Disclaimer – I do not own any of the characters from Totally Spies.

Sorry if this starts off too soon. I just didn't quite feel like writing a whole beginning to this. Sometimes it's really nice to start semi- in the middle.

Bad Day

Chapter One

"Hey Alex, wait up!" Clover ran to catch up with her on the walk home.

"Oh, hey Clover" What is she doing here? God, why does she have to follow me today of all days? Normally I wouldn't mind but I just can't take it today. Besides, isn't she supposed to be fighting with Mandy right now?

"What're you doing later? I was thinking that you, Sam and I could hang out at the mall. I saw the best pair of shoes in a magazine and I have GOT to have them. So you're coming, right?" That was more of a statement than a question and she knew it.

"I'm busy." She's so full of excitement. Maybe I should go with her. It couldn't hurt and I never get to hang out with her anymore. But it would be too painful for me to hang out with her, too risky. Even if Sam goes I'm bound to do something stupid. I'll probably mumble something and she'll ask to me say it louder so I'll just say something like "I was wondering why they don't make more shoes with zippers instead of laces?" Then they'll both look at me like I'm some kind of idiot and my IQ will have dropped to -10.

"Oh, so you have plans?" Clover looked slightly disappointed but determinedly kept a smile on her face.

"Sort of…" She'd better not ask me what my plans are cause I know I don't have any good excuses for not going. Why does the house have to be so far away from the school?!

"Oh…" Clover gave her a goofy grin but it obviously one forced onto her face. "Does Alex happen to have a date…?" She was eyeing Alex suspiciously out of the corner of her eyes.

"No, Alex does not have a date!" I hate referring to myself in third person.

"Well then what do you have to do tomorrow?!" She threw her hands up in frustration.

"I have to do homework." That's a lousy excuse but I hope she buys it.

"Is that ALL?!!" She's obviously amazed that her friend would pass up hanging out with her to do homework. "It's Friday! You have two more days to do all the homework you want!"

"Yeah, but I have a lot of studying to do." That's not enough of an excuse to give. "And I have to finish my extra credit projects for my Geology and English classes."

Clover's jaw dropped. "But you finished them two weeks ago!" Alex said something under her breath. "What?"

"I said it can't hurt to do them again to help me study."

Clover smacked herself in the forehead. "I thought Sam was supposed to be the nerdy one" She muttered to herself. "Look, you don't even need the extra credit. You have A's in all of your classes! Give me one good, legitimate reason why you can't go shopping with us."

"Because I don't want to!" for Christ's sake, why can't she just leave me alone? Damn, four more blocks to go. Oh no.

Clover stopped and grabbed Alex's wrist, forcing Alex turn around and face her. Concern was written all over her face as she asked, "Alex, what wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong! Why would you think something's wrong? Does it LOOK like something's wrong?" I shouldn't be so sarcastic. God, she's so pretty when she's concerned. I don't deserve to be her friend.

She tried to pull her arm away but she couldn't get out of Clovers firm grasp. "Yes, it does look like something's wrong. Why, you ask: because lately you've been acting strange. I hardly get to talk to you anymore. You just keep yourself locked up in your room all day and you've stopped eating with me and Sam at lunch. You're acting so depressed so I KNOW that something's wrong." Clover was searching for a sign, something, anything that would tell her what was wrong with Alex. Alex was trying to look anywhere other than Clover.

"Why won't you just tell me what happened? What's making you act like this?"

Alex finally ripped her arm out of Clover's grasp. "Nothing's making me act like this! I'm just fine and dandy, really I am. And I'm not acting differently. You just automatically assumed that I've changed because I'm not eating with you or hanging out with you. Well you're wrong! I'm the same old, stupid little Alex that has no life except to go on pointless missions and work on homework." She started to speed walk, leaving Clover just standing there and not knowing what to do. Just when she was walking up to the door, Sam came out with her car keys in her hand.

"Oh, Alex, I was just going to call you. I'm going out tonight to work at a homeless shelter and probably won't be back until 11. I'm already late so will you tell Clover that I'll be back later? Oh, hey, there she is. Why is she running? Oh well, I've really got to go. So will you tell her?"

"Fine" Alex walked past Sam and into the house, slamming the door behind her.

"What was that all about?" She was standing by the car door when Clover ran by. Sam gave Clover a questioning look making her hesitate before answering.

"Uh, Alex is kind of having a bad day…" She ran into the house. Sam just shrugged and got into the car.

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