
By: Rosiel

Disclaimer: The only thing we own is a K plushie, please don't sue!

"Spoken Words"


Authors' Notes: Hey guys! Welp time for a new fanfic since I felt like it. I was bored. I needed something to do. I love Gravitation always have. So I figured what the hell? I'm going to do a fanfic for it. So anyways, here it is, I hope you like it!

Chapter 1: Introduction to Life

Hiro sighed as the wagon jolted once more on the heavy desert sands. Inside the dark wagon it was stifling and more than a few of the people within were getting sick. He looked to the side at a small boy that looked incredibly pale and sickly. (And to think that he'll probably end up serving the rest of his life in a brothel.) The boy was cute, aside from the sickness. He had rich black hair and crystal blue eyes. He leaned heavily against Hiro's side no longer able to hold himself up. Hiro was thankful he was used to the heat.

He had been a slave ever since he could remember. He knew he wasn't born into this life, that some drastic event had forced him to become what he was. There was nothing that could be done to escape however. His previous owner had thought to break what he so often referred to as the "willful beautiful creature" but to no avail. Hiro would serve those he chose to and that was that. His owner had been afraid to really harm him, not wanting to do his flawless body damage, so he had restored to other tactics. Though they were painful, the red head still refused to do his bidding. Finally in a fit of anger he had sold him to a harsh slave trader. Hiro had to admit, these men, though they knew that if damaged he wouldn't fetch half the amount of money they wanted, were determined to make sure he didn't embarrass them by doing anything. He was often told just what would happen to him if he did, in vivid detail.

His body was jarred once more by another rough patch. He had seen the night previous that they were in the desert and quickly moving to a city that supposedly had a lot of money. At least that was what the men were saying. (They don't think we hear anything. We're like dogs, nothing more.) Hiro sighed as he slid an arm around the boy beside him. The boy immediately snuggled into his side, taking comfort in the small amount of touch from another being. Suddenly they stopped and the wagon door opened. Hiro looked outside, not saying anything. He stayed still, watching warily as the various slave traders opened the door and allowed the first look of sunlight and fresh air into the wagon in a few days. He narrowed his dark blue eyes as one of them slowly slipped inside. He was an older man with a mustache and white hair, one Hiro didn't recognize. He closed his eyes as he turned his head, trying to get the stale smell of urine and vomit out of his mind. He looked over all of them for a moment, his eyes lingering on Hiro. He reached up pushing up his glasses as he turned back to face the burly man standing at the door.

"That one." The older man said, pointing at Hiro.

"Fine, step over here and we'll discuss the price." The burly man motioned him out of and away from the wagon.

Hiro laid his head back on the side of the wagon he had been leaning up against. (Sold again. Well I suppose I knew it would happen, maybe I was just hoping I would be able to get away before it did. Stupid really. Being a slave is all I know how to be.) He shifted the boy to rest on the woman sitting on the other side of him and moved to stand. Stretching all ready sore muscles, he forced himself to stand still when the door opened and the chains were placed on him.

"There will be no need for those. The Emperor doesn't like to see his slaves in irons." The older man spoke up.

"Sir, this one is a little high spirited. Perhaps it would be best if we at least left the leg and arm shackles on. Just in case he decided to run."

"Yes, I can see that he is a fiery one. But as I said, the Emperor wouldn't like it." "And," the older man added, "He is now the Emperor's property." He smiled at the harsh glares he received.

"Yes sir. Remove his irons." The head slaver said as he stepped forward.

Grudgingly the men obeyed, grumbling softly about the stupidity of not keeping him in chains. He was pushed forward and out into the open-air market. He gasped as the sunlight blinded him momentarily and reached up to shield his eyes. The older man smiled at him when he was finally able to focus on him and motioned for him to walk beside him. Immediately a group of guards on all four sides surrounded them. People moved out of the way and a few vendors looked at the guards fearfully. Hiro also heard a few gasps and murmurs of approval for his looks. He was feminine enough with his long hair and slender limbs, but it was still obvious with the way he held himself that he was male.

The older man adjusted his glasses and reached up to brush his mustache with his fingers before turning to face Hiro. He studied him for a few moments, before nodding his head in approval and turning his attention to the guard beside him. They spoke in quite hushed tones until they reached the gates of the palace. Hiro gasped at the sight. His previous owner had been a Duke and had lived in a very large place, but this castle was huge. Large sandstone blocks made up the walls surrounding the large abode and the same stones made up the outside. Hiro looked at the large statues out front, he was certain it was the Emperor. The man was tall, with a lean body and long hair pulled up in a ponytail. (I hope the man exceeds the statue.) He thought with a smile. In the statue's right arm was a large broad sword that was held out as though to threaten all those who dare enter the castle. He stopped momentarily to study it further but a hand on his arm pulled him along.

Within the large courtyard type area was surrounded with guards. They walked around in their leather and red cloth uniforms mingling and discussing but most were definitely on guard duty. A few of the men looked at them with open lust in their eyes but others just stared right past him. (Welcome to hell. How may we help you?) Hiro thought, shaking his head slightly. (Couldn't get past these goons even if I wanted to. Damn, well I guess I'm stuck here.)

"All ready plotting your escape?" The older man asked.

Hiro turned to look at him, his eyes widening slightly. He hadn't meant to show a reaction, learning quickly never to give away one's thoughts. Masters often preferred their slaves to be empty headed with only their commands to fill them. (At least that's how all my other owners thought.)

"Don't worry," The man continued, "you have my word that the Emperor isn't as bad as you may think. You might even enjoy it here."

Hiro narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything. He turned to look back over the courtyard. Looking at anything but the man at his side. A man that seemed to see his every thought.

"It's not as bad as you may think. My name is Tetsuya; I run the Emperor's harem. You'll be treated very well here, if you learn to do as the Emperor and myself ask. Are we agreed?"

Hiro didn't say anything, didn't even move a muscle. (Agreed? I'm this Emperor's slave and he's asking me if I agree, like I even have a choice.)

"Agreed." Hiro answered softly.

Ending Notes: NEEEEE! It's done. Wohoo! I worked hard on this one and thanks to our friend Subaru for the help. I ran the idea by her and she liked it. LOL! Anyways, I'm working my ass off to get this one and my other fanfics out so look for them! And as always please review and let me know if I should continue or drop the idea.