Chapter 1

The park of amusement

The nighttime sky was filled with fireworks set off from a barge off shore. That coupled with the colorful lights of the amusement park brightened the atmosphere most exuberantly. The many crowds of people pushed and shoved to get to the various rides and game stands. Over at a baseball stand stood two certain teen superheroes; one green and one half man half machine. BAM!

"BOO YA! CYBORG DOES IT AGAIN"! The teen robot did a victory dance as he knocked down his tenth set of bottles. The proprietor handed him his prize.

"Yeah yeah ya won again, now will you please get out of here", he said angrily.

"Aw come on dude what's the matter? Can't handle a few wins", asked Beast Boy moving his eye brows up and down. The man leaned over the counter.

"No what I can't take is a couple of teen superheroes ruining my business"! Cyborg gathered up his pile of prizes and stuffed them in Beast Boy's arms.

"Whatever man, come one BB lets go find Robin and Starfire". Cyborg walked off with Beast Boy clumsily following while doing his best to see around the pile of trinkets and stuffed animals. He caught up Raven who looked as if she were about ready to teleport herself home.

"Hey Raaaven, a little help here". He trotted up next to her and she glanced at him.

"I don't know, my hands are full". Beast Boy saw her carrying two books and a souvenir medallion.

"Wow Raven, I didn't mean to add to your load", he said in the most sarcastic way possible.

"Oh you'll be alright you'll work it out", she said playfully. Beast Boy sighed and Raven rolled her eyes. Black energy engulfed the prizes and they disappeared. "There, happy now". Beast Boy looked around for the prizes then shrugged his shoulders.

"Hope Cy isn't looking forward to seeing any of that stuff", he said under his breath. Raven and Beast Boy walked down a line of shops, they walked by all kinds of stands; some sold candy, some gave away balloon animals, and others sold toys or collector's items. They passed by one of the smaller stands which was selling stamps and remembered Robin had been there last time they were at here. At the time they thought it kind of strange that Robin would take up stamp collecting but let it roll off their back. At the other end of the park Robin and Starfire were at the dart stand. Starfire threw her dart and it hit the balloon dead center.

"GOOD SHOT STAR", beamed Robin. Starfire giggled and clapped her hands together.

"GLORIOUS! Did you see Robin"! The beautiful Tamaranian was absolutely ecstatic with her accomplishment.

"I saw it Star great job. Now check this out". He held three darts in between his fingers and pitched them at the wall. He struck his targets and the crowd was awe struck.

"Wonderful Robin you have bulled the eye three times at once"! He handed his prize off to Starfire who took it with immense gratitude. They got some cotton candy and made their way over to a magic act.

"Now pay attention folks you observe the coin is in my hand and my sleeves are rolled up"! The magician talked out of the small crowd. He closed his hands together and said some corky magic words, then opened his hands to reveal that the coin had vanished. "So where did my coin go? Hm? I think you know where it is". He pointed at Starfire and she looked around to see if he meant someone else.

"I do not know where you metal currency has gone. Perhaps if you conducted a more thorough search you would be more successful". He laughed out loud but then concentrated back on her.

"Reach into your pocket and tell me". Starfire did so and her mouth dropped when she felt the small coin in her hands. She pulled it out and the crowd applauded. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen! You may express you gratitude for tonight's performance in whatever way you see fit, but particularly with money". He put out a small box and a few people began putting some dollar bills inside. Starfire turned to Robin and showed him the coin.

"Robin, how did he achieve such a feat"? Robin opened his mouth to give her an explanation but found it difficult.

"I'll tell you later Star". She nodded and turned her attention to a man making balloon animals. While Starfire concentrated on the clown Robin removed an envelope and slowly slipped into her now empty pocket. She felt him and turned around swiftly.

"Robin what are you doing? What is this", she took out the envelope and began to open it.

"NO STAR", Robin grabbed her hands to keep her from opening it. "You can't open it, at least not right now".

"Well when can I open it", she asked very confused.

"Later, but don't worry Star if and when the time comes you'll know when to open it". She looked back down at the envelope and pocketed it.

"I wish you would tell me what it has inside", she said as they began walking along the grounds. Robin shook his head and began wondering if it was such a good idea.

"I'm sorry Star, but it's important that you just forget about it for now". She gave him a questioning look. "Just trust me, okay"? She thought for a moment but knew that of all the people that she trusted, she trusted Robin the most. She smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Good, now what d'ya say we ride some rides"? He led her over to the roller coaster (one of her favorites), as she walked she forgot about the ride and thought about the envelope. What was in it? Why did Robin give it to her? Why was it so important that he wouldn't let her see what it was right that second? She got so excited that she did realize that she was floating off the ground.

"Uhhh Starfire"- Robin pointed to the ground and Starfire landed and rubbed the back of her head.

