I think we know who belongs to whom in this fan fiction. The characters of Inu Yasha belong to their creator, Rumiko Takahashi and everyone she leased them out to, me not being one of them.

Sympathy for the Devil

Chapter Twenty-One

By Devon Masterson-Bond


Twenty Minutes ago…

Eiji stood over O-Rin's unconscious form in disbelief. Now that they were inside of the demon hunter compound, he was able to have her examined for coercision. The miko hunters could not find a spell placed on her, but they did find out that she was pregnant with a half demon. One of the more sensitive mikos fainted with exposure to a half-demon's aura, the others merely looked nauseous. The demon latched around her leg furthered the uproar once it was determined that both demonic and holy energy emanated from the child. This was theoretically impossible, but yet it was right in front of them; but none of that mattered to him except O-Rin.

"What happened to you?" he asked lowly. He moved to touch her hair, but she growled at him and the monitor on his wrist beeped in warning. Obviously, the demon inside of her sensed that he was a danger to them. One of the more novice guards got to close in trying to observe and he was clawed by O-Rin. The loss of an eye and a scar to half his face taught the rookie the lesson because he would not have learned otherwise; beware of untamed animals. That was her now. Word spread quickly, as there was little doubt that Pater knew by now.

"Are you going to destroy her?" he asked, hearing footsteps behind him.

"It has to be done." Pater stood beside Eiji. His face betrayed nothing. "Their evil has taken root in her. I sent her into the lion's den and I will atone for it." He looked away from O-Rin. "Do not let your sentimentality affect your judgments. We will accomplish what O-Rin could not do; kill the demon lord."

"The demon lord? Why would he…"

"I know O-Rin well enough to know that she would only fall prey to something stronger than herself. Only the demon lord would be able to conquer, my dau… O-Rin. He will be after his mate; that is how they are." Pater placed his hands around his back thoughtfully. "I want you to lead the others against him. Re-enforce all of our barriers and put the compound on high alert; I want everyone working on this. This entire wing is to be empty except for one guard armed with a quarter staff. Her retribution will be between the two of us. Do this now."

Eiji saluted and left. "Yes, sir." If he could not have O-Rin, then he would make sure that he had his vengeance. The demon lord would not leave their compound alive; he would make sure of it.

Pater turned to O-Rin's form and dropped his façade. "My dearest daughter, what have I done to you? You were my very best and they took you from me. I will avenge you by taking something of his," his eyes drifted toward her abdomen. "In one way, you accomplished your mission, but at the cost of yourself. Your price will not be paid in vain. Good-bye, O-Rin." He left the small room and nodded to the guard waiting outside the door. "Once she awakes, I want you to bring her to me." The guard saluted holding his quarter staff erect. It was probably the last time he would see the guard alive. "Sacrifices…"


Sesshomaru stopped in mid-air and solidified his form. An eyebrow rose as he assessed the situation and he touched the hilt of one of his swords then paused. Annoyance flittered across his features for a moment, and then disappeared. They had been trailing him for some time. He sidestepped the arc of red energy that flew towards the barrier that meant to keep him out. It struck and cracked the barrier. "I see your training has not been a total failure, Inu Yasha, but I do not require your assistance in retrieving my mate." He raised his claws as his youki spiked tremendously and raked them across the barrier.

Holy energy crackled around them as it collapsed under his greater power. "I'm here for Rin and Ryoko, you ungrateful bastard." Inu Yasha spat while trying not to be amazed at his older brother's power. It was one of those moments when he stopped to consider how little his chances would be in a fight if Sesshomaru had the mind to carry through any one of his threats.

"Do not get in my way," his form dissipated and streaked through the air towards Rin's scent. With the barrier down, it was obvious where she was located.

Inu Yasha motioned towards Kenji and the others just before they streaked off after Sesshomaru. They were about to give the hunters the fight of their lives.

On the ground, the level of tension increased to the point of near panic. The barrier was destroyed and Two S class demons and two A class demons were rushing towards the Demon Hunter Compound. For most of the demon hunters, this was a battle first. S class demons were rare to these days due to them hunting and eradicating demons before they could rise to that power level. Lower level demons were nearly extinct due to their diligence, but they were becoming more and more difficult to find. However, now they were trying to mingle with humans.

"It looks like Daddy brought friends," Jakotsu observed as he and the others walked out to join the commotion.

"This is going to the challenge that we were looking for," Bankotsu looked around. Some of the less combatant hunters were beginning to panic. "Get yourselves together or die. The elite squad will be taking point in this offensive."

"Where is Eiji?" Renkotsu asked, noticing that they were one short of their squad. "Don't tell me after all his talk he chickened out on us."

"Our illustrious leader," Jakotsu made quotation gestures, "is overseeing O-Rin's examination."

"I don't know why he bothered," Renkotsu snorted. "It's obvious she betrayed us. The poor bastard is just too short sighted to see it."

