Author's Note: Okay, well, in my profile, I said I had tried an actual story (the idea was an epic), with a good plot, and in-character characters and everything, and it turned out to be eleven pages of incomplete, nonsensical crap. Well, today I've sat down and tried to fix it, but since I'm looking to the original story every ten seconds, it still has traces of its awkward-ness in it. Yeah... but here's the first chapter! (It is a bit short, I admit-- more of an intro...)
In the beginning, this story was supposed to be set somewhere after the Dark Tournament and before the Sensui Arc, but now just think of it as a side-story.
Standard disclaimers apply.


Fwoosh! Scwapscwap! To most, all they see is a dull blur appearing here and there every few seconds. To a few, they see bright glints along with black lines flashing. To the figure watching silently, it was very clear. Hiei was training, again. It watched as he wielded his sword furiously, and yet with great accuracy. Over and over again he swung, almost clearing the forest and changing the boulders into pebbles, but he didn't stop. The figure smiled and left as silently as it came.

"I suppose Koenma wants us to go on another life threatening mission… again?" Yusuke spat out. He paused when Kurama, who had spent most the morning gathering the Reikai Tentei together, nodded. "It figures. Every time the baby prince talks to us it's about saving something, mostly his ass. I think he has forgotten that I have a life."

"Yeah, with all those video games and junk," chided Kuwabara, "I, on the other hand, have a real life, with a future and everything."

"Then someone should kill you so you wouldn't have an excuse to complain with that oversized mouth of yours." Hiei shot Kuwabara an irritated glance.

Kuwabara was about to open his oversized mouth to retort when Kurama interrupted.

"Let's just see the video." All eyes turned to the television screen as "KOENMA" zoomed in from a black background—with none other than Koenma—of course—holding a tacky torch on top.

The toddler was sitting in a burgundy lounge chair. "Comfy," Yusuke mumbled.

"Greetings," the prince of Reikai said, "I'm sure Kurama has informed you that you'll going on yet another dangerous case."

"They—the dirty rotten thieves—have gotten through my first-rate security… and stole my precious Magic Staff!! I believe it involves six highly trained convicts banded together. Next to impossible to defeat. Twelve mercenaries have tried to assassinate them and were never seen again."

"What else is new?" Yusuke couldn't help but interject another comment.

"They're nameless criminals have built a complicated fortress as their base, in the middle of a forest largely known to be very, very difficult to navigate. Therefore, I've found a guide for you. She will meet you by the entrance of the forest… You are familiar with the ancient temple not far from your city? You can get there by taking a bus again, or walk, if you'd prefer that. Watch for the guide, remember." With that, the screen went blank.

"Like I said, what else is new?"

Suddenly, the screen sprung to life again as Koenma stuck his face in the camera and shouted, "Ah, yes, you are to meet the guide by 7:00am sharp! And did I mention sharp?!?" Once again the screen turned dark.

Hiei got up and left. Shortly after Kurama left too. After all, there was nothing special about this case. Some bad guy takes something important, they happen to be "invincible", they have some big, evil castle, you go in, beat them up, and the day is saved. Yada, yada, yada.

Still, Yusuke and Kuwabara sat there, shocked, and shaking their heads in disbelief. How were they supposed to get up so early on a Saturday?! What, was Koenma nuts?!


Author's Other Note: By the way, though one of my female original characters (OC) is a main character, this will not necessarily be a Mary Sue. I think. And sorry for the long author's note. Now that this has been introduced, hopefully it won't happen again...