Chapter 1 To Choose a Wife
Disclaimer: I don't own Cardcaptors or its characters unless I made them up. I sucks... but on the upside, I do own this story plot. MUAH HA HA HA HA!!! I RULE THEIR LIVES!!!!

Author: Hi!!! I won't be like other authors who say a lot of things and take up half the page, so this'll be short. Well, this is my first fanfic so be a little nice. I accept flames unless they're highly insultive. ENJOY THE STORY!!!

Syaoran's House in Hong Kong: 9am Friday

Syaoran's POV:

Syaoran Li, the future leader of the Li clan, sorcerer, and top martial artist, was bored to death. He was currently outside in the garden training with his sword and thinking about a special emerald-eyed card mistress.

'god, I miss her,' Syaoran thought to himself, as he swung his sword around in a series of complex moves.

It had been eight years since, Sakura had captured the Void card (CCS second movie) and Syaoran leaving back to Hong Kong. Once again promising that he will return someday. He has remained in contact with Sakura still though, through e-mail and letter, but he wasn't sure if she received his letter. Thinking about Sakura's older brother Touya stealing the letters and burning them. But nonetheless, Syaoran had though about her everyday since the day he returned to Hong Kong. Her auburn hair, here cute pig tails, but most of all, her sparkling green eyes....


He was snapped out of his daydream once he heard that deafening scream. He turned around to find his eldest sister, Fuutie, near the mansions entrance looking at him.

"what?!" he said in an irritated tone.

"Mother needs to speak with you, along with the elders."

"what do they need?"

shrug and she went back inside.

Syaoran sighed and ran up to his room. He put his sword away and changed into a more casual outfit, rather then his green training robes. He ran back downstairs and entered the main hall where his mother, Yelan, and the Li clan elders were waiting patiently for him to arrive.

"What did you wish to speak to me about mother?"

"Syaoran, you are now officially 18 years of age, and as in tradition in the Li family, the future leader of our clan must have a suitable future wife by this time. We have decided that it is time for you to have a bride."

"WHAT?!!!! BUT I'M NOT READY!!! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR A WIFE AND I AM CERTAINLY NOT GOING TO GO ALONG WITH ANOTHER ARRANGED MARRIAGE!!!" yelled Syaoran with outrage, "WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN THROUGH THIS, I AM NOT MARRYING MEILING (author's note: aside from the fact that its incesty, gross, and just plain wrong. Haha) !!! YOU CAN'T JUST..."

Yelan raised her hand to silence her son. Syaoran shut up immediately, having too much respect for his mother's authority.

"If you would allow me to finish you would find that what we have decided is less objective then you would have realized," she said with a small frown from her son's outburst.

Syaoran cowered under her gaze.

"As I was saying," Yelan continued," it is time for you to have a bride, but since you apparently have 'issues' with arranged marriages, we have decided to allow you to choose you own bride..."

He looked up with wide eyes as if she was joking.

"However, there must be a few conditions to which you must adhere to. First and most importantly, she must have magic. Second, her magic must be of acceptable ranking in our opinion, not yours. And last of all, you must bring her back to our home in precisely one month from when you leave to search her out. Any questions?"

Syaoran shook his head, he already knew somebody that they would approve of and he would gladly take as his wife (can you guess who? )

"Now my son, is there anybody in particular that you have in mind to be your future spouse?" Yelan asked," because if there is we would like to know."

Yelan knew very well who her son had in mind. It wasn't magic that told her, it was more like mother's/ woman's intuition.

Syaoran blushed redder then a sun dried tomato.

At this action, all of the elders attention was snapped back to the young man who stood before them. For he usually showed no emotion and a blushing Syoaran was like a signal of the apocalypse.

"Y-yes..."Syaoran stuttered

"And who may I ask this young woman is?" Yelan asked smirking, enjoying seeing Syaoran fidget under the collective gazes of all the people in the room. The fact that all four of his sisters had entered through the side door to watch him as well didn't help either.

"Th-the C-ca-card M-mistress, Sa-sakura k-kinnomoto," he finally said through his trembling mouth, while blushing even so bright that he glowed.


The sound of surprise escaped the lips of everybody in the room, except for Yelan, who was standing there with a smile on her face.

Almost all at once the elders shouted, "WE APPROVE!!!"

Syaoran scowled at this, he knew very well that the power hungry elders only wanted the Sakura cards, formerly the Clow cards, to be reinstated into the Li family. But he didn't care, all he knew was that nothing would make him happier then to have Sakura become his wife.

"So Syaoran, would you like to leave tomorrow night or would you like to leave later to have time to prepare?" asked Yelan

"TOMMORROW!!" Syaoran said with almost too much enthusiasm.

time change 8pm

Syaoran was busy packing all the things he needed in his room. But, at the same time he was thinking about Sakura.

'I wonder what she would look like right now, she said that she would wait for me, I hope she's happy to see me,' Syaoran though to himself as pictures of a grown Sakura flashed in his head. He slapped himself as a picture of Sakura in a provocative pose popped in his head. (bad Syaoran, hahaha)

'I should tell her that I'm coming shouldn't I?'

And with that thought he walked across the room picked up the phone and dialed Sakura's number.

me: hope ya liked my story so far, this is my fic, I accept flames cause personally I find them to be a tool into improving my story skills. Please leave a comment.