A/N: Ok, I've just started going to the Challenge in a can site ) and I've wrote loads of little stories in like 10 minutes each and I thought I'd post them. Please review and if you'd like me to continue let me know!

Disclaimer - I don't own anything, Joss owns all

rating - pg-13

Spoilers - BtVS s3 (nothing really, just general storyline)

Challenge - Faith, Content, Credit Card

Faith turned over the credit card that she was currently holding in her hand. She looked at it as if it held all the answers, it was what she wanted, money. That's what seperated them, her and Buffy, it all boiled down to money, and now she had it.

Wel she didn't actually have any money, it wasn't hers, it was Buffy's. Was, being the key word in that sentence.

Faith grinned and got up off her bed and wandered out the door and down the street, time to find out what it was all about, why it was so great being miss better-than-everyone-else Summers.

Still holding the small piece of plastic in her hands she walked into the nearest shop and spent hours just looking around, she had the money, she could do whatever she wanted, buy whatever she wanted, but nothing jumped out at her shouting 'buy me'

What was the point? It was too easy. It wasn't any fun, there was no fear of getting caught out in the act, of having to run down the street at top speed to loose any angry shopkeepers, she could just walk out of the shop with whatever she wanted. Like everyone else did, like Buffy did.

She walked back down the street to Giles' house and knocked on the door, Buffy appeared there in an instant, looking a little stressed. Faith held out her hand with the credit card in it.

"I found this, you left it at my place"

"Thanks, I've been looking for it" Faith handed the card over and turned around, but she stopped when Buffy called after her.

"Faith, do you want to come in? We're just about to eat" Faith turned around and gave a small smile.

"No it's OK, things to do, demons to kill and all that" With that she walked away silently and Buffy closed the door behind her.

Faith didn't need to have dinner with them, she didn't need their charity, their food, their help, or their money she had what she needed.

She had herself, she didn't need anything else, before she had thought that it was the money that was missing, making her less than complete, but that wasn't it. There wasn't anything missing, this was how she lived and she wouldn't change it for the world.

Faith walked back to her apartment and for the first time in her lfie she was content just being herself.