A/N: Thanks to all umm about 9 of you who actually reviewed. I'll admit - I was very upset for how few people reviewed for this last chapter. It might have been the longest one, the fluffiest, and probably took me the longest to write, and no one seems to reall care. SO! The only reason I'm updating is because I like this story and I want to. But if I don't get enough reviews, I won't be writing a sequel. So there. (And yes, as random as it is, 72 IS my favorite number...) And please, I'm always open to suggestions; I may not use them, but I like to hear them!
"Only a few more days until we're on the road, hm?"
She turned her body over so she was facing him. His eyes were still closed but he was smiling. His hand was lazily over her waist and the other resting on her shoulder. She started to trace shapes on his bare chest which caused him to shiver slightly and grin.
"Ah, I see that wakes you up." She smiled herself at his boyish grin and kissed him. They were lost in kisses when someone rapped on the door.
"At this un-godsly hour?"
"It is past the second morning bell..."
"But it's so early!"
This time the knock was louder. "Don't answer it. Let's make him mad." He nuzzled against her neck, trying to fall back asleep.
"But his Gift..."
"Let him use it."
She chuckled slightly. "He'll be furious when he sees us together in bed."
"So? He's known about us long enough..."
"But that does mean he likes it."
"What his favorite cousin and best friend in love?"
Kel opened her mouth to say something, but first she heard the door slam to the ground and hear loud footsteps. She closed her eyes and moved closer to Dom, hiding her head in the crook of his shoulder. She couldn't see, but she knew Neal was in disbelief...
"Cousin Nealan, why hello."
"Dom..." he gritted his teeth.
"What are you doing in bed with Kel?" She imagined his face was now a bright purple. He's such a drama queen.
"Why, we were sleeping. In fact, Keladry still seems to be, so if you don't mind..."
"Did you sl-sl-sleep together?"
Dom stroked Kel's arm with a finger underneath the blankets. "Why do you ask?"
Neal shook his head. "I swear to the gods..."
Now Kel could feel Dom tense up. "My own cousin doesn't trust me?" She heard Neal take a step back, faltering. "My cousin doesn't believe that I would never, in a million years, hurt Kel. He doesn't believe that I love Kel, that if I could, I would marry her-"
Kel opened her eyes and moved her head so that she could see Dom, who had since sat up slightly. "You-you would?"
Dom blinked. "Oh, sorry love, forgot you were there..."
"You would?" Neal slowly sat in a chair next to the door.
Dom looked between the two as if they were slightly mental. "Well, of course. I mean, I love Kel and I want to spend the rest of my life with her."
"You'd, you'd marry me?"
"No, I was thinking of marrying Nealan, actually." Kel hit his arm. "Kel, if I could, you know I would, marry you of course, not Neal."
She looked deep into his sapphire blue eyes and believed him. He would marry her...she took his head in her hands and kissed him deeply, falling back onto the bed.
With that, Neal felt like puking and immediately ran from their rooms.
"Yuki!" Neal burst through the mess hall doors and dramatically ran over to the table where Aly, Braden and Yuki sat eating their breakfasts.
"Gods, Neal, why must you be so dramatic all the time?" She sighed, and laughed at his expression, kissing him quickly. "What is it?"
"Spit it out, Nealan!" Aly gave him a menacing glare, and he gulped.
"I found Kel and Dom in the same bed." He paused for dramatic effect.
"Neal, what's the big deal? They've been courting for over a month, and anyway, Kel has a charm necklace."
Neal's mouth opened to an outstanding size. "You knew?"
Yuki and Aly nodded and continued eating. "Was there anything else, dear?"
"And you guys are okay with this?"
"Neal! How many times have we gone through this? They're in love! They love each other! That's what people in love do!"
Aly could feel Braden's leg tense up underneath her hand, and she gave him a sideway glance.
Neal nodded, "I guess so..."
"You have to stop protecting Kel. She's a grown woman. She can think for herself."
"So what else was there?"
"Well, Dom said he would marry Kel if he could."
Yuki dropped her spoon and looked at Aly, her eyes wide. "No!"
Neal looked frightened. "Yes?"
"He did?"
"Oh-my-gods, finally!" Yuki let out a small squeal and Aly grinned.
