By Darks00
Summary: (no romance) Seto and Joey...worst enimeies. But what about if they were forced to get along...say that they fought at school, and the prinipal makes them see the school counsilor! It's either get along, or they will get suspended from school! They're so screwed!
(a/n: Hey everyone! This is my new fan fic. I hope you like it!)
At Domino High School:
Seto's point of view:
The time was 3:10. Damn. Still twenty more minutes till school was out. I was in science class, it was so boring. This was my least favorite class, since Yugi, Tristian, Joey, and Tea were in the same class. I sighed. I seen the mutt, Joey, sleeping on his desk, Tea going on her stupid friendship speeches, whispering to Yugi. Tristian was staring at the clock, wishing it would got faster. I pushed my brunette hair out of my eyes, and once again sighed.
"Ahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Someone help!"
That got my attention. Who was screaming?
My scince teacher, Mrs.Spruce, sighed, as she walked to Joeys desk.
Yep, I've should of know, I thought. Joey sleep talking.
"Kaiba's in a pink dress! Scary!" screamed the blonded haired.
I blushed, and hid my face in my hands. Why did he always sleep talk something about me, that's not even true?
"MR.WHEELER!" screamed Mrs.Spruce, "WAKE-UP!"
Joey didn't move.
"Mrs.Spruce," said Tristian, "Allow me to show you how to wake-up Joey."
He walked up to Joey, and said in his most quietest voice, "Joey it's lunch time!"
Joey jumped up in shock, fell out of his desk, right onto the floor.
Everyone laughed at his stupidity. Even I laughed a bit. Yep, he'll always get up for food.
Joey got back into his desk, and looked at Mrs.Spruces ugly dull brown eyes. She was mad, alright.
"Class dissmissed." Said Mrs.Spruce.
I picked up all my books, and walked to my locker. Joey walked up beside me, since his lockers beside mine. We opened our lockers, and Joeys locker door banged my locker door, slamming it shut. Joey didn't seem to notice. I sighed again.
"Mutt," I said, "Move your locker door, I was here first!"
"Huh?" said Joey, confused.
He seen his locker door was covering mine.
He shruged, did nothing, continue to put his books away.
"Wheeler," I said angriler now, "Move your damn locker door before I move it for you!"
"Oh, ya? What you going to do about it?" Joey said as a threat.
"Wheeler, I have no time for this, I said that hoping you would just move your locker!" I yelled back, "I have to pick-up Mokuba from his elementary school, and I've been late picking him up becuase of you, so just please move your locker!"
Joey smirked. The only time kaiba went soft was for his brother. Mokuba could wait for a bit. He wanted to have fun with Kaiba.
"Mokuba has girly hair! I thought he was a girl when I first met him! He's a girl!" Joey said teasing.
I knew Joey didn't mean what he said. He likes Mokuba, just not me. He just likes to get on my nearves, and of course we always end up in the fight at the end of the day. I was so mad at Joey. His damn locker, insulting my brother...Okay, I'm going to end this now, I thought.
My hand made a fist and came up to my chest. I backed it up, ready to punch him. I reached out to punch him. Joeys eyes got big, and he ducked.
I screamed in pain. My fist hit a locker. I shaked the pain off. Now it was Joeys move. He put me in a head-lock, and make me do a backwards flip onto the floor.
"What?" I thought "wheelers winning? Must of teased him one too many times." Now I was furious. I picked him up onto my shoulders. My back was hurting from him, and I knew it was bruised.
"Ah!" screamed Joey.
Then I seen a short fat man who was bald with green eyes with bushing eye-brows in a geeky tux come angry and approch us. He was the principal of the school, Mr.Dinker. I new we were in trouble. Someone ratted on us.
"MR.KAIBA, PUT MR.WHEELER DOWN THIS INSTANT!" he screamed, his face getting red. I was so nearvous, I didn't put him down. I by accident dropped him.
"Oof!" Joey puffed out.
"Guys, I lost count how many fights you had. This one is one too many, and I'm putting a stop to it!" Said Mr.Dinker.
We were in trouble, Joey and me both knew it.
"I am going to make you two see the school counsilor to work your differenaces." He said, looking like he was going to explode.
My eyes got big, and I got pale and hot. Joey fainted.
"And if we don't, what will happen?" I questioned him.
"How about this..." replied Mr.Dinker, "You will be suspended from school!"
"That's a good enough reason." I said.
"You'll be seeing Miss.Almer, in room 172, and I will let her know you're coming tomorrow at lunch hour, no exuses. You will go there every day at lunch hour. Get along, or you will be suspended. Concider this a warning." He gave me a look, then left.
When he left, Joey and me started at each other. We both screamed.
Meanwhile, Yugi and friends outside.....
"Do you hear that?" asked Yugi.
"Ya..." said Tea confused, "sounded like Kaiba and Joey screaming..."
Then all sighed and said at the same time, "Another fight!"
To be continued...
Darkness' kid