TITLE: Prologue - The Prophecy
AUTHOR: Rachel Wong
AUTHOR'S EMAIL: [email protected]
PAIRINGS: None in this chapter...
NOTE: This is set in an alternate universe. Please do not read it if you do not like A/U's. As I have mentioned, this is a story about B/V. There will be a bit on G/C as well. If you don't like them, please don't read.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Dragonball Z and am in no way connected to them. I only wish I was, than I'd have at least SOME $$$. Seeing as how I am broke, sueing me would do you no good. =Þ


A small stone stood unnoticed by everyone passing by for centuries upon centuries. No one saw its radiant light. No one knew the importance of the words etched in it many many years ago, even before the universe was created. Still, it shone brightly in its own little corner of the universe with its message clear for anyone who cared to read it. It read:

A constant struggle of good versus evil shall come down to one fight
The Prince of Darkness versus the Princess of Light
The Prince, cold and uncaring, with a heart as dark as coal
The Princess, kind and compassionate, touching everyone's soul
Their destinies will collide and the struggle will reach it's highest point ever
Who will prevail, who will survive, to have their side live on forever...


In another distant part of the universe, on planet Vegeta, Prince Vegeta's first birthday was being celebrated. Many saiyans were there, not because they cared, but because their was the promise of food and drinks. The Saiyans drank and ate and picked fights with each other while King Vegeta looked down on them all from his castle. His son, though only one, was already showing signs of being a very powerful Saiyan. In fact, he felt as if his son would be the first one in countless decades to reach the legendary Super Saiyan level. King Vegeta smirked as his son woke up grumply from his sleep. As was his usual way of letting the rest of the castle know that he was awake, the Prince began fireing ki blasts around the room. The King was so absorbed watching his son that he did not notice the spaceship approaching the castle. By the time he did, it was too late.

Beta stepped off the spaceship after his captains had reported that all the Saiyans had now been exterminated save for the Prince. He walked to where the little Prince lay and smiled. Yes, this was indeed a powerful being. His visions had been correct once again. He would train the little brat and use him to help expand his already large empire. The Beta Empire stretched over 5 galaxies already with many more galaxies left to be conquered. Beta's smile turned into a scowl when he realized that the Prince was staring back at him with his deep black eyes, not just with a regular stare, but as if he knew what had just happened to his entire race. He looked as if he wanted blood in return for blood.


The Saiyan space pod raced back to planet Vegeta as quickly as it could. Bardock got out of the pod and realized that he was too late. He had been on a mission fighting against an enemy of the Saiyans when he had had a vision of his entire race being wiped out. He had rushed back hoping to be in time to warn the others. Bardock fell to his knees. His mate, his son. He could tell that they were both dead because he couldn't sense their ki.

Kakkarot sensed that there was something wrong with his father and came crawling out and began climbing on his father's back. Bardock looked down at his youngest son and picked him up. Kakkarot was only two months old and Bardock had taken him along for the mission because, as much as it was shunned upon by the Saiyans, he knew he would miss his new born son. Bardock sighed. He would have to go. Planet Vegeta was not worth living on anymore. Everything was destroyed. He walked back into his space pod and set the coordinates. As his pod flew off into space, he took one last look at his home planet that was no more.


Two years later

King Briefs could sense the strangers strong ki level. This scared him quiet a bit but he was comforted at the fact that the stranger was very civil and seemed to respect him. The stranger had said his name was Bardock and that he had come from a distant planet which had been destroyed. He had asked the King if he could join the royal guard.

"Very well Bardock. Seeing as how you have no where else to go and nothing else to do, I grant your request. But be warned, show any signs of treachery and I will show no mercy."

Bardock thanked the King and was shown to his room. He knew the King's threat was an empty one because the King was not strong enough to beat him. However, this did not matter. It hurt his pride to have to bow down to a weakling, but he had no other choice. If he wanted revenge against whoever had killed his race, he would have to train, and so would Kakkarot. They would train until they were ready, but until than, he needed a place to stay.

King Briefs sighed inwardly. He wished that his Queen had been in court that day. It would have made facing the strong stranger much more...comforting. His Queen however, was with their newborn daughter, Princess Bulma. The King smiled at the thought of his daughter with her blue hair and blue eyes. He knew she would be very beautiful. He did not know, however, of the fate that would await her and the trials she would have to endure. He did not know of the destiny which awaited her.