"It's about time!"
Braden looked at Aly and Yuki and said, "So when do you start persuading?"
Aly frowned. "I guess it will have to wait until after we come back from Maren."
Braden rubbed her back. "Better later than never."
And she wondered if he meant that for more than Kel and Dom.
"Aly!" She opened her door only to have Yuki throw herself at her in a giant hug. "I'm going to miss you so much while you're gone!"
Aly laughed and hugged the older woman back. "I'll miss you too, Yuki, but it'll only be for a month or so."
Yuki smiled and wiped at her eyes, which, Aly noticed, were not wet at all. Yamanis...
"Are you finished packing?"
"Barely. I had to help Braden before."
"I'll help."
"Thanks, but shouldn't you help Neal?"
"You mean pack for Neal?" She laughed and put a few socks into Aly's bags. "Did that already. Servants already came to put his bags on the cart and next to her horse."
The two woman continued to pack Aly's bags until three servants came to carry them away. She said goodbye to Yuki, and went to her family where they would have one last family dinner together before she left for Maren.
George made a toast to his only daughter once their meals had been finished. "To Aly, the best spy and Player this family has."
They raised their glasses and Thom chimed in, "To the only Noble Player ever in Tortall, and to the probable future Spy-in-Command."
"And the Court Persuader," Alan commented.
"And to my one and only daughter, of whom I'm extremely proud...even if her career choice didn't thrill me at first."
Aly smiled through teary eyes. "Thanks, Mother, Father, Thom, Alan."
Thom grinned, "Aww, wittle Awy never cries!" She leaned over her chair and punched him in the arm.
"Stupid older brothers..."
They continued to chat until Aly heard the final bell before midnight. "I really need to go to bed, we leave before dawn." She gave her brothers each a last, giant, bear hug.
"Bye, Mother." She hugged her mother and when they finally pulled apart, she saw that the Lioness was crying. "I'll be home in a few months..."
"I know, I know. I'm just so happy that you're happy." She smiled and wiped her eyes. "Be nice to Braden. He seems like a good guy. I like him."
Aly smiled, slightly surprised. "Thanks, Mother." She gave her one last hug before moving on to her father.
She hugged him fiercely and squeezed her eyes shut. "Thanks, Father."
"For what?"
"For finally letting me be a spy."
He grinned, his hazel eyes dancing. "Write to us, Aly."
"I will."
"I love you."
"I love you too, Father." She hugged him one more time before leaving and heading off to her rooms.
She woke up the next morning right before dawn; enough time to quickly bath, brush her teeth, put on new clothes and walk down to the stables where her parents, Jonathan, Thayet, Roald, Raoul and Myles would all be waiting to say goodbye. (Daine was too pregnant to come and say goodbye, and she and Numair were taking a vacation leave in Port Caynn).
She left her rooms, and made her way down to the stable. She gave Raoul a hug and told him to say goodbye to Buri for her, and to write to her as soon as Buri gives birth.
She gave her grandfather a hug goodbye and thanked him to for convincing her father she was old enough to be a spy.
She shook Roald's hand before hugging him too, and promising that they would convince everyone to change the law when she got back. "Say goodbye to Shink for me, and tell her to write to me, but without signing her name or any Royal Seals. You too." Roald smiled and said he would write as frequently as he could.
She hugged a tearful Thayet and made her way to her favorite Uncle. "Thanks again, Uncle Jon," she whispered when he had picked her up into the biggest hug he had ever given her.
"Your welcome," he said, his sapphire eyes twinkling. He knew exactly what she meant - he had given her the career that she had always wanted, and for that she was extremely thankful.
She gave her parents one last hug, and smiling to Braden, mounted Azure. Braden rode up next to her, Aliya and the other Players behind her, and Kel, Dom, Neal in front. Kel signaled to move out, and with one last look at the Palace and her family and friends left behind, Aly left for Maren.
She was finally a Player, and on her very first, real spy adventure. With of course, the love of her life, and some of her good friends.
A/N: DID YOU LIKE IT? I hope you did! THIS IS THE END OF THIS STORY! There will only be a sequel if people REVIEW! SO PLEASE REVIEW! Otherwise, look for the sequel, I may call it "Noble Player"...