"Oh sorry", she giggle sheepishly and they continued on. They passed by a man reading a newspaper. He looked over his paper and watched them head for the line for the roller coaster. He put his wrist up to his mouth and spoke into a small mic.

"Target has been sighted, all units stand by". He folded up his paper and left the area. Cyborg , Beast Boy, and Raven were waiting for them at the end of the ride. They got off and fixed their hair as it was now in all sorts of disarray.

"I never tire of things", said Starfire trying to fix her hair.

"You guys ready to go, I bet Lee's getting kinda lonely", asked Cyborg.

"Ahh his fault for not coming", said Beast Boy waving his hand. Robin chuckled and glanced up at a nearby tree. There he saw someone getting situated with a bolt action rifle. He ducked his head.

"Shit, they cam sooner than I thought".

"What was that", asked Cyborg. Robin didn't answer but shook his head and took out a bird-a-rang. The man in the tree took aim and Robin threw the weapon. It struck the man in the hand forcing him to point upwards. The gun went off and shot one of the park lights showering the panicking crowd with sparks.

"I'm sorry I have to go", said Robin. Without saying another word he dashed off leaving the other Titans baffled and confused. They ran off after him not knowing what was going on at all. As they chased after Robin they saw what looked like secret service agents in hot pursuit as well. They removed silenced pistols and began shooting at the boy wonder. Robin rolled and ducked to avoid the shots, then spun around throwing more bird-a-ranges to disarm his pursuers.

"Why do they fire on Robin", asked Star flying a few feet off the ground. Cyborg was riding on an energy platform made Raven who floated along side him while Beast Boy kept up by becoming a cheetah.

"Don't know but we're gonna find out", said Cyborg. He took out his arm cannon. Robin ran inside the nearest building which was the city's Holiday Inn. He stopped in the lobby and desperately looked somewhere to go. He turned and saw the agents coming in and dashed for the elevator. He entered and pressed the roof button. The closest agent opened fire just as the door closed. While the other agents tired to keep order in the lobby the other headed for the roof.

Robin opened the elevators utility hatch and climbed out into the shaft. He then slid off to the slid and allowed the elevator to pass him up so he could climb back down to the bottom. Once there he opened a vent and made his way down the duct. While crawled on through his communicator went off. He quickly reached for it and Cyborg's face appeared on the screen.

"Man you've got some explaining to do! Where are you? Who are those guys chasing after you"?!

"Sorry Cy I can't really talk right now". Raven's face now came on the screen.

"You can at least tell us where you're going".

"I'm sorry but I can't. I have to go". He switched off his communicator and pressed on. On the other end Cyborg tapped his arm comm. link.

"Robin? ROBIN! DAMN! Where's he headed", he asked Raven. She took out her comm. link and tracked his signal.

"He's heading for the train station". Starfire took flight and led them on.

"Then we have not a moment to spare"!

Robin peeked around the entrance to see if the agents or even the Titans were there. Satisfied that he saw no one he rounded the corner and began walking among the crowds. He didn't get far for he saw the agents at the other end of the crowd and took off running. They pushed their way through the crowds of people and took out their pistols and aimed. Robin was dead ahead and in plain sight. Just as he was about to pull the trigger it melted from a flash of green light. He looked over and saw Starfire coming right at him. She knocked him off his feet and bound him to his partner with a metal pole.

"We'll take care of the rest of em' Star, you go after Robin", instructed Cyborg. She nodded and took flight. The many trains sped down the tracks line fast moving snakes. Robin glanced behind him and saw Starfire coming up, then looked ahead to see more agents coming his way. He then saw another train coming and decided on a game of chicken. He turned sharply and both Starfire and the agents were taken by surprise. Sprinting as fast as he could he jumped to the other side of the track just as the train passed by. Starfire quickly flew over the speeding train and saw that Robin had stopped in front of another track. She landed and slowly walked towards him.

"Please do not run Robin. Whatever distress you are in lets us help you", she held out her hand. Robin's face saddened and she shook his head. Oh how he wanted to just take her hand and tell her everything, but he couldn't. They had found him too early and now he had to make a run for it. He stayed in place as another train was about to pass by. They both looked down the track and Starfire walked closer to Robin.

"Don't go Robin, Robin please do not go", she persisted. He hung his shoulders and looked up at her while the train got closer and closer. He smiled and waved good bye. Seeing this she began running up to him. Rubin then turned and jumped down into the track as the train passed.

"ROBIN", she screamed. The train passed on by and she saw not a flattened or torn apart Robin……….but nothing. He wasn't there; all that was left was his comm. link. He simply vanished. She stepped down into the track and picked up his communicator. She held it close to her and looked out over the expanse that was the city.


Well how was that for a start? I'll get the next chapter up soon. Reviews please.