Disclaimer: Sorry, won't say it! I swear I will never say 'I do not own Inuyasha or any of the other characters.' ARGH!! I just did, didn't I?

Authors Note: I hope ya'll like this chapter; I put a lot of logic into it to make it. So if you want more chapters, remember to review nicely, and I'll be sure to put more up! Oh, and in this story you'll notice I put Yamaguchi as Inuyasha's last name. Since Inuyasha doesn't have a last name, I used the guy who is Inuyasha's voice in the Japanese episodes last name… so yeah. lolz

" Good Morning, Tokyo!! Today will be Beeeeaautiful day, with a 5 chance of rain an- " Kagome slapped the 'Snooze' button on her alarm clock and mumbled "Stupid alarm clock." She dragged herself out of bed and yawned. Another exciting day at school…joy. And to top it all off, today was picture day… the day that just about every person in high school hated. Unless you were Kikyo, the prep of the school, then you probably adored picture day. Kikyo was head cheerleader, a member of student council, and not to mention that she was dating school heartthrob, Inuyasha Yamaguchi. They had been voted 'Cutest Couple' at Homecoming. Kagome thought that they should have been voted 'Most Stuck-up Couple.' but when she tried nominated them for that… she found it didn't exist. Kagome wasn't really in specific clique; she was really just well… average.

She shook her head and yawned once more then stumbled over to her closet. She decided she should probably wear her turquoise halter with a plunging neckline, some black slacks with a satin trim waistband, and a pair of turquoise open toed shoes with a small heel. She could just imagine herself falling down the stairs in those. Kagome looked at the clock, 7:45. Great… she was already behind schedule. (School started at 8:00) She quickly threw on her makeup and raced down stairs.

"Kagome, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" Mrs. Higurashi asked sweetly.

" Sorry Mama I can't. I'm late for school!" Kagome called as she hurried out the back door. She hated running in heels… she had practically no balance in them. Then, the worst possible thing that she could think of happened. As she looked at her watch, she didn't notice that someone was in front of her and ran straight into them.

" OW!!! You wench watch where your going!!!" a husky voice yelled. She looked next to her and noticed that it was none other than, Inuyasha Yamaguchi. She stood up and glared.

" It's not my fault that your sorry ass was in my way!!"

Inuyasha stood up as well, " SORRY?! My ass is none of your concern…and it's anything but sorry!!"

"You know what, I don't have time for jerk off's…I'VE got a life!!!" Kagome yelled as she walked off.

She was shaking with anger; she swore if she saw Inuyasha today she would beat him to a pulp. At the gate of the school, she could see her best friends Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka. They were all talking, obviously waiting for Kagome. Kagome started waving and quickened her pace. " Yuka, Ayumi, Eri!!" They all turned and grinned. When Kagome finally caught up with them they all said their hellos' and walked inside the building.

"You actually ran into Inuyasha??" Yuka and Eri asked with interest.

"Yeah, he was a real jerk off too! I really don't understand why all the girls in this school like him so much!"

Yuka, Ayumi, and Eri shook their heads. When they got to their first period, they all sat in their assigned seats. Unfortunately, Kagome didn't get to sit by her friends… she had to sit by Kikyo and Kikyo's best friend, Sango. Kagome hated first period, she had to sit there for a whole entire hour and listen to Kikyo and Sango talk about shopping and how cute of a couple Kikyo and Inuyasha were. Huh, like hell they were.

"Okay class…quiet down." Mrs. Kyoda said sweetly. Everybody just kept talking. "SHUT UP!!!" Mrs. Kyoda yelled. The class went silent with wide-eyed expressions. " Thank you. Now will you please open up you English books to page 225?" she asked sweetly… it sounded more like a command. No one ever listened to Mrs. Kyoda's lectures; they either passed notes or whispered quietly.

"Psst! Sango!" Kikyo whispered. Sango kept looking at the paper on her desk, apparently not even noticing Kikyo. She finally realized that Kikyo wanted her attention when Kikyo threw a pen at her.

"Ouch!" Sango yelped.

"Oh my gosh! Guess who's totally crushing on you!" Kikyo said as her eyebrow moved to the top of her forehead. Kagome had a mean comment to say, but she decided to keep it to herself… she was kind of curious as to who liked Sango. She mentally scolded herself for even caring.

"Miroku Tsuzitani!" she said as she pointed to the back. Sango looked towards the back and saw Miroku looking all dazed. He noticed that she was looking at him, and smiled really big and started waving. He looked like an excited puppy to Kagome. Sango winced and did a fake smile and turned back in her seat. "Him?" Sango asked hoping that maybe Kikyo pointed at the wrong person.

