

Starfire sat in her room, clutching the photograph. From the way she held it, someone would assume it was her last lifeline. In a way, it was.

No, not it…

He. He was the reason tears were streaming down her cheeks, the reason she no longer laughed. He was why she didn't have that twinkle in her eyes, why she didn't see anyone…she just stayed in her room and stared at this picture.

Robin. Starfire's eyes welled up again at the thought of his name. He was gone. Vanished. No one knew what had happened, where he was taken, or who took him. All they knew was that he wasn't there anymore. He wasn't there to lead the team, beat Beast Boy and Cyborg at games, brood with Raven, or teach Starfire earthly ways. He was gone.

Starfire silently wept. A single drop hit the page, followed by another. It was a picture of her and Robin dancing. Cyborg, ever handy, had taken a picture of them at the prom, soon after they had defeated Kitten. Starfire waited for the anger she felt towards the girl to appear.

And waited…

It did not come.

Star was so saddened by Robin's departure, she had no time for other emotions…she felt only despair.


Robin growled. It had been 4 weeks…a month since he had been taken. He had no way to get out. Believe me, he tried everything.

Strangely, he had never met hit captor. The man had other men bring his food to him, and spoke to him through a intercom constructed behind the ceiling, and even then, his voice was obviously disguised.

Robin sighed, and let his head droop back onto his shoulders, and sank down so that his knees were parallel to his chest. Being kidnapped was tiring, and he found himself yearning for his bed. His soft warm bed. His cozy pillow…the pillow he kept a picture of Starfire under.

Starfire. Did she miss him? He had a hundred questions about what had happened since he…left. Had she met someone new, someone else to describe Earth to her? Was the team okay? Did Beast Boy ever find that tofu he was missing? Did Starfire ache for him as he desired her?

Robin opened his masked eyes. This day…it was…


Awful…that was the word to describe the way Starfire felt. Her cheeks were red from crying, and her eyes were puffy and dry. Her stomach was growling from not eating much food for the past 3 days. Her throat was dry, and she longed for the warmth of the sun. But joy seemed beyond her now…because…

He was her sunlight. To her, it seemed every room lit up when he walked in. He thought that his negative mood brought down the whole team, but she had cocked her head at that and merely looked confused, before saying, "Robin, you are quite the opposite…you are not negative…you are positive!"

She smiled a little, reminiscing. She gasped loudly, and quickly admonished herself. Robin was out there cold and alone, and she was laughing? Or…was he cold and alone? What if he ran away? What if he was…happy? What if he was d-

No. Robin was not d-

NO! Saying that he is dead will make you think that he is- BUT HE ISN'T!


Across who knows how many miles, and sitting near the window of the cells that they lived in, two teens looked towards the stars. They summed up their day in one word..
