Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Totally Spies characters

Bad Day

Chapter Four

"Clover let me in!" She knocked on the door thinking 'my how the tables have turned.'

"Go away Alex! Leave me alone!" Clover's sobs could be heard through the door making Alex feel terrible for not being in there to comfort her.

"Come on, Clover, please?" The only answer she got out of Clover was more sobs. "If you're not letting me in then I'll have to let myself in." She sounded exactly like Clover did when she had tried to get into Alex's room.

"No!" Clover jumped off of her bed, ready to brace her door. "Don't break my-!" There was a soft click and Alex walked in. "-door? How did you manage that?" She temporarily forgot the situation and was interested in how Alex had managed to save the door. Alex grinned and held up two little metal rods.

"We're spies, Clover. We know how to do things like break into rooms." Her grin faded into seriousness. "Clover we need to talk."

"Oh, can we just drop this? You know, pretend this never happened?" She was pleading and trying to act like nothing was on her mind.

"But it did happen, Clover."

"Yeah I know it did." Clover sighed and sat down on her bed feeling scared and alone. She covered her face with her hands to hide the pained look on her face when she said, "But I really didn't mean to do it. It was just…" She took a deep breath. "It was just an accident."

"Clover…" Alex moved to sit down next to her but Clover just shook her head.

"No, Alex, you should just go." She had lost all hope of Alex ever liking her as more than a friend. A wave of deep depression was starting to sink into her, the only thing that was keeping it at bay was the fact that Alex still hadn't left.

"But Clover, where should I go?"

"I don't know, to your room?"

"I can't go back there now. "Alex calmly watched Clover lift her face up and stare at her in confusion.

"Why can't you go back to your room?"

"Because my room doesn't have a door…" She sat down next to Clover and wrapped her arm around the shaking shoulders that gave away the sorrow still being held back.

"You could go into the living room." Clover closed her eyes, trying to lock away the feel of Alex's arms wrapped around her shoulders for when the depression took over her. Maybe the memory of Alex's warmth wrapped around her would lift her up from the despair she'd soon be facing. Then again, probably not, since Alex didn't return Clover's feelings.

"Nah, it gets too cold in there at night. Plus, it's really lonely when there's no one else sitting on the couch."

"Well then go into Sammy's room." She couldn't help but shiver as Alex gently rubbed her back.

"But I don't like Sam's room." She crinkled her nose. "There're too many posters of Albert Einstein on her walls. It kinda freaks me out. So I guess I'm stranded for the night." Clover tried to look into Alex's eyes

"What do you mean you're stranded for the night?" She shivered yet again when Alex moved her hand farther up her back to temporarily rest it in-between her shoulders blades.

"Well…" Alex had moved her hand up to the back of Clover's neck and began to trace circles and stars with her fingers. She could feel the tension in Clover begin to fade. "It's too cold to sleep in the living room, there's no way in hell that I'd sleep in Sam's room and my own room has pieces of wood all over it. The only place left for me to sleep would be, well, in here."

Clover sat up and moved a little further from Alex, feeling Alex's hand slip limply off of her shoulders. "Whoa, Alex, I…" She had no clue what to say. Sure she wanted Alex to stay with her but then again, had she pressured Alex into staying or did Alex actually want to stay of her own free will? Clover could hardly think. Alex was gazing into her eyes and Clover's heart instantly did a back flip as her breathing became shallow.

"Yes Clover?" Her eyebrows rose in a patient question but her eyes were staring hungrily at Clover.

"I… I didn't mean to say that I loved you. It was a joke." She knew that Alex could see right through her lie and would probably hit her but she didn't. All Alex did was gently lean in and whisper into Clover's ear, "I really hope you don't mean that." Her hot breath sent chills all over Clover's body.

