imi wont mind me dating Rei and Joubie wont mind either probably... but it was nice to be able to have this secret. The rest of the team knew he and Rei were gay. But they didn't need to know that they were dating. They would have to tell them eventually...but just not yet. "Hey guys another plane just landed..."