Hello everyone! Well, this is it, a new story starting where Crossing the bridge finished! I would like to start with a very sincere thank you to all of you, you have no idea how much your reviews have meant to me, or how they have kept me going when things got a little tough. Some of have thanked me for helping you, or making you realise things, well you have done the same to me. Writing means more to me then anything else in my capabilities. Books, and stories, fantasy and real life, all entwined to give me meaning. So I thank you. A note to any new readers here, reading crossing the bridge first will really help you understand this story!

I can't believe how many of you I made cry! That's pretty impressive! That's some real emotion! Linkin Park again! Yay me! It does work with that song! Voltaire cannot be trusted, it's true, he's a nasty piece of work! You got bored of the tree running? Good! I was starting to worry! It's so cool to finally find another Gundam Wing fan! Good to know I'm teaching you some mythology! You two are sooooo sweet! Bless the pair of you! Um, nice song! You guys are a riot, please keep making me laugh!

I don't know if there is going to be any romance between Kai and Tadashi, I know the majority of people were against it before, but maybe opinions have changed, let me know!

I can understand what you mean about feeling it, so don't worry about that! Thanks for reminding me about what our club name means!

Thank you. To not be able to find words powerful enough, that's impressive. It is amazing what words can make you feel, that's why I'm so passionate about them! words can be a complete league of their own meaning so much.

Kai is very confused, that's why he left, for answers. He feels betrayed, but at the same time they did come back for him. He's torn. Thank you about the titles!

A congratulation is always needed for work done, so thank you!

Will Kai ever make it up with the bladebreakers? You shall have to read and find out!

Singing my poems is great, id love them to be lyrics too! Anything coming from your heart, however twisted, means a lot to me! You make a very good point about people not liking things, why do they continue to read them? madness! And I will always be me, I have no need to change that for anything, thank you for reminding me, sometimes it's so easy to forget what not being yourself can do to you.

I'm sorry that verse didn't work for you, had to happen somewhere! It's a half rhyme; I've done worse rhyming in previous poems! It's good everyone now understands my title! I have no idea how long the sequel is going to be, I didn't know that crossing the bridge would be as long as it was!

I do understand how much you appreciate our work; I feel the same about the things I read!

What were you expecting? Kai kill himself?! I know I would in his situation, but I need him! he won't die! No angry mob! I'll be good, I promise!

Thank you for calling me a fellow author.

I hate it when characters are flawless, you just can't connect to perfect things! I'm a very emotional person, and I guess it shows in my story!

Yay! More fan art! Draw, draw!

Don't feel like a piece of you has been ripped away! I will always come to you if I need help, email me!

You will have to wait and see if Kai will go back to them!

Kai won't turn mushy! That would be so wrong! You shall see more of the evil two.

When I write enough poems I will make an anthology and hopefully get it published! Thank you for being proud of my new story all ready! Here's a little thing I don't know if anyone noticed, but did you see the bitbeast I chose for Tori had a human form, like Tala's, and they were supposed to be twins……..i was being clever!

Kai felt hollow as he walked on. Time and distance had merged and faded to become something he no longer understood. His injuries plagued him dreadfully, yet he still walked on. The weather had started to turn nasty, the wind picking up to a chilling, whipping strength, pushing at him and making walking even harder. He could hear the distant rumble of thunder, felt the first drops of rain. Shrugging deeper into his long coat, he pushed himself on. He tried to stop thinking, to reach a numbing point in his mind, he had done it before, and it would be a blessing to not think of what, and who, he had left behind. But it seemed that prayer would go unanswered, he couldn't stop analysing what happened, that they had come back for him. He then berated himself for even sending a silent prayer of mercy to still his thoughts, he had no faith to pray to, and felt stupid for doing it.

Maybe that was what he needed, faith.

He shook his head beneath his hood. It did no good to think of things that would leave his mind in knots for hours, religion hadn't been something he had been offered, only taught, and that was only so he could blend in any culture he had to. Most of them anyway. He distracted his busy mind and aching heart by going over defence moves and patterns in his head, and when that was done, moved on to reciting phrases in all the languages he knew. He trudged on, it grew darker, and he didn't even notice. He had to find someway to get to Russia, and then back to the abbey. He needed to speed things up somehow. Maybe he could catch a bus? Then a ferry? He had so little money now, he had to keep as much as he could, he certainly couldn't afford a plane. He winced as he felt a newly scabbed cut on his leg pull apart and bleed anew. When had his life become this? When had he run away from such a thing?

