Pilot 06 Harry Yuy
Title: Harry Yuy, Pilot 06
Rating: pg13
Genre: Action/ Adventure, Romance
Pairings: It's a surprise
Author: gundam06serenity
Authors notes: Response to challange fic
Summary: (see chapter two)
Chapter one: Who the hell are you?!
"Urrg! What a mission! Remind me to kill G next time I see him" Duo moaned, jumping out of Deathsythe's cockpit, looking completely exhasted, as he stumbled towards the other three pilots, leaning heavily against the silent Hevyarms pilot and weary blond companion.
The year was After Colony 195. The five gundam pilots, against the Mad Five's wishes, had banded together and formed a strong friendship almost six months eairler. Their trust in eachother was unrivaled; knowing everything from eachothers capabilities to their reliabilities, though they knew more about each others motives rather than pasts. Each had shared a little of their pasts, but none were quite ready to take that final step just yet.
The five of them had just come back from a relativly short, yet taxing, dangerous two-week mission. They had returned to one of their favoret safehouses on Earth, a relativly large house, surrounded by over twenty-six acres of forest and woodland areas, with six resonably sized bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, libary, meeting room, mobile suite hanger and sevral training rooms, all courtsy of WEI.
"For once, Maxwell, I agree with you" Wufei groaned, rolling his shoulders, a faint but clear poping sound following.
"Agree? You? Oh my dear Shinigami; QUatre, has hell frozen over? Are pigs flying? Has Kushrenada appeared on national television in a sparkly pink thong and admitted to beimng an incompetent bastard? Has the world as we know it come to an end?!" Duo dramatically asked, clutching his best friend, eyes wide in mock-shock.
"Ha-fucking-ha Maxwell. I think I prefered you close to collapsing" Wufei muttered, their arguements silenced as the stotic Wing pilot emerged from his beloved Wing Zero, stalking towards where the other four pilots had been waiting calm-erm, patient-no, give me a sec, silent-oh hell, had been waiting for him.
"Type up your reports and send them to your respective docters. Then you can rest." Heero ordered, glaring at Duo, antisipating the braided pilots objections and complaints.
Duo, sighing loudly, stomped off towards the hanger doors, Quatre, Trowa and Wufei following closely behind, Heero following moments later, after pausing for a moment to double check the hangers security.
"Holy shit!"
"Maxwell, what the-Kuso!"
"Guys, what's....Oh my...."
"Heero, having heard the commotion from the living room, drew his gun, running at full speed towards the living room, as he reached the door, stopping dead in his tracks, grip loosining, gun falling limply to the ground, eyes widening, stunned.
"Heero, it's been a while. I think you're growing soft in your old age, hn?"
end of chapter one
erm, not a very long or good chapter....please R&R anyway! thankies you!