Disclaimer: I don't own Rurouni Kenshin or the Apprentice. Alrighty?

AN: I was lying in bed, thinking about ideas. I wanted to write something funny, but didn't really have an idea. This idea just came to me. Since Rurouni Kenshin is back on (yay!) I no longer have to really worry about forgetting what the characters were about. I hope you enjoy! I will be using what actually happens in the Apprentice liberally for inspiration.


"Five men and five woman. It shouldn't be this difficult!" Monigue sighed, staring at the mess of applications spread across her table. Very slowly Monigue's assistant scoured the table, inspecting each application. Finally he handed her ten files. Monigue flipped through each of the applications, reading quickly down their resumes.

"This is what you think we should do?" Monigue asked. Her assistant nodded firmly. "Get me individual appointments with each of them."

"Kenshin Himura. It says you run a restaurant. How would you describe your success?"

"Business has been very good, that it has." Kenshin smiled. Monigue looked at him oddly for a moment, and then noted strange speech. Could spawn cult of followers. Good.

"What have your past jobs been?"

"I did some… government work." Seems reluctant to talk about past. Ex-criminal? Look into papers… ah, who gives a crap. It'd be good controversy.

"So Kenshin. You're a very attractive man. How long have you worn your hair long?" Kenshin blushed slightly. Very modest, perhaps a little awkward around women. Cute when he blushes. Put him around some pretty girls and see what happens.

"It's been this way for my whole life." But what if…

"Kenshin, are you gay?"

"Oro?" Very strange speech. "No!"



"Really? Because you look very feminine."

"I was married once to a woman!" Oh yes. That had been in his resume.

"Was married?"

"She passed away." Tragic past could "accidentally" come out during the show, good turmoil. Ratings galore.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Thank you."

"If a bunch of men were kissing each other, would you join them?"

"ORO?" Very cute when he's confused. Definitely put him around some provocative people.

"I asked you if-"


"Alright, alright." Monigue stood up, gathering her notes. "I know what I need to know. We'll be contacting you later with details."

"Megumi Takani. It says that you run a successful drug company."

"Yes, I inherited my parents business. I would of course sell the business if I got the job." A little bit flaky. Could be entertaining.

"Are you single or in a relationship at the moment?"

"At the moment, I'm single." She flipped her hair over her shoulder and flashed a foxy grin. Put her on a team of all men and see who falls for her. Could be an interesting match with Himura.

"Would you be interested in pursuing romance on the show?"

"Well, business is business but a little fun on the side wouldn't hurt." Start looking for perspective matches.

"What sort of guy would you describe as your type?"

"I don't know. Men seem to fall for me. I usually get my pick. I haven't really thought about it."

Seems relatively confident in her sexuality. Find her an equally confident male and see what happens.

"Hello, Sanosuke Sagara." Monigue greeted the man that had just entered her office, craning her neck up to see his face. Tall dark and handsome. A little casually dressed. Could be a bit of a punk.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I work at a very successful casino."

"Do you do any gambling?"


"Do you like to take risks?"

"Yeah." He leaned back, smiling, and put his feet up on the desk. Definitely a punk. Monigue noticed with an eyebrow raised.

"Are you at the moment romantically involved with anyone?"

"Nah. No women are holding me down at the moment. But I get my share, if you know what I mean." Sexually sure of himself. Very.

"So you are living alone?"

"No. I have a roommate."

"Male or female."

"Male, but I wonder sometimes. Long red hair. Real feminine looking." Monigue looked up very quickly.

"Kenshin Himura?"

"Yeah. How did you know that?"

"He came in earlier this day. We're pretty sure that he's on."

"Really? Kenshin's a great guy. Got a strange way with girls too. Women are attracted to him because he's the sensitive type. I didn't know he was applying though. What a coincidence, huh?" He grinned widely.

He will have loyalty to someone on the show, which could lead to some interesting conflict if they ever ended up on different teams. Monigue stared at her paper for a second, and then back up at Sanosuke. A brilliant thought had jumped into her head.

Could be an amusing possible match for Megumi?
"Aoshi Shinomori." Monigue read, and then looked up. Her eyes widened as she observed the could be male model that had just entered the office. "Just go. You're in."

Several hours later, Monigue had a pile of notes and a smile on her face.

"You where right. About all of them." She said to her assistant, who just smiled and nodded. "Your brilliance never ceases to amuse me." Her assistant shrugged.

"Call Celtic and Bert. Tell them that the show is on." Monigue said, leaning back in her chair.

Next Episode: Moving In