He didn't know, and for once, he felt a coward, one with no choice.

It was a depressed group that met together hours later. All of them were soaked from the rain, and tired from the search. They sat in blankets or dressing gowns in Tyson's front room, in front of the fire, all holding a steaming mug.

Tadashi could feel another tear slide down her cheek. He had gone, they had searched, but he was still gone. Why? None of the bitbeasts could sense him; even Dizzi's tracking system couldn't feel such a weak signal. It wasn't supposed to have been this way. She thought back on when they had met again after all that time, when he had been captured. In that dusty attic, the pale orange light streaming through the windows, she could see him. He had grown so much from when he had been ten, the last time she had seen him before then. He was stronger, tougher, smarter. He barely remembered her, but then he had been happier, maybe without all his memories it had been better for him. She regretted coming back with Leon. She didn't have to, but she had wanted to see him again. Now she wished she had just left it. Maybe if she had never retuned, it could have been different.

"Tad? Don't cry" said Max gently, "we will find him. He can't have gone that far in this storm."

She shook her head, "he's gone, I don't know where, but he has. A storm won't stop him, his injuries wont. He might never come back!"

They had nothing to say to that, she was right.

"Maybe we won't find him, but there's no harm in calling in extra troops. Who knows who might see him?" said Mariah suddenly.

Ray looked at her at an angle, "what?"

"We'll get the other teams involved. He could go anywhere, so we will get the others, the rest of the White tigers, the Majestics, and the All Stars. The wider scope we have, the better for finding Kai!"

They had to agree with her with this one.

"You guys get the All Stars and the Majestics, and I'll get the White Tigers, though it might take a while" she told them all.

Ray looked at her completely this time, "you're leaving?" he asked a little mournfully.

"Only for a little while Ray, besides, I didn't intend to spend so long here anyway, I will be back! I promise" and she sealed the promise with a chaste kiss on Ray's surprised lips. He pulled her into a tight hug.

"It's a good idea Mariah, I'll start getting in touch with the Majestics" said Kenny.

"And I'll phone my mom!" said Max, a little too enthusiastically.

"Great!" yelled Tyson as he punched the air, almost spilling the contents of his mug, "we'll find Kai in no time!"

Tadashi could only nod mutely, she didn't want to ruin their hope just because hers had died. She had to think of where Kai would go, the most or the least obvious? She sat, occasionally sipping from her mug, not tasting the hot brew, she was too distracted thinking of where Kai would go that she didn't even feel the extra blanket placed on her damp shoulders by Samantha.

Samantha told herself she should have seen this coming. She had known Kai's determination from her time with him in the hospital. If it wasn't for that boy, she would never have known those that sat around her now. She silently thanked him and sat down next to Tyson's father and snuggled closer to him. She had never had much of a family, a single child whose father had run off when she was small, left with a mother who had no time to raise a child properly. She had left home as soon as she could, working hard to pay for nursing school, then living in a small apartment on the low wage she received for nursing. Now she had a family, and she would do anything to keep them together.

Her partner watched her through pained eyes. He knew her past, and what she was willing to do to keep what she now had. He felt the same way. He had spent so much time away from his family, he wouldn't do it again. Kai was a part of that family, however much the teen rebelled against the thought. They all held a strong bond to Kai; they only hoped he knew it.

It was pouring down with rain. It drove down in heavy sheets before being nothing more then mist, then another sheet rode over the walking figure by the road.

Kai stumbled slightly, his legs numb and slipping on the slick mud next to the road. He couldn't hear anything that passed on the road, so he walked beside it. Every now and again he saw foggy lights pass in a speeding blur, yet he knew they couldn't see him, it made no sense to flag one down; they were mostly going the way he was walking away from.

He had to get to the coast, yet he had lost where he was. He didn't know how long it would take to get there. It wasn't like going to the beach near Tyson's, he needed ships, a harbour or port, not a sandy beach. His bag felt so heavy, as did his feet. His coat was laden with rain water, his bandages dried with blood and chafing at the still weeping wounds beneath them. He felt truly desolate.