"Alex-"She was silenced as Alex snaked her arms around Clover's neck and pulled her closer until their lips met in a tender kiss. Clover instantly wrapped her arms around Alex's waste and slowly leaned back, carefully pulling Alex down on the bed with her. Once they were lying on top of each other with Alex straddling Clover's hips they could faintly hear a door open and close. Alex sat back up and moved as if to get off of Clover but Clover would have none of that. She gripped Alex by the shirt and pulled her back down. Alex only struggled for a millisecond before she decided to give in and let her shirt get pulled off of her. Just as Alex was unbuttoning Clover's shirt and Clover was throwing Alex's shirt onto the floor they heard footsteps. Neither of them seemed to care much so they kept at it until…


"Sammy!" Alex jumped off of Clover and searched frantically for her shirt. Unfortunately it was on the floor near Sam's feet. Alex decided it would be best if she just stay where she was and kind of move a little closer to Clover for protection.

"Hello Sam and how are you? How is the shelter doing?" Clover didn't even bother to button up her shirt but instead just sat up on her bed, crossed her legs and smiled politely as though nothing was out of the ordinary, nothing at all. The only thing that gave away her slight embarrassment at being caught was a delicate pink tinge that crept across her cheekbones.

"I'm… what… what the hell?" Sam's face was full of confusion and it seemed as though it might take her a while to form a complete sentence. Alex and Clover exchanged worried glances. Eventually Sam took a deep breath and managed to ask a pretty obvious question. "What's going on here?"

"Uhm, you see, there was the door and I had no place to stay so we ran around and kissed." Alex could have smacked herself in the head when she realized how much she lacked sense. She looked pleadingly at Clover who sighed and nodded her head, secretly agreeing to explain things to Sam even though she'd rather not.

"So Sam, you're home early."

"Clover!" Sam she was looking at Clover like a teacher looks at two students making out in the janitor's closet.

"Alright, fine. Alex was just trying to tell you that we've, uh, 'learned' some things about each other while you were gone and we've kind of… become an item…?"

"Yes, yes we have." Alex looked into Clover's eyes once more, nearly jumping on top of Clover again. As Sam struggled to get out another sentence Alex reached over and grabbed Clover's hands. She squeezed it and was rewarded with a dazzling smile. Clover took a deep breath and decided that Sammy was taking too long.

"Look, if you're just going to yell at us about how what we're doing is wrong then can you just please go away?" Sam's eyes suddenly came back into focus and she realized what she was doing.

"God, I'm sorry you guys." She shook her head. "I'm not mad at you or anything, I was just kind of surprised at finding you two… well, surprised at finding you two here… like this…" Her eyes started going out of focus again and Alex worried that she might pass out.

"Sammy…?" Sam looked up from the floor to find a concerned Alex gaping at her. She smiled wearily.

"If you guys are happy together then I'm happy for you." She looked for her keys and realized she must have dropped them sometime between the "what" and the "hell". "I'm going to go back to the shelter. I just came back for my jacket."

"Uh…" Clover and Alex watched as Sam turned around and slowly walked out of the door in a strange, almost hurt daze. Clover turned to face Alex. "That was weird. Do you think she's ok?"

"Who cares?" Alex grinned and jumped on Clover. She was rewarded with an "umff!" and a low moan.

Outside of their preppy house, Sam walked towards her car. Her entire world was being turned upside-down and she needed something to cling to. Or maybe, someone? She opened her car door and stood there, staring at the emptiness that seemed to engulf her life. The wheels in her head were turning so quickly she was sure smoke was coming out of her ears. It wasn't until she heard a high-pitched squeal and saw the lights in Clover's room turn off when she finally made up her mind. Sam let out the breath she had been holding and sat inside of her car, slamming the door shut in a decisive way. Before starting the car, she took out her cell phone and punched in some numbers. Her certainty in her actions grew each time her finger hit a number. Once she was done, she held the phone up to her ear and waited. She counted two rings before an out of breath voice sounded in her ear. The receiver of her call had obviously run to the phone in a hurry.

"Hello, Mandy?" Sam started the car, rolled up her window, and put the roof back up on her convertible. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I've changed my mind…"

Author's Note:

Is this a cliff hanger? Oh my goodness! I think it is! Don't worry folks, I'll tell you all what happens… it just might take a while is all… muahahahaha….