(Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans. There. I said it. Now I feel better.)
It was just another ordinary morning in the lives of the Teen Titans—that is, Beast Boy was running screaming through the halls of Titans Tower. He burst into the living room, paused for a moment to catch his breath, and then ran into the kitchen area and hid behind Cyborg, currently the only other Titan in the room, who was frying some eggs.
"What is it now, grass stain?" he asked, without showing much enthusiasm. He already knew what the answer would be.
"Raven's going to kill me!" Beast Boy cried.
Ahhh, sweet routine, thought Cyborg. "What did you do this time?" he said out loud. "Wait, wait, don't tell me. I don't want to know."
Just then, the door to the living room opened, showing a brief glimpse of a dark blue cloak. Beast Boy squeaked with fright and dived under the sofa.
"Don't tell her I'm here!" he said in a stage whisper.
Raven stepped into the room, paused as she caught sight of a quivering sneaker sticking out from under the sofa, then made her way to the kitchen to make herself some tea.
"Beast Boy's under the couch," said Cyborg. There was a thump from under the couch, followed by some muffled cursing.
"I know," said Raven. She continued to make her tea. Apparently, it was quite an absorbing process.
Beast Boy slunk out from under the sofa, rubbing his head gingerly, and tried desperately to sneak out of the room without being noticed. This was a very difficult task, largely due to the severe lack of any sort of cover whatsoever between him and the door. However, Raven didn't seem to be moving, so he managed to make it to the door and bolt down the hall.
"He's making a break for it, you know," said Cyborg.
"Shhh," Raven said. "Tea now, vengeance later."
"Oh, right," said Cyborg. "Good luck with that."
Robin was busy studying reports of a recent string of thefts in the technology district of Jump City when there was a frantic knock at his door. He sighed, made sure everything on his desk was in order so he could return to his study later, and opened his door to reveal a very worried looking Beast Boy. There was, however, a glimmer of hope in the small green boy's eyes.
"Robin! Quick! Have we ever fought a bad guy who used some kind of amnesia ray or something?" he said, with not just a little desperation in his voice.
"Just answer the question, man!"
Robin thought for a moment.
"Oh, there was that guy three months ago," he said. "Called himself Dr. Forgetto, Master of Memory, or something like that."
"Great, great, now here's the really important part," said Beast Boy. "Do you have his amnesia ray in the evidence room?"
"Of course," said Robin. Hope sprang into full bloom on Beast Boy's face.
"But," Robin continued, "it was damaged when we brought him in, so it doesn't work anymore." Beast Boy's face fell.
"You did something to piss off Raven again, huh?" Robin said.
"Piss her off? She's way more than pissed off this time!" Beast Boy said. "She's been after me all day!"
Cut to Raven, sitting quietly in her room reading a book entitled "Paranoia: How it Can Work for You", then cut back to Beast Boy and Robin.
"Well, sorry, but I think you're going to have to bite the bullet and just apologize to her," Robin said, and closed his door.
"Oh, man…I am so dead," muttered Beast Boy as he wandered back down the hall.
Beast Boy knocked on Starfire's door next.
"Star?" he said, trying to be as quiet as possible while still making himself heard. "Are you in there?"
"One moment please!" Starfire called from inside. After precisely one moment, she opened her door.
"Beast Boy, my friend!" she said, a sunny smile on her face. "Is there something that you wish of me?" Beast Boy grinned sheepishly.
"Uh, yeah, Star, could you, um, hide me for, I don't know, a few days or something?" he asked. "I could stay in your closet, and I swear I'll be quiet."
"Oh, this is to avoid Friend Raven's wrath, is it not?" said Starfire, not losing an iota of her cheerful disposition. "Unfortunately, I fear that she has already instructed me not to interfere in the dispensation of her righteous fury."
"Oh," said the crestfallen Beast Boy. "She told you what I did, huh?"
"Yes, she is quite angry," said Starfire. A puzzled look crossed her face. "I must admit, though, that I do not fully understand why your actions have aroused her ire so. I myself find the aroma of rotting eggs quite soothing."
"Uhhh, yeah, Raven probably doesn't though," said Beast Boy. "Thanks anyways, I guess."
"Oh, there is not a large agreement," said Starfire, her bright smile returning. Beast Boy considered this statement for a moment—he had known Starfire for some time now, but some aspects of Starspeak still confused him.
"Um. Do you mean 'No big deal'?" he asked.
"Oh, yes, of course! My apologies," said Starfire. Her smile widened.
"Okay, I'll, uhhh, see you later then," said Beast Boy.
"Yes, indeed! Goodbye now," said Starfire. She closed her door, and once again Beast Boy was left to his fate.
Beast Boy was doomed, and he knew it. He had been backed into a corner—how could he have been so stupid? Raven was advancing on him, slowly, and although her expression was unreadable, he got the distinct impression that she was enjoying his fear.
"Hey, now, Raven, don't do anything you'll regret later," he said. His eyes darted back and forth, searching vainly for some way to escape the inevitable. Raven continued to move closer.
"Come on, Raven, I'm your friend, your comrade!" Beast Boy said, desperate now. "You don't want to do this!"
Raven was now only a few feet away. She opened her mouth to say something. Beast Boy cowered in her shadow.
Then, the alarm went off.
Robin's voice blared over the intercom. "Titans! Trouble!"
Raven looked away for a moment, then turned her gaze back onto Beast Boy.
"We'll finish this later," she said, and floated away. Beast Boy sighed with relief, and made his way to the living room, where the others would be assembling, making sure to stay well behind Raven.
Author's Note: Nevermore is one of my favourite episodes. The interaction between Cyborg, Beast Boy, and the various aspects of Raven's personality is great. I would have liked to see more interaction between the aspects themselves, though (maybe that appears in season 4 or something, but I haven't seen it yet—curse you, slow Canadian TV networks!). Anyway, it was that thought that led me to the idea for this story. I know it doesn't look like it has anything to do with Raven's divided personality yet, but trust me, it will. Oh, yes, it will. Muwahahahaaa! Ahem.
Yeah, so read and review, etc. etc. Serious criticism is always welcome, flames will be made fun of, and so on.