It wasn't till early dawn the next day he came to a sizable town next to a small harbour. The storm had turned into a grey chilly morning; fog rolling in off the sea didn't help. He could feel the cold air filling his lungs, leaving a coughing sensation instead. In this wet, damp weather, him already so stiff and soaked, he only had sickness to look forward too. Illness didn't take to him easily, but in these conditions he would still develop a fever and cough. Too much water settling on his lungs. Could nothing leave him be?

He stopped by the concrete edge of the harbour, trying to peer into the thick blanket of water that obscured his vision. He couldn't see anything. With a shivery sigh he pulled from the edge before it tempted him. He walked a way away and leant against a wall. Sliding down, all he could think of was how cold he was. Russian winters were freezing, but nothing was worse then being cold and wet. It drove down into his bones, leaving him nothing left with which to even shiver with. His heating force was gone; the inferno that the phoenixes gave him inside was an almost non existent spark, just occasionally telling him it was there. After such blazing glory, that was all that was left, a spark that burned more then heated.

The morning air began to clear around him, the fog lifting. He could feel the weak heat the sun gave off. Pulling himself up was no easy task, but he couldn't be seen, he needed to find a way to get to a place where boats went to Russia. He doubted he would find one here, but something could get him to a bigger port. Only question was how to get on one that would take him where he needed to go. He shrank further into his soaking and chilled coat as people started to emerge from the misty air.

'Maybe I should just ask someone, but who would answer me looking like this?' he thought to himself. He wasn't looking forward to the impending trip on boat as it was, not since having to escape a burning one. He picked up his duffel and tried to walk his stiff legs out, suppressing a wince as the bandages seemed to loosen more and rub against the sore flesh. Maybe if he just listened around, he'd find what he wanted, or maybe, he should just pick, and deal with whatever came next. He walked along the buildings nearest the harbours edge.

After a time of walking he came across a large café, and suddenly realised that he needed food. He might have been able to survive on little, but he had wounds to heal, stress to deal with, and a long journey ahead of him. He stepped in and made straight to the restroom first, avoiding the "young man?" that followed him.

Once in the restroom, he let his bag and coat fall to the floor. His tired gaze swept over his image in the mirror. He looked like a beggar; they wouldn't serve him food like this! He had some more bandages in his bag, and used them to replace the dirty and wet ones from his walk. The cuts from the harpies looked inflamed and tender, the one on his head was still weeping. He hoped it was the kind of discharge a healing wound gave off. He had never had an infection in his life, but as the myth went, anything the harpies touched either rotted or died. Maybe he would die; it sort of made the whole fight for survival thing ironic though, but would be one hell of a relief. He gave himself a grim smile at the thought.

His trousers and top were mostly dry now, so he fished out a hoodies to keep his skin warm whilst he ate, the wet coat needed a good drying session before he put it back on. He then fished out an old black woolly hat to cover his head bandage and some of his hair. Pulling it onto his head made the heavy blue spikes stick out at odd angles over his face. At least they helped to cover his face tattoos. That thought brought a pang of hurt as he thought of the 'tattoo' of the phoenixes on his shoulder. It was still there, but thinking about how far away they now were was not something he wanted to dwell on.

Soon enough he was almost presentable, looking a little rough, but they must have gotten all sorts travelling here. He sat at a small, shaded booth and ordered water and a hot meal, the special, he didn't care what. The waitress looked at him with a weird expression as she took the order and left. He leaned over the table and fought the pain his joints and wounds gave him. Maybe he could be sick? Maybe it was an infection? He hoped not, but then hope had never helped him yet. He sat back as the meal was placed in front of him and he thanked the waitress. She blushed prettily and told him to shush before walking away. He stared after her, all he had said was thanks, he was sure that he had said nothing to her to make her act like he had given her the biggest compliment. He shook his head slightly and ate with no joy for the food. It was good food, but he couldn't seem to find the rare appetite he had had just before coming in.

He finished the meal and drank the water down quickly, pushing the sick feeling eating had given him down. He gestured to the waitress to bring him another glass of water. She brought it over and winked at him as he stared after her.

"What the fuck?" he whispered to himself. He sat nursing the water between his hands, listening to the muted conversations around him. Maybe he did have luck; one ship was stopping off at a large port to move cargo to a bigger ship that would go to Vladivostok harbour in Russia. Kai could go there and travel up further into Russia. It was perfect. He drank half the glass of water and paid for his bill, the waitress smiling at him the whole time. Even glaring at her wasn't working. He decided there was too much of his hair in the way for her to really see his glare. He pushed her out of his mind and approached the two men who had been talking about the ship to Russia.

