(Disclaimer; I DON'T OWN CARDCAPTORS SAKURA! Or a Cinderella story, but I'm changing and adding a little bit.)

Fantasy into Reality

Summary; Sakura is an unnoticed, unpopular teenager, who meets her prince charming online. But what happens when she finds out he's the school's hottest and most popular boy. Syaoran Li.

Chapter 1: How it all began


I always had the perfect life since I was small. Although I had no mother, my father took great care of me. We used to play sports together; soccer, baseball, basketball, everything! My dad was famous for the diner he owned, it was where everybody felt like family. But my dad gave me one thing that I did not want, Jamie! After she and my dad accidentally met, in his diner, my dad fell head over heels for her, and eventually they got married. But along with Jamie came her twin daughters, Sally and Sarah. I wanted my dad to be happy so I never complained to him about how I really felt towards Jamie and her twins. If my dad was happy, then I would just have to accept them. But on December 12, my dad left me; it was the day the earthquake struck Tokyo. It all happened like this;

"And so they lived happily ever after, the end."

"Do fantasy ever come true, dad?"

"Maybe, but listen to me Sakura, the fairy tale always contains something important, you just have to find it. I nodded. Suddenly the ground started shaking, my dad and me ran out of the room. Sighs, we were safe.

"Help! Somebody help me!" I could hear Jamie screaming.

"You stay here," my dad told me.

"Don't go."

"I'll come back, Sakura, just remember what I told you," and with that he went to save Jamie. That day I had lost my father to the earthquake, I felt so miserable! Since my father left no will, everything belonged to my stepmother, everything including me…

End of chapter 1

It was short, but hey it's only the first chapter, I'm changing a lot of things in this story like; the characters, I'm mainly using cardcaptors sakura people.

Well, Review!

Signing off;

Angel-of-eternity's friend














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