AN:Before you read this fic, I have to warn you:
Don't read if you're strongly against character death (someone may or may not die)
Don't read if you want a genuine Fairly Odd Parents episode. I don't own Fairly Odd Parents, and if you thought I did, well, I'm sorry but you're a bigger idiot than Cosmo
All these ideas came from the twisted realms of my mind. I own Blake the president of Fairy World, the Fairy and Anti Fairy counsils, the 'Don't Be Haters' counsil (actually, they're just a bunch of high teenagers in this fic), and Cosmo. Waahaahaaa. He's all mine!
Okay, I don't own Cosmo (or other less important characters). They're Butch Hartman's (he's so lucky)
Oh, one little tidbit of information. This takes up after WHERE'S WANDA.
His sobs filled the empty room, and quite possibly the empty house. Wanda was at summer school and Timmy was staying over at AJ's. Cosmo was alone in his bedroom, sobbing his eyes out. His lungs desperatly needed oxygen, but Cosmo didn't care. He didn't have time to breathe.
He only had until Tuesday.
Cosmo shivered involentarily as he glanced again at the letter. Unadiquete performance . . . Threat to human and Fairy kind . . . Fired from your job . . . Released from the community next Tuesday . . .
He speed read the letter and choked up at the word 'released'. He wasn't simply going to be sent into exhile. The president's signiture, as well as the 26 names of the Fairy and Anti Fairy counsils shone on the paper, taunting him.
He was going to die on Tuesday.
Cosmo wiped his eyes and glanced in the mirror. His green eyes were swollen and lined red. They seemed to have a deadness inside of them, as if his soul were gone.
What had he done to be sentanced to the worst punishment imaginable?
He thought about Timmy and Wanda. What would they do when they found out?
'I won't tell them.' he thought, then realized he would have to. On Tuesday, they'd find out. He might as well tell them himself.
'Or better yet, I'll just tell Wanda. She doesn't have to tell Timmy. She can say I had to go live with my mom, or something. Timmy doesn't have to know.'
Wanda poofed angrily into the room after enduring weeks with Mama Cosma. Unaware of her husband's dillema, she immediatly attacked. "IDIOT! I HAD TO SPEND ALL THAT TIME WITH YOUR MOM! DO YOU REALIZE WHAT A MORON YOU ARE? OH MY GOD. . . I CAN'T PUT INTO WORDS HOW IDIOTIC YOU WERE WHEN YOU GOT ME SENT OFF TO THAT SCHOOL, NO NOT SCHOOL. PRISON! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW BAD IT WAS."
'SHe's right, you idiot, moronic loser.' the voice in his head taunted. "I'm sorry." He said quietly.
"SORRY?!?!?! YOU THINK SORRY'S GONNA FIX THIS?" She stopped when she saw the tears streaking down her husbands face. Her anger quickly thawed and melted away. "Sweetie, you know I didn't mean any of that. What's wrong?"
Cosmo handed over the letter. His death sentance and watched as his wife read it.
Dear Mr. Cosmo,
It has come to our attention that you are showing inadiquette performance as a Fairy God Father. We've looked over your records and seen countless examples of your carelessness threaten the lives of human and fairy kind. This cannot go without notice.
The Fairy and Anti Fairy counsils met at a meeting and agreed that innocent lives shouldn't be put on the line due to your lack of responsibility. You are officially fired from your job as a Fairy God Father.
We realize that the needs and safety of the many outweighs the needs of the few or the one. On Tuesday, you will officially be released from the community.
President of Fairy World and Head of the Fairy Counsil