Chapter VIII: A Day with Alex…
Alex finished with her shower and went to her room to dress. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a lavender turtleneck sweater and her furred boots. She brushed her hair and put on her favorite beanie. She fetched her gloves and scarf. Her jacket was downstairs.
Inuyasha was waiting for her downstairs when she got there. He had already put on his jacket.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked.
"I don't have my car with me so we're going to have to walk. I had to get the tires replace so I have to go get it later this morning." She explained as she put on her coat.
"Where are we going then?"
"We're going to this little restaurant. It's only two blocks away."
She locked the door behind them after she fed Avalon. It wasn't too cold outside. They found that they had to walk in the street since the sidewalk weren't shoveled yet. It was a good that the neighborhood she lived was a dead end so not too many cars went by. It started to snow on their way to the restaurant. The little restaurant was warm and cozy and was already packed when they got there. They waited half-an hour before they were seated and another twenty before they got their food.
Sesshoumaru had dropped Kagome home before he went home himself. He needed to get a few things done before he met with Kagome later on. He packed his car in the driveway next to Inuyasha's. So the little dickhead was home so why didn't he answer his cell phone when Kagome called him an hour ago. He probably was still sleeping well not long. He used the garage door to enter the house. On his way to the first floor where the bedrooms were, he met with his father.
"Morning, father."
"Morning, Sesshoumaru. How are you this morning?"
"Say, have you seen Inuyasha?"
"Isn't he in his room?"
"No. he didn't come home last night. I thought he might have spent the night at your house."
"He didn't. Last I saw him; it was around ten last night. I left him and the others at the club after I left with Kagome."
"I tried calling his phone but he's not answering."
"Ummm…why are you looking for him anyway?"
"I need to talk with your brother."
"About what? What did that idiot do this time?"
"Nothing bad. I just need to talk to him about some of his investment. Looks like your brother made some money this past week."
Kagome got home, she found her little brother, Souta, in the living room watching TV. He told her that their mom went to the grocery store and grandpa was in his workshop in the basement.
"Where's Kikyou?"
"She's been locked in her room since last night."
"I'm going to see her."
He went back to his show and she went upstairs. Kikyou's room was right next to hers. She knocked but no one answered.
"Kikyou, are you in there?"
"Go away."
"Oh! Come on. Open the door."
"Leave me alone, Kagome. I don't want to talk right now."
"What's wrong? Come on open the door so we can talk."
The door flew open and a red-eyed came out. The normally pristine girl looked disheveled with dark bags under her eyes. She sported a nasty purple bruise on her left cheek and a cut lip.
"What happened?" Kagome asked.
"Nothing happened."
"Kikyou, you looked like hell. You can't tell me that nothing happened?"
"Well, that's none of your business, anyway. So why don't you just go away?"
"Kikyou…I just want to help. Just tell me what happen."
"And you'll what? You'll fix it."
"You can't fix everyone's problems, Kagome. And as for your help. I don't need it. I never asked for it."
"Fine, be a bitch about it. I don't care."
She turned on her heels and went to her room. Kagome sighed when she heard Kikyou's door slamming shut. Looks like she wasn't getting any answers from Kikyou. That left Inuyasha. She had tried calling him this morning, but she only got his voicemail. She picked her cell phone and dialed the number again, hoping she'd get an answer. However, she got the same answer. Inuyasha wasn't answering his phone. She then decided to call Sesshoumaru. Maybe Inuyasha was home.
"Hi, Sess."
"Hey, love."
"Have you seen Inuyasha?"
"Nope. He's not home. He hasn't been since last night. I just talk to Miroku and he told be me that Inuyasha got into a fight with Naraku at the club."
"Naraku? Why?"
"Apparently, Kikyou was with him and…"
"What? She cheated on Inuyasha?"
"You sounded surprise."
"I am. I can't believe she would do such a thing."
"I can. She was hitting on me.
"Yeah but…"
"Anyway, Inuyasha fought with Naraku and then left by himself. Miroku drove Sango home but he doesn't know where Inuyasha is. And the little shit is not answering his phone."
"I hope he's alright wherever he is."
"Well it doesn't matter. Dad's still gonna kill him."
"What did he do?"
"When he found out that Inuyasha was in fight. He'd have his head."
"I'm sure he has a good explanation."
"For his sake, he better."
"Hey, Alex?"
"Would you mind if I spend the day here…with you?"
"You want to stay here?"
"Yeah. Is that alright?"
"Yeah, that's sure. But I have to warn you I have a bunch of chores to do."
"That's alright. I can take a nap while you do your chores. I still have a headache."
"I can wake you up when I'm done."
"Sounds good."
