Disclaimer - They're not mine, but they're on my Christmas list.

Dear Daniel,

You of all people know what a hard time I have with feelings. I'll trust you to understand how hard writing this is for me.

When I saw you for the first time I didn't like you. I didn't like anyone then. But on that first mission you saved my life and I began to respect you. It almost killed me to leave you behind. When I returned from Abydos I realized my feelings had grown to more than just respect, but I couldn't go back for you. Not ever.

I spent a year stargazing, watching that point in the sky where I knew you were. Were you thinking of me too?

Then, I got a second chance, I was sent me back through the Stargate for you. But tragedy stuck, Sha're was stolen from you, and I could do nothing but offer comfort.

You've been on the brick of death, heck, you've died, so many times it scares the hell out of me. I couldn't bear to lose you, not for good. I love you too much to let you go.

So there, I said it. Daniel, I love you.


Jack sighed as he reread the letter he had written. Shaking his head he crumpled the paper up and discarded it in the waste basket by his desk, returning to his paperwork. Daniel could never know.

A/N I'm willing to write more if anyone's interested. Please review!