Thank you so much for all the reviews! I was shocked by how quickly and many reviews I received! Thank you all!
This is the second and final chapter of my second ever InuYasha 'fic, I don't count the first one since I completely redid it since I posted it. In case no one noticed, this is more based on the manga version of the Noh mask, episode #11. And to kanwi-san, yep, guilty Inu-chan freak and cliffhangers are my specialty. I have more Inu-chan fanfics on their way! I hope you enjoy them as much as this one.
Part Two
"Hey, Kagome . . ?"
"Yes, InuYasha?" Kagome smiled at him, looking up from where she had petted Shippo to sleep in her lap. The little kitsune had curled around her free hand like it was stuffed doll, her other hand stroked his hair and back and fluffy tail, lingering on the bangs lying across his temple. He may talk big but he seemed so small sleeping tucked in her arms.
Her smile glowed, so heavenly and content like a girl who'd found love. Her eyes were just as soft and dark, meeting his amber eyes with a secret delight. His heart skipped a beat and it took him a half a minute to realize it had stopped.
Recovering his senses from the overwhelming daze her smile sent him into, the hanyou glanced away, unable to keep a reflecting half-grin off his lips. Gods, she had to know what she did to him.
"What is it?" She asked innocently, her slender fingers to still quietly drifting over Shippo's fur. The crackling of the fire before them and the shushing of a light wind sifting through the night-darkened canopy were all that filled the silence for a few moments.
"I've been thinking . . . Remember back before Miroku and Sango joined us, just before we rescued the kid, when you were attacked by the Noh mask in your time?"
The warmth in the young woman's eyes faded just a little, a frowning crease forming between her delicate brows. Shippo's tail twitched as her fingers paused in their stroking and her gaze dropped back to the child, an automatic smile filling her lips at the sight of him.
"Yes, of course. Sota was in danger then, I was afraid he wouldn't be able to get you let alone get away from that monster. I'm glad it came after me and jewel shards instead."
"You shouldn't've used yourself as bait, that was just stupid." InuYasha huffed as he remembered the fear he'd felt even for a moment, it still chilled his heart. He sensed her rising indignant anger and before she could raise her glaring, self-righteous eyes and yell at him, he continued. "And very brave."
Kagome's open mouth snapped shut, swallowing her infuriated words. "Oh. Thank you, I guess." Again her liquid cacao eyes lifted to search his warm honey-colored ones, a question on her gently parted lips. "What's this about?"
"You asked me a question that day but I couldn't answer it then. I can now." InuYasha's steady gaze fell on the sleeping fox kit for a moment, just long enough to grin before rising to study the spill of glittering stars through the swaying black trees.
Kagome frowned trying to remember any question she might have asked that he would care to answer now of all times, months and months after the incident she'd nearly forgotten among the multitude of closer calls since. Her brow creased in concentration her eyes falling between InuYasha's peaceful face and the youkai child in her arms. She couldn't specifically remember any important questions, just a lot of yelling and pleading and failed tests and taking him for granted . . .
"You asked, just before you sent me home-"
"Sorry about that, InuYasha, I didn't mean it, I just had my priorities and you were keeping me from them. I knew you'd still be there when I was finished and- they've changed since then."
"It's fine. I know those stupid tests are important in your time, I was just being selfish." Kagome's eyes widened slightly at his admission. She met his eyes and smiled, softly, that smile of complete understanding. InuYasha skin flushed under her thoughtful and appreciative gaze. When he met her eyes again, she was also blushing, her grin small and shy.
"You asked me what I intended to do about your future, Kagome. I- wanted to let you know, I've thought about it. I've thought about ever since you asked me." His nervously darting eyes finally settled on her delicate, glowing figure and he calmed. "I want to take care of you, forever. I'm gonna be by your side from now on, and I'll never leave you alone. I want to make you happy, make you laugh and smile like you've always done for me. You don't have to worry about your tests or school or what you'll do after this is all over. I'll take care of you-"
"Oh- InuYasha . . !" Kagome's hand flew to cover her mouth, unbidden tears overflowing her joyously dancing eyes. She laughed breathlessly, her heart racing. She was afraid to wake Shippo but she could hardly keep her self still let alone quiet after this declaration.
"-if you'll let me . . ."
He stared at her steadily, a growing smile tipping his lips, his silver furred ears turned forward to hear her every sound, white hair slipping past his tense shoulder as he waited for her reply.
"InuYasha- I will, of course I will!"
Thanks for suffering through that, it's been a while since I've had time to write and this certainly isn't the best. Let me know what you think!
Till next time,
Lady Lorelei Nicole Cherre