So while Alex cleaned up the house and took care of laundry, Inuyasha napped away his headache and sorrow. A couple of hours later, Alex's car was brought back from the shop and she left to get the groceries. She knew she was taking a big chance leaving Inuyasha all by himself in her house. But thankfully he was still asleep when she returned. She had to admit she was quite curious concerning why he was sleeping at the park last night. And he looked as if he had been in a fight. She wanted to know what happen but she didn't Inuyasha getting angry at her for prying in his business.
After putting away the groceries, she made them some ham and turkey sandwiches for lunch. Armed with sandwiches, a bag of chips and two bottles of soda, she went to her room to get him up. Inuyasha was up when she get there. He was staring blankly her ceiling. Sure she had some florescent stars up there but they couldn't that interesting to look at.
"Hey, Inuyasha."
"Hi, Alex."
"I brought food. Thought you might be hungry."
"I am. Thanks."
Between them, they managed to wolf down their lunch in no time. Alex figures that she might as well satisfy her curiosity.
"What happen to you last night? I mean you were hurt and…"
"I broke with Kikyou and got in a fight with Naraku."
"Oh! I'm sorry. I mean not for fighting with Naraku. You can beat him whenever you feel like it. I mean I'm sorry that you broke up with your girlfriend and all."
"It's alright. We were just not meant to be, I guess."
Afterwards, they played videogames but mostly lay around. Alex drove him home around eight o'clock. The first thing he saw was his father. He didn't look very pleased.
"Where have you been? I've been calling you all day."
"I was out and I lost my cell phone."
"And how did that happen?"
He shrugged.
"You know, I received a very interesting phone call today?"
"From the police."
He turned to face his father.
"So you have an explanation as to why you pick a fight in a club with that Naraku kid. I'm disappointed in you. I expected better of you, Inuyasha."
"Of course, you are. I'm not Sesshoumaru."
"What the hell does your brother have to do with this?"
He was silent. He then heard his father sighed before he put his hand on Inuyasha's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, Inuyasha. I should have given you a chance to explain yourself. It wasn't my intention to make feel inferior to your brother. You both mean both to me and I love you just as much. I know you're not Sesshoumaru. And I don't expect you to be. I want to be your own person with your own needs and desires."
"Thanks, Dad."
Inutaisho squeezed his shoulder gently.
"Alright, why don't you tell me what happened?"
"What do you want me to tell you?"
"Well, you can start by telling me the reason you started the fight."
He grudgingly told his father what happen.
"I see." Inutaisho said.
"That's it? You're not going to ground me, take away my allowance."
"Are you drunk or something?"
"I beg your pardon, young man?"
"Well it seems weird that you're not going to punish me."
"If you want me to punish you, I'll be more than happy to send you to military camp this summer."
"No. it's alright. I'm cool."
"However, I do have something I want to ask you?"
"A little bird told me that you brought a girl to Sakura and from the description I got, I could tell it wasn't Kikyou."
"What do you want to know?"
"I just merely wish to know if you didn't bring this upon yourself."
"What do you mean?"
"I meant whether or not you were truthful to your girlfriend?"
"I never cheated on Kikyou. And Alex is just my tutor."
"Are you sure that's all she is to you?"
"Alright. I'll take your word for it."
He smiled.
"Say, do you what's wrong with your brother?"
"What's wrong with him?"
"Well, how do I put this? He's been grinning like a madman all day."
"I knew something was wrong with him. Maybe he finally went over the edge."
"You're one to talk."
Both Inuyasha and Inutaisho looked up and sure enough, Sesshoumaru was leaning against the railing of the stairs.
"What was it that you said?"
"You've gone nuts. Not that you were sane to begin with."
"The pot's calling the kettle black."
"Well, you're in good mood, Sesshoumaru." Inutaisho said to his eldest son.
The latter shrugged.
"You got laid, didn't you." Inuyasha said suddenly.
Sesshoumaru grinned while his father choked his breathe.
"That's none of your business."
"So you finally lost your virginity."
"Who said I was a virgin to begin with."
"You cheated on Kagome, you bastard. How could you?"
"I leave the cheating to you and your girlfriend. If you remember correctly I had girlfriends before I went out with Kagome. Then again, asking you to remember something from three years ago might a bit too much for pea-sized brain to comprehend."
"Fuck you."
"No thanks."
"So you guys are not virgins?" Inutaisho said quietly.
Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha looked at him as he had grown another head.
"Did you expect us to be?" Sesshoumaru asked.
"Well, are you to young to be having sex?"
"Dad, we're seventeen. Well this asshole will be eighteen soon." Inuyasha said.
"You need to get out more." Sesshoumaru advised.
Inutaisho snorted. Now he was taking relationship advice from his teenage sons. What is the world coming to.
Author's Note: It's 1 am and i just want to go to bed. I wnated to update this story. I'll revive this story later today when i can see clearly.