"Yeah, what's wrong with him?" Kikyo asked coolly.

"Well, I just don't think he's right for me. I'm not saying that he's unattractive or anything…"

Kagome could tell that Sango was scared of what Kikyo might say. Inuyasha and Miroku were best friends and Inuyasha had probably asked Kikyo to set Miroku up with Sango. And if Kikyo didn't like what she heard, she'd throw a huge fit until she got what she had wanted accomplished.

"Nonsense, when we go to take pictures… I'll tell him you like him too!" Kikyo said excitedly.

"Oh, that's fabulous…thanks. Hehe." Sango said with a fake smile. Kagome had to admit, she actually felt sorry for Sango. She quickly shrugged it off and tried to listen to the lecture… she had no luck. She was too busy thinking about how close the Winter Ball was. It was about four weeks away and she hadn't even thought about trying to get a date. She didn't want to be 'the loser who couldn't get a date'. This was going to take some thought; it had to be someone with a good social status but not someone who was too stuck-up. Like she was ever going to find someone like that. She sighed heavily and looked around the room for possible dates. Her eyes met with Hojo's, and he smiled at her and started writing something down on a piece of paper. Yuck… Hojo was always after poor Kagome, somehow he always showed up at the same places she did. He was like a stalker, no wait he was a stalker! Kagome shrugged it off and stared at Mrs. Kyoda, acting like she was listening. Just then, a piece of paper was thrown at her head, she turned and saw Hojo pointing to a crumpled up piece of paper as he mouthed, "Read it!" She raised her eyebrow and bent down to pick it up.

"Miss. Higurashi! Do you have something to share with the class?" Mrs. Kyoda asked nicely.

" Um, no I don't believe I do." Kagome said, pretending that there was no letter.

"Well I believe you do. Please hand me that letter or I'll be forced to send you to the office." Mrs. Kyoda said sternly. Kagome got out of her seat and walked by Kikyo, who was giggling uncontrollably, and handed Mrs. Kyoda the letter. This was not going to be a pleasant experience, especially since it was Hojo who wrote her the letter. Mrs. Kyoda cleared her breath and started to read aloud:

"Hey Kagome!"

I was just wondering if you would go to the Winter Ball with me! I think we'd have a great time together… and maybe after the Winter Ball we can take things to a higher level. Whaddya say?

Circle one:

YES or no

Love Always,


Everybody in the class burst into laughter and started pointing at Kagome and Hojo. Kagome slumped back down into her seat and crossed her arms. Hojo just sat there and smiled… he probably thought he had turned into some sort of star. While he continued waving, Kagome's blush got redder and redder. Then, the bell rang and they were dismissed from class. Kagome was so thankful she was literally saved by the bell. Eri, Ayumi, and Yuka made their way over to Kagome.

"Are you okay, Kagome?! I can't believe what just happened!!" Eri said as they walked to second period.

"Yeah, except for the being too embarrassed to show my face in public part. You don't happen to have a paper bag on you, do you?" Kagome asked hopefully.

"Sorry…" Yuka said as she shrugged.

"It's okay. Hey I'll catch up with you guys later… I'm going to go outside and take a walk."

"But Kagome!! You can't skip class!" Ayumi said.

"I know, I'll get the nurse to write me a note saying that I had to go puke somewhere… it'll be okay. I just need to go vent. See ya!" Kagome left her friends and made her way to the school's front doors. Today had NOT been a good day for her and she hoped it would get better. When she stepped outside, she noticed smoke coming from the side of the building. Being as curious as a cat, she walked quietly over to the smoke…she couldn't believe who she saw.

"Hey wench." Inuyasha said slyly.

"Please do not refer me to that, as I will not respond to it." Kagome said with disgust.

"Your full of it, Kagome."

"That's better… kind of. Why are you smoking on school grounds? You know you aren't allowed."

"You actually think I care?"

She squinted her face in disgust and said "You should… the captain of the football team should care more about school rules and his health." Inuyasha chuckled. "Goody goody."

"I am not a goody goody!"

"Yes, you are. I bet you haven't done ONE bad thing in your life."

"Just because I choose not to be grounded or in trouble my whole life DOES NOT mean I'm a goody goody!!"

Inuyasha puffed one more time on his cigarette and threw it down.

"Show me your not."

A/N: Woah! Cliffie! Don't you just wanna find out what happens? Well, I already have the next chapter done so if I get some good reviews, I'll put it up! () R&R!