A/N: Wow. Thanks to everyone who reviewed. A few questions to take care of: The punctuation is messed up because I can't save the document in any of the file names approved on here. Or something. I've never actually taken the time to figure it out, just changed it once I uploaded it. Uh...Harry wanted to take a punch at Draco. Really badly. More explanation in the story! Anyway, I hope you all don't kill me, but I believe this is it...

Disclaimer: I disclaim. Not mine at all. And Snowcaps, I believe, belong to Nestle or Hershey one. Gosh, what I wouldn't give to own Nestle or Hershey!

Also, a warning: Minor cross dressing. Nothing big. Barely even mention of it. Another warning: this is so fluffy it made me sick.

Chapter 9:

Draco stopped, suddenly. He turned to stare intently in Ginny's eyes. "Go inside," he stated abrupty. "Now, Ginny."

"Draco, you can't just tell me to…"

"Ginny," he said, stopping her voice from continuing. "I want you inside. Now. Go!" he yelled. She squealed when he yelled, and scrambled inside the Quidditch shop. Draco was apparently delusional about the fact that there was a window and Ginny would be able to see out said window.

The entire square stopped as Draco Malfoy's fist came in contact with the nose of the great Harry Potter. A gasp was heard as blood spurted out of said nose. Ginny covered her face and shrieked from the shop as Hermione and Ron came running out of the Zonko's.

"Harry!" Ron yelled, running to his side. "What is this great git trying to do to you!"

"Dothing, Ron," Harry replied. "Dis is bedween be and himb." Ginny and Harry had discussed this. Ginny had promised to step in when Draco stormed up to them, but Harry had begged at least one punch at the guy. Ginny had refused, at first, but Harry said there was no possible way he would go through with the plan unless he was promised one punch. "For the sake of enemies," he said as they argued. He used the point that they would never be allowed to fight again if he and Ginny got together. And Ginny forced a magical signed affidavit to assure her that they would never fight after that day.

Blaise was making himself comfortable in his newly conjured recliner, with his feet propped up. He also conjured himself some popcorn and a box of Snowcaps so he could really enjoy the show.

"Balpoy, I don't know whad your probleb is," Harry yelled as the two boys circled each other, "bud I'b going do be plendy glad do fix id for you!" At that, he lunged forward and managed a direct hit to Draco's cheek.

Draco flew back a few steps as he grimaced from the pain. "I'll tell you what my problem is, Potter!" Draco yelled at him. "My problem is you! Trying to steal my girl away!"

Harry laughed. "Your girl? Your girl? Who are you calling your girl! Surely you're dod saying Giddy is your girl!" he yelled. Of course he knew that was what Malfoy was saying; Ginny had explained everything. Harry didn't want Ginny and that git to get together, but Draco wasn't the slimy little ferret he had been when his father had been in charge of his life.

"You know what I'm talking about, and I never want to see you near her again." Draco hissed at the other boy. He took another punch, straight to the gut.

Harry doubled over, clutching his stomach. When he got his breath back, he said, "Sucker punch. Dod fair."

"All's fair in love and war, Potter," was Draco's snarled reply. "Don't make me hurt you worse. Leave Ginny to me."

"Giddy will choose herself who she wands do be with. Whedder id's you or be, id will be all Giddy's choice. You have do condrol over her, do you understand be?" Harry said, holding his hand out to Draco. "And if you choose her, also, then you'be god yourself a gread girl. Hurd her, and you will die." Harry gave him a look that showed that he meant it.

Draco took his hand, noticing Ginny was no longer in the shop, but once again beside him and Blaise was off to the side in his lounge position, popcorn and all.

"Why do I get the feeling I've been duped?" Draco asked, putting his arm around Ginny and pulling her closer, protectively and possessively.

"Did I mendion she's smard, doo?" Harry asked. "Knew exacdly whad do do do ged you to admid you care about her. Approached be dis mording before we lefd on the carriages. We god some crazy looks all day."

"You did this?" Draco asked Ginny as the crowd dispersed. There was no longer any fighting, so they no longer found the scene to be nearly as interesting as it had been mere moments earlier. The whispering didn't stop, though.

"All's fair in love and war, darling. But I did have some help," she said as she motioned to Blaise. Draco glared menacingly.

"I knew he was up to something. Just didn't know what." Draco smirked. He then noticed the condition of his sparring partner. "I think Potter needs some magical doctoring from Madam Pomfrey."

Harry's nose had yet to stop bleeding, and he was covered in sticky, red blood.

"Nod like you haven'd godden a nice bruise dere, doo, Balpoy," Harry said, trying to clean his face off a little.

Draco started laughing, but grimaced once again as he realized the bruise in his cheek was not going to allow that. "You do have a nice right hook," he said. Ginny looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "What!" Draco asked.

"You just complimented Harry." Ginny stared at him. "Who are you, and where have you taken Draco? I'd like him back now."

"You're a bad influence on me," was Draco's reply. "I promise it will never happen again." He swooped down to seal the promise with a quick kiss.

"Bloody ferret!" Ron screamed. "Don't touch my sister!"

"Ron!" Harry said, holding Ron by the arm, with Hermione holding the other one. "It's okay. We've already fought. You don't have to."

"But I want a shot at him, too, Harry! Lemme go! Lemme go!" Ron tried to wiggle away as Draco stepped quietly behind Ginny.

After finally getting Ron calmed down, and Ginny forcing Blaise to abandon his seat in the front row, they all began the trek back to the castle with Ginny promising explanations in the carriage ride back.

