Prologue 1: James H. Potter

A fat, old owl flew into James' room through the window. James reached his hand over to the owl's leg and untied the envelope, immidiately recegnizing the Hogwarts seal.

"You'd think they'd have healthier owls then this to deliver the owls," James thought aloud. He opened the letter, taking notice of the fact that it was fatter than usual. Inside was his usual school list, as well as a hand book with a note attatched.

"Mr. Potter -

I am proud to announce that you have been chosen as the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. I can only hope that you will continue to lead our team as the former captain did,

and lead us to another Quidditch Cup. I would like to remind you that as captain your are to

set an example for the other members of the Quidditch team. Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer.


Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Head Mistress

"About time," James harumphed. He opened the handbook and inside was a patch. It was a scarlet C with gold edgeing. "Evans will have to notice me if I wear this on my robes. Yeah, that'll impress her."

James still couldn't figure out why she didn't like him. It obviously wasn't his looks, he and Sirius were the two best looking guys at Hogwarts, with Remus at third. He was about 5'9, not too tall, not too short. He had shoulder length black hair; it was wavey, but not extremely so. He had rather peculiar eyes; they were hazel, true, but they seemed to become almost gold around his pupil, though one didn't notice this until they stared deeply into them. His nose wasn't straight, but it didn't jut out either. It had clearly been broken beforer. His Adam's Apple was rather prominent, his neck was quite muscular. He had very muscular arms and a muscular body. He had grown a beard over the summer, shaved it off, and now it was beginning to come in again. He could make any girl fall for him. Why didn't Evans like him?

"Your a bit conceited, mate."

Sirius' words from the end of fifth year still stung in his ears.

"I'll show her what a gentlemen I can be. This is the year, I can feel it," he thought.

And with that he went outside for a smoke and a fly around the pitch.