Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha

Authors note: Gosh school is killing me! I feel so horrible about not updating, but it brings a smile to my face when people keep reviewing for my story, as well as serves as a reminder to get my butt into gear and get to work on this thing if I ever plan on finishing it this century! Well, here I go once again!.

Japanese Dictionary:

Kanpai: like "Cheers!"

Shamisen: a guitar-like instrument that has three strings.

Koto: a way of hitting a drum, either small and narrow or big and wide.

"Up or down Honey child?"

"I think down would be best Miaka Obaa-chan"

"Very well then"

I kneeled on a silk cushion in front of my small mirror. I still sat in my sleeping robes, though Miaka obaa-chan and Sachi-chan were moving about like chickens with their heads cut off. It was rather amusing, but very minor for I was none the better. Only years of living in a palace taught me to act calm, even if you were scared to death.

"Today's the day honey-child, thy reason thou hadst been brought here in the first place"

It was true; it was a little after dawn on the day of Sesshoumaru-sama's coming of age ceremony and I was yet dressed in my lavish miko attire for that day. Maids from the temple reassured me it took a while for a coming such as Sesshoumaru-sama to reach the palace halls and told me not to hurry. Miaka Obaa-chan was currently running almond oil and egg whites through my hair to give it a softer sleek look of the Heian style. My long ebony tresses falling low of my knees. Sachi-chan was running around trying to balance my five-layer kimono on a bamboo rod and was having trouble with the weight, I could feel the silent quaking of Miaka Obaa-chan's hands and she worried horrendously for the kimono.

"I think that's good Miaka Obaa-chan" I smiled to her through my mirror.

She smiled back as she got to her feet in surprising ability and gently shooed away Sachi-chan's hands to fix the kimono and prepare it for dressing.

"Today is the day" she softly whispered.

'It is indeed' I told myself silently as I stood to go to Miaka obaa-chan who was holding out the first layer of my Miko garment.

The brass gong of the shrine gave its noon cry and numerous sounds of clapping could be heard from outside of the shrine gates. Here, inside the dark, lacquered hall of the main shrine, all glossed and incense sticks burning along the way of a main path leading up to where I was sitting. I sat on a large square kneeling cushion with the grand embroidery of an Inu-no-Taisho at the right of a large heavily embroidered futon cushion that was just as elaborate. Lord InuTaisho and I sat alone in this vast, dark space listening to the jeers and applauding of the crowd gathered just outside; they were watching the young Lord Sesshoumaru battle the best General Lord InuTaisho had so he may proceed into the shrine and be christened as the Heir of the Inu-no-Taisho and to recognize he has come of age.

Miaka Obaa-san chose a kimono of rich pinks that matched the cherry blossoms falling out side. My face was painted a ceremonial white with my bottom lip painted a crimson red and my eyes a shade of dark pink. My kimonos, all twenty of them spread out behind me and my hair was now able to rest a foot beyond my feet.

"He is fighting quickly" Lord InuTaisho remarked as he sat there on the mass cushion, his chin resting on one of his magnificent clawed hands.

"That is good I presume?" I wanted to make conversation.

"Very good, my lady, for it means he shows no nonsense, prepare for I bet he will be striding through those doors at any moment"

I smiled and gave him a little bow before rising my feet in an elegant fashion and walking behind the lord InuTaisho to where the MokoMoko-sama made of Lord Sesshoumaru's mother sat, the long fur wrapped in a little spiral with sweet smelling incense on top.

I clapped my hands three times to ask for the kami's to listen and said a small prayer, asking for the ceremony to bless this right of passage and then bowed to the incense.

I shifted the MokoMoko-sama from under the incense and turned to stand behind the Lord InuTaisho as I had been told. I took this chance to stare down at him and smile at him from above.

"I admit Lord, I am curious as to which you want to ask me" I suddenly said.

"I imagine so"

I could hear the smirk in his voice, and that caused me to do so in return.

"Prepare, they approach"

I took a long deep breath and relaxed, staring at the door in peace and let a smile of fondness grace my features.

Three knocks sounded at the door, and Lord InuTaisho waved a hand to let them in, two monks dressed in black came forward and pulled the doors open. There stood in all grandeur, Lord Sesshoumaru. His dragon-hide armor glistening from the sunlight just above him and his silhouette giving him a larger presence.

"You have conquered your opponent?" the clear baritone of the lord InuTaisho rung out.

"Yes Father"

"You showed wise mercy?"

"Hai Chichi-ue"

"And you gave away no emotion to your opponent?"

"Hai Chichi-ue"

All was quiet for a bit. Lord InuTaisho stood from his futon cushion and opened his arms, palms toward the heavens and gave another clear tone.

"All who have witnessed this encounter and knows of this to be true say so!"

There was a bark of "Hai" sounding from behind the young lord and the lord InuTaisho nodded and sat back down. "Then you may come forward, my son."

The young lord did as he was told, finally dropping to a low one-kneed bow in front of his father who held a gaze of such pride.