"I don't think she went so easily, but I have to admit, I want the meet the demon that took her down." Bankotsu ran his hand through his bangs. "You have to admit that we haven't had a real challenge in years and anything strong enough to get her, of all people, to turn on us has to be strong."

"Good point, Bank," Jakotsu smiled. "And so far, this demon has not failed to disappoint. I hope he's cute, that makes it more fun."

"Glad you are on board, Jakotsu," Eiji greeted as joined the rest of the squad. "We have our orders from Pater. We will take the S class demons on directly and leave the two A's for the others."

"Whatever, as long as they're dead in the end," Bank smirked. He motioned to the others then sped off with them following.

"What the hell are they doing?" Eiji cursed as he ran after his subordinates. He could not even begin to imagine how O-Rin had managed to keep them on such a tight leash. A new appreciation for her leadership skills washed over him as he tightened his grip on his sword. He would make those demons pay and then deal with the Elites and their insubordination.

First, he had to deal with the demon lord on his way to claim his O-Rin. He would not allow the monster to leave the compound. O-Rin could not be saved, but she could be avenged. Pater would lay her to rest and he would be the avenger. He owed her that since he did not get the chance to tell her his feelings. He would kill the demon lord and take over the Elites in her stead; that would be best way to honor her memory.

An alarm went off as he got closer to the area where the demons were approaching; they'd already breached the barrier. In their plans, they estimated it would take an S class demon at least an hour to break through, giving them plenty of time to scramble, but this monster broke through in seconds. O-Rin developed these defenses personally. Obviously, the demon lord must have gotten the information about the barrier and did some sort of preemptive attack on it in order to break through quickly. There was no way a demon could be that strong.


Sesshomaru's heart raced as he felt Rin in conflict and it was making him angry. He did not have time to deal with these humans and their petty attempts at stopping him from his goal. Getting to Rin and Ryoko was all that mattered. He would go through them and any barrier to get to them and to get her. Rin would be rescued; anything else was unacceptable. "Deal with this Inu Yasha and Kenji," he growled as his form streaked past the group of hunters moving towards them.

The hunters paused. They had not expected any of the demons to be able to literally go by them without a fight. A ruffle of doubt and excitement went through them at the challenge. "Bailed out on you, did he?" Bankotsu smirked as readied his haliburn towards the two demons in front of him.

"Four on two hardly seems fair," Jakotsu, pouted. "Only one of them is an S class demon and the A class one is the one I want."

"Are you going to talk the whole fight or run like your friend did?" Inu Yasha asked as he rushed forward. Jakostu flicked his wrist to whip his sword out in retaliation. Inu Yasha jumped back, nearly missing the sword's strike.

Eiji running in the middle of a fight was not something that surprised any of them. Their 'illustrious leader' was not an Elite. O-Rin handpicked and trained them all from the very beginning. Eiji would never understand or be up to par with them. No outsider would take her place or be apart of their group. "He's not with us. Just a substitute," Bankotsu smiled. This fight was going to awesome.

"Careful," Kenji warned coolly. He cracked his knuckles in preparation, then smirked. "These guys are not hanging around because they have some sort of death wish."

"I know what I am doing, Fox," Inu Yasha growled. He watched the men warily as they spaced themselves into formation. "I almost liked it better when you played the role of lech, this you is creepy."

"I'm afraid that I am off the market, though…" he pulled several leaves from his sleeves and held them between his fingers, "there is plenty to go around." He threw the leaves downward and several versions of him exploded into existence. "Go with Sess. He's going to do something stupid."

Inu Yasha nodded as he waited for the perfect moment to spring into action. "Wind Scar!" he cried out as he unleashed his attack suddenly.

"Stay on him, Jakotsu!" Bankotsu called out as they all prepared to dodge the attack.


Rin bit her lip in agony as she took in a breath; it was getting harder and harder to breathe. The dagger in her chest was well thrown despite the fact that she still killed Pater. "Never give into the pain or show it," his lesson whispered through her mind. She had to get out of this hallway. She was vulnerable to anyone who felt opportunistic. Besides, she could feel Sesshomaru coming towards her. Lying on the floor like an invalid was not going to help the situation. His concern and anger was pouring towards her like rivers in a valley. She had a feeling that she would be under his watchful eye for a long time…if she lived through this. Each breath made her think otherwise.

Brown eyes glanced toward Pater's body as she crawled her feet. A part of her distrusted the fact that he died fairly easily and quickly, but then again here she was dying herself. The man she admired and thought of as father, the man that raised her and took care of her she betrayed and killed. Not much of a trade off, but she led her family to their deaths once before, she ought to be used to it.

