The morning dew became into light mist as the sun was rising. The fresh autumn air was lightly flowing as two students were out at an empty shrine. They stood about five feet away, narrowing their eyes to each other.
A teenage hanyou boy, about the age of 17, stood in front of a tree, known as the 'Sacred Tree'. He had amber colored eyes, long white, silvery hair that went down to his back. He was 6'3 and a little built for a junior in high school.
The teenage girl was facing him. She was about 17 too, a miko. She had straight bangs that came just over her eyebrows. She had long straight black hair that ended just below her butt, had brown eyes and somewhat, very light skin, like porcelain. She was about 5'7, and had a slender body.
Her hair flowed in the direction the wind was going as she steadied her gaze at the boy in front of her.
" Inuyasha. . . it's over. . . and don't bother asking any questions."
"Keh! Like I'd wanna ask any."
"Hope you have a good time, where ever you're goin'."
"It'll be away from YOU, that's good enough." He glared at her.
The silence was thick. Inuyasha was looking down the whole time, angry. He heard a twig snap and lifted his head. She was already walking away, her back facing him as her image got smaller and smaller. Seeing her walk away was the most heart breaking experience he's ever had, besides losing his mother. He leaned against the 'Sacred Tree'. He felt like she had struck him with an arrow, straight into his chest. He stared at the spot where she had been standing.
"Kikyo. . ."
He balled his fists and tried to control his anger. He took a couple of deep breaths and relaxed. He looked up at the 'Sacred Tree' and sighed.
'It wasn't even my fault. . .'
He straightened his shirt out. He could feel the anger start to rise again. He left the shrine and headed to school.
'Today's gonna be a long fuckin' day.'