"For your honorifics, you are to be presented with the MokoMoko-sama of you dear mother whom holds its own respect in this court, where it with pride, honor, and know that all of you ancestors bless and watch you in all of you earned glory"

"I will succeed and remember father"

Lord InuTaisho nodded at me and that was my signal to start purification. I held the long pelt in my kimono arms, closed my eyes, and took my right hand and swept the fur of the MokoMoko. My hand was tickled as the long, gracious, fur brushed my palm and I murmured a few choice prayers. I suddenly felt a warm feeling in my body, almost like a candle was being lit within my heart. I opened my closed eyes to see a bright blue light radiating from the palm of my hand and being absorbed into the MokoMoko which took its glow.

I could feel the eyes of the court upon me and I felt such a shock enter my system that I felt dizzy, what was going on!

It suddenly stopped and I felt myself sway a little bit as I walked toward Lord Sesshoumaru and wrapped the MokoMoko onto his shoulder for where it would rest of his life.

When I turned to take my place sitting next to the lord InuTaisho, I could see the look of amazement on his face, and the heat of the stares of my back from the rest of the court.

The music was jubilant, shamisen and Koto drums played alongside the lute and put a happy atmosphere on the celebration party of the court. Once again I was given the honor of sitting to the side of the lord InuTaisho and sit on the higher levy.

"Kanpai!" lord InuTaisho raised his sake cup towards one of his court men who raised their own cup in our direction.

"This is lovely" I commented as I broke into the broiled eel (one of my absolute favorites!) on my plate.

"I agree my lady" he took a swig of his sake, "but what would be lovelier, would be if I could see a dance"

"A dance my lord?"

"Indeed, I have heard you sing with beauty, I must inquire how your dancing is" he gave me a smirk.

I quickly looked down at my beloved eel and felt my face flush. What could I do? Last time I remember dancing was when I was twelve at my father's castle, and my tutor smacking my legs with his long white fan when I made a misstep.

"My dancing, my lord, is just…well I haven't danced in such a long time and I wouldn't want to disappoint you…"

"Nonsense! I highly doubt that is possible"

"Oh it is my lord" I looked demurely still at my eel.

I could feel his gaze on my head and felt a clawed hand my shoulder, heavy, warm, and comforting.

"I promise you won't disappoint me" his voice heavy and filled with something I couldn't place…

"Alright, you've beat me to it" I casted him a wary smile, but a smile nonetheless.

I stood up and took out my cherry-blossom fan from my hakama tie, the one that Miaka obaa-chan placed in at the last moment, and stood in the middle of the floor where there was just a long rectangle of tatami mats.

"The maiden who cried, if you please" I whispered to the shamisen player.

I heard the pling-ponk of the shamisen put out that long heart wrenching note and the small cry of the lute. I snapped my fan open and automatically felt the gaze of the court upon me. I slowly bent my knees and drew my fan slowly down a cheek, my eyes closed; I pivoted as slow as possible emphasizing the movement of the hem of my long kimonos. Then suddenly the music picked up a faster tone. I swirled my fan about my finger tips all the while doing pre carious flip between my two hands with it. I whipped out another fan from my hakama tie, thanks to Sachi-chan, and did some precarious flips all the while swaying and stepping with the music when it suddenly stopped. I snapped the fans closed and bowed my head slowly and went down to one knee, my hair covering my face.

I head approving claps from everyone in the court and stood with a grace, smiling bashfully at everyone in the room and took my seat next to lord InuTaisho.

I slipped the fans back into my hakama tie and turned to face him.

"Did I disappoint?"

He looked at me with a heavy gaze, but in his eyes I saw something that made me warm.

He stood up with a long grace and for a moment I was able to catch Sesshoumaru being rambled to by cooing courtesans once more….poor guy..

"Will you join me?"

I looked up at the lord InuTaisho and nodded, slipping my hand into his clawed one and allowed him to help me up.

"Lovely night" I whispered as we stepped out onto the lacquered verandah.

Lord InuTaisho nodded and grunted seeming almost nervous about something. I cautiously reached my small hand out and touched his briefly.

"if you remember my lady, I told you that I wanted to ask you something"

I smiled and nodded, I couldn't get my voice to work.

"What I'm asking…It is something I do not ask lightly…"

"Yes?" I squeaked out.

"Damn it, this wasn't so hard before!"

This time I not only touched his hand, but held it.

"What is it?" I asked softly, trying to hide my nervousness.

He gripped my hand back and turned to look me in the eye. He seemed to relax a little…

"I'm not a big romantic at this type of thing; this is scarier than being in the battle field…but… would you.."


he gave a frustrated sigh and looked me hard in the eye.

"Would you allow me to court you?"



"To…..court me?"

"Yea" he grunted.

I felt my heart warm and I looked at him with such a gaze, that I could feel the heat pour out of my eyes.

"I'll allow you"

Author's note: ok, were finally moving here! I'm sorry for the long pause in-between but School work got in the way a lot. This is the last time ill leave my story hanging like that.