A stab of pain coursed through her chest again. Blood trickled from her lip from when she bit into it the pain. At least it made a distraction from her chest. She had to get to Sesshomaru or he was liable to do something stupid. Foot by painful foot she wall walked down to the entrance, leaving a trail of blood. A mixture of relief and a smirk crossed her face when she felt Sesshomaru just outside the building. A burst of strength coursed through her and she ran the last few feet to the courtyard arch when she felt it. An arm wrapped around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. "You thought you could get away, daughter?"

A scream froze her in her throat as her chest started to seize from the strain. She struggled against him as hard as she could with her dwindling strength. "I feel the youki within you getting weaker. Your pup is trying to keep you alive until your mate arrives, but I will not allow it."

Rin bucked in his arms once "H-H-Ho…"

"Just like you, my daughter, I have been keeping secrets," he answered as Sesshomaru landed in front of them. "Sesshomaru, you have dishonored my daughter."

The taiyoukai's eyes narrowed at seeing his old adversary handle his mate. The fact that the beguiling half-demon referred to Rin as daughter meant that there was probably no end to this subterfuge. He would figure out the details later; first he had to see to the safety of his mate and pup. "Naraku," he growled, rushing forward and then stopped as the dark haired man pulled the dagger from Rin's chest and held it to her throat.

"So she means something to you, then?" he laughed, watching Sesshomaru carefully. This was not how he planned it originally. He was tipping his hand to everyone ahead of schedule, but the initial groundwork was complete. It was all the Dog King's fault for foiling his assassination and mating the assassin. Naraku hated losing and he was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure the outcome was in favor. "It's a shame."

Sesshomaru balled his fist. "Let her go and I will kill you quickly."

"I think not. She has been my project for 12 years and you've gone and ruined her. I need compensation."

"Let her go!"

"Beg," Naraku taunted.

"I will not repeat myself."

"Then this is your fault," he hand tensed for a second then slid the dagger across Rin's throat.

Sesshomaru roared as he rushed Naraku. His claws scored flesh before it immediately dissipated into a purple miasma and floated away. "Next time, Sesshomaru."

"Rin," he ripped the sleeve of his shirt and wrapped it around her neck to contain the bleeding. His first thought was to get her to Kagome and Kaede when a pulse rippled through his body. He was losing her! "Unacceptable." He picked her up in his arms when he felt his sword pulse in time to their link. He nearly ignored it when a more urgent pulse rippled through him again. The useless sword…the one that did not cut. It was speaking to him now. His instincts were running wild as he laid her back down and held out his sword.

"Sessho… Rin!" Kagome cried out as she ran over to them. "I have to help her. She's dying!" She dropped to her knees.

"Leave her," he growled.

"Sesshomaru!" Kagome began to argue when Kaede pulled her away. There was no telling what state of mind Sesshomaru was in at the moment. With Rin dying at his feet, he was liable to do something rash that could end up hurting her in the moment. None of them needed that now. Ryoko sat on her back, watching intently before yipping a few times. Sesshomaru yipped once in response and Kagome paled, thinking the worse. "Oh, Rin."

Sesshomaru closed his eyes, then reopened them. Soul gatherers surrounded Rin, trying to remove her soul from her body. She held on to the ankle of her corporeal body with one hand and held a small child in another. The female child swiped at the gatherers as they tried to pry Rin's hands while the others grabbed her legs. Pride swelled in his being as he saw the women in his life fighting to stay with him. It was not too late. He would not let them down; he had to protect them. Sesshomaru sliced through the gatherers.

"His sword is emitting a strange youki," Kagome wiped her eyes as tears gathered in her eyes. She was itching to push Sesshomaru out of the way. There was a possibility that Rin could be saved; she was not ready to give up yet.

"He will save her." Inu Yasha said, walking up beside the two women. He sheathed his sword and watched his elder brother. He was not sure what was going on, but he had faith that Rin was too stubborn to die. They were going to get through this. His hand tensed on the hilt for a moment as he thought about his pack being in danger.

Rin gasped for air suddenly and grabbed her chest. There was no pain? "Sesshomaru," a pair of golden eyes watched her for a moment before the owner crushed her against him. "'Took you long enough." Sesshomaru sniffed her mark and he savored the closeness he nearly lost.

"I took the time necessary."

Rin sighed against him. She was alive, but tired and confused. "We'll argue later, just take me home." Sesshomaru said nothing as he picked her up into his arms. Everything was fuzzy towards the end…. She'd actually died and now she was healed, whole, and still pregnant. Pater slit her throat, she did remember that. She would get to the bottom of everything later.

END- Thank God!

AN: I am writing a sequel. I left some things open for just such an occasion. Look for The Spider and the Fly ….. Come into my parlor…


EN (Editor's Note): DarkCrystalis, the ever faithful editor, is awesome :D On a more important note, I will be editing the sequal, too (I believe), so keep an eye out for both Devon and I in the future!

© 2008 Devon Masterson

I think we know who belongs to whom in this fan fiction. The characters of Inu Yasha belong to their creator, Rumiko Takahashi and everyone she leased them out to, me not being one of them.