"Excuse me, I heard you talking about your destination. I want to travel there and wish to go by your ship if you will allow it." He asked the startled men.

One chuckled suddenly, "I like a guy who can get to the point right away! Now why should we allow you on our ship?"

"I have some money or can work for the journey" he replied casually. He wasn't supposed to be Kai here; he didn't want to be traced by the Bladebreakers or the hospital finding him.

"Ah see, you worked ship before lad?" asked the other in a drawn out accent.

"I have briefly, and learn fast, now can I board?"

"Patience, we can't let anyone aboard, liabilities and all, what's your name?"

"Matt. I will pay if I'm a liability, I know you take some passengers, it's a short trip" he answered back.

"Well Matt, looks like you have us cornered, though we may not have room for you."

Kai kept the mans gaze with his own, "it's only one person, one bag, I'll take whatever".

"Runnin away lad? We don't take no runners."

"Not running away, travelling and falling short on what I have. I need to speed it up a bit. I have family waiting for me."

"ah see, well, in tha' case we can't turn down no cash can we Sid? We can't refuse a kid now if he's goin somewheres."

"we will take you on board Matt, but you will pay, we have no need for anymore workers, be on the ship in half an hour, that's when we will leave, if your not there we wont wait for you, ok?"

"Fine by me, I'll just phone my folks, let them know I'll be home soon, and thanks."

"no problem Matt, report to any worker on the ship and they will see you to a cabin, small mind, id advise you stay there for the trip, it's only a couple of hours and as we are only a small vessel, we don't want any passengers getting underfoot. The ships called the Sea Squirt."

"Understood, thank you again" said Kai one last time before leaving them to their meal. He heard their fading voices discuss him briefly before turning their conversation onto the time and the tide. He quickly located the Sea Squirt and followed the other passengers aboard. There was only about a dozen including himself that seemed to be travelling on the small ship. He figured most the space was taken up by cargo. He asked one man hauling line where he should go.

"Last cabin left is first level down, number 14, avoid getting in anyone's way, we're running late as it is."

Kai nodded and went down the metal steps to a corridor lined with doors, some opened with people either entering them or leaving them. He ignored them all as he looked for number 14. It was the last in the corridor. He shouldered his way in and found a small, but cosy cabin with wood on the floor, walls, and ceiling. The bunk was built into the wall facing the sea, a relatively large porthole above it. There was a door leading to a tiny bathroom consisting of wood, a small toilet, a washbasin, and a towel on a wooden rack. The only other things in the cabin were a small built in table and a shelf high along one wall.

He dumped his duffel on the floor where it took up most of the floor and sat on the bunk. He faced the porthole and folded his legs under him. He watched as the ship left the port and made it's way into deeper water. He was going back, after all this, he was going back. He was leaving behind so much, but there was no choice, he had to know things. He was going to find them out, all of them. He couldn't stop his throat closing as he thought of what he had left behind. He needed to be alone, to think all this through, all alone. Always alone.


Is the first part of a journey

The hardest part to walk?

What of the final mile

Or the decisions at each fork?

Maybe it's at the end

When you can pull at the memories

When you have the time to look back

When you see the past holds no remedies

You will never know the answer

This voyage has no beginning, no end

You've been walking it since you can remember

You'll walk it till there's no life left to spend

You've travelled so far alone

Yet the voice still resounds in your head

From when they called and you still left

Saying 'forget me, I'm better off dead'

Now your feet stumble on life's mountains

That even the clouds in the sky imitate in jest

Yet those are just fleeting moments

To the peaks immortal rest

Each and every thought in your mind

Adds another face to the diamond there

A rock so flawed the light is twisted

Showing a soul that was hidden, now bare

The sun shows the truth so painfully

The night offers a cloak from the ache

You hike under the cold stars guidance

You talk to the moon for sorrows sake

Can others hear your silent pleas?

Fate rolls again the dice

Do you regret leaving with the knowledge

That you can never cross the same river twice?

Will you find what you are looking for?

Will the path become too tough?

All you know is that whatever you do

Will never be enough