Blaise was happy to find, the next day, that Ginny and Draco were nearly inseparable whenever possible, and that Ron and the rest of the Gryffs were not trying to murder his best friend. He was also happy to find out that Quidditch practice was much more at ease, and he was no longer put through torture as Draco's Potions partner. Also, the Slytherin house was able to gain back the over one hundred points that had been taken from them by the Head Boy, and Snape was very pleased with him. Other Slytherins on the Quidditch team and in the house were trying to offer him gifts in exchange for settling down the Slytherin Slave driver. Even Professor Snape had offered to "lose" his latest essay. Of course, Blaise didn't accept any of these gifts.. Well, not all of them. Hey, he was a Slytherin, after all. Things were much nicer on his side of the situation.

Ginny no longer awoke in nearly murderous moods, and her stress level flattened considerably. Hermione had taken her off of the waiting list for a room inside St. Mungo's. Hermione decided that love was a decent enough reason for insanity, and was at the time going a little insane herself. Ron finally asked her to marry him. Of course, she scolded him for not waiting until they were out of school, but she still accepted almost immediately.

Ginny, however, tried to retaliate to the matchmaking done on her, and tried to experiment with matchmaking herself, but failed terribly when Colin and Blaise found they were two different and had absolutely nothing in common.

Blaise did comment, after the attempt, that if he was ever in need of someone to snog senseless, for purely no strings attached reasons, Colin would be a perfect candidate. That brightened Colin considerably after they broke up, along with the shopping spree Draco allowed Ginny to take the poor brokenhearted boy on. Who doesn't cheer up by spending someone else's money when they're in the right mood?

Draco graduated soon after and continued on to becomea Ministry official. He and Ginny stayed in close contact, owling everyday, and she visited him on every holiday that she could. After Ginny graduated, they moved into a medium-sized apartment together. Ginny began pursuing her career as a Mediwitch. Nearly a year after the move, they announced their engagement and wedding date. And, no, there wasn't a little Malfoy on the way to cause this, as Bill and Charlie both asked when they were told about it. Ginny had nearly beat them over the head for insinuating such a thing, and Draco had turned an even more pale color than he already was before fainting in the middle of the Burrow.

Hermione was her bridesmaid, wearing a beautiful, simple, light green silk bridesmaid dress and elegant two inch heels; Blaise was the best man. He insisted on wearing a dress and heels identical to Hermione's. The entire Weasley family, including Percy and Penelope, were in attendance. Draco was saddened by the fact that his family was all in Azkaban or had passed on. The wedding, though, was a large media event, so they were not low on guests, even with that fact.

Arthur Wealsey gave Ginny away, as it should be, and Draco was beaming in his green dress robes as he took Arthur's place. Ginny's dress was a Victorian style, crème colored wedding dress, and she had quite literally fought for it. Her mother thought it ridiculous, with all the frills and extras. She said that she could make a much simpler and prettier dress, if Ginny would just let her. Ginny refused, and they argued for months on end before Molly finally gave in.

No matter how much the Weasley family disliked their little girl's choice in husband, they were all ecstatic that she was so happy. Molly stated upon the first meeting as the future in-laws that, "The way she's looking at him, Arthur. It's the way I still look at you. Heaven forbid, she's in love with that Malfoy boy."

That had caused Arthur to faint, but he had long since gotten used to the idea.

The wedding went by without a problem, except for Hermione being forced to hold Ron down when the Minister of Magic asked if anyone had any reason to stop the two from being married.

The most beautiful moment, in the eyes of the media, was the moment when the Minister said, "You may now kiss the bride. I present to the world, Mr. Draco and Ginevra Malfoy." The two shared a passionate and embracing kiss, showing the world that they were either completely in love or entirely the best wizarding actors in the entire world.

All the little girls awed, and wished they were Ginny, while the teenage boys all wished they were Draco.

That night, as they cuddled close in the bed of a high priced hotel in the middle of Australia, where they were spending the entire week of honeymoon before moving into Malfoy Manor, Draco sighed into Ginny's ear and whispered, "And to think, this all got started because of a boggart and an invisibility cloak."

She looked at him and replied, "Both such wonderful things, if just for this reason."

After looking off into the distance for a moment, she sat up and said, "Draco? I think this is the right time to tell you something."

"Yea, Gin?" he asked, lacking the perception to notice the seriousness of her voice as he laid his head back on the headboard of the bed.

"I think I'm pregnant, Draco. We're going to have a baby." She had tears in her eyes, tears of happiness, as he sat up enough to look at her.

"Baby? Us? Parents?" He looked completely in shock. As his heart and mind came pounding back down to him, he smiled. "Baby?" he repeated.

"Yes, Draco, a little baby, all our own. You're going to be a father," she said, trying to keep her smile from stretching across her entire face. He sat there for another moment before scooping her up in a nearly bone crushing hug.

His family was complete, with a beautiful wife, and a baby on the way. He couldn't figure there was anything that would make life even more perfect.


Thank you to everyone who reviewed, read, or finished it off with me! I hope I have another one-shot plot bunny that ends up like a huge story, resembling the way this one did. I'll try to formulate a list of everyone who reviewed in the next week or so and post it along with thanks and comments. Also, I know that the plot was lacking quite a bit at the end. I need to work on plot...I'm much better with the humor and general parts of the story. I usually work with my beta reader and we create wonderful stories because she's better with the serious parts and the details. We keep each other evened out. Our stories are so excellent and usually hilarious when we work together. Tell me if you all would like to read them!