Naraku is sitting quietly beside a river and lying at his feet was the lifeless body of kikyo her bow in pieces with arrows in the ground everywhere. There was blood running down naraku's arm, and he had a distant look in his eyes. A pool of blood was on the ground beside him and behind him the slashed and scared corpse's of miroku, shippo, and kilala. Not far from kikyo's corpse in the river lie the corpse of Sango her katana stabbed into the earth beside the river. Naraku sat there staring downwards his hair covering his face, he was wearing a light blue and purple kimono which was shredded in many places, it was barley hanging onto his bent bleeding body. From behind him came sesshomaru he walked quietly like always but what gave him away was the whining of jakken and the laughter of rin as she skipped along beside sesshomaru. They all stopped once they reached the corpse of shippo, kilala and miroku. Sesshomaru said in a protective voice"jakken take rin away from here". Jakken replied in that annoying voice of his"why master?.....oh". Jakken just noticed the corpses and stopped but was to late, rin had just seen corpses and started to cry and she turned quickly and ran to sesshomaru and hugged his legs. Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around rin and lifted her up into his arms and walked to naraku with rin in one of his arms. Naraku lifted his head slowly and looked at sesshomaru there was some blood coming out of his mouth and his eyes were bloodshot. Rin kept her face buried in sesshomaru's chest she was crying slightly. Naraku said in a weak voice but it sounded as if he had the strength to run away if needed"sesshomaru what are you doing here?". sesshomaru replied in a kind of superior voice" have problems fighting the weakling's eh naraku?". Naraku replied with a hint of spite in his voice"I completely annihilated inuyasha first then killed the rest....and now im wounded badly".Rin lifted her head slightly and looked at naraku and wiggled her way out of sesshomaru's arms and ran to naraku and hugged him slightly and looked at sesshomaru with worry in her eyes. Sesshomaru looked into her eyes for a second and walked over to naraku and pulled out his sword and naraku was looking at them with weak eyes. Sesshomaru pulled out the tensaiga and slashed naraku with it. Naraku started to glow and his wounds began to heal and the blood on his body dried up and was gone and he stood up perfectly fine. Rin was standing beside naraku with a smile on her face and she ran and hugged sesshomaru again and he picked her up in his arm again. Sesshomaru brushed some of Rin's hair out of her face and said to naraku"so you killed my brother and all his friends......and even the priestess kikyo, I must say I am impressed". Sesshomaru and naraku jumped into the air, jakken standing on the ground screaming"mahahahaster come back don't leave me here" the he whispered to himself"why does he treat that human girl so well and me his faithful servant so badly"