This is my first Star Ocean fic. As I told you in the summary, it's about Albel's past. Err…, his hard life before becoming the captain of the Black Brigade. Well…, it's only a fic, my own imagination. I've only play it once (and I haven't finished it TT), so I don't know if Woltar had told Fayt about his past, because Albel is the one who came to help Fayt in Training Facilities. I didn't see the event if I wanted him in my party after entered the Eternal Sphere. So…, it may be different from the original, once again it's just a fanfic. But I DO know about Glou Nox, I read about him in the dictionary. He will be a part of this fic. Oh yeah…, there won't be Albel saying maggots AT FIRST…

I apologize if there are some grammatical error in this fic since English isn't my language.


Crimson Fate


Disclamer: I don't own Albel :'(

"Mom, who is my father?" that's the question which the little boy used to ask his mother, Arnia. But he had never got a satisfying answer. This time is also the same.

"Albel, your father is a very busy man, he…"

Before she finished her word, Albel cut her, "Mom, You know what I ask is his name!"

"Albel, Am I not enough for you?" as she said that tears dripped through her cheek. It made his son felt guilty for making his mother cry.

"It's… It's… not like that…just…" He tried to explain, of course she is more than enough for him, she was the only one he had in this world.

"I know…, sorry, I can't tell you by now, but someday you'll know it." She said as she wiped away her tears and stroked his hair, "Understood?"

The boy nodded sadly.

"Oh…, why don't you play outside with your friends?" she tried to leave the topic.

"No, I think I want to study, I have a test tomorrow" he said, actually it was because he had no friend. His mom didn't know about it.


Albel went into his room. The small room belongs to him and his mother. Since they were so poor their house only had one small bedroom without any bed since it had been sold in order to get a small amount of money. His mother income as a laundress wasn't enough to fulfill their needs.

His mother once told him that his father is an important person, they mustn't bother him because he was busy enough. But…, how could the man abandoned his family for his job? He didn't even send any money. They must pay the debt before the end of the month or they would be kicked from their small house, that time they would become a vagrants. Albel wonder if his father would even care.

Albel had told his mom that he had decided to quit from school and started to work a whatever. At least it would lighten her burden. He felt ashamed always late to pay the school fee. But she forbade him. She said be he must learn, become a great person, so he could meet his father. Who cares? He only cares about his mother, the only one who cares about him.

He really wanted to know him. He wanted to know who is the man who dares to do this to them. He hates him! He hates him for abandoning his family, hates him for making his mother crying so often, hates him for letting them sleeping without a mattress, hates him for letting them wearing worn out clothes, hates him for everything, for he wanted his love so deeply…


Now…, tell me what do you think? Please…, pretty (handsome or whatever) please….!!!! Err…, I know it is short…, it's just the prologue. Promise you chapter one will be longer and I will post it ASAP, may be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or next week --;;, I nearly finish it (or may be it won't come if there's no review. :'( hikzz…) I like to see Albel and Nel pairing. May be I'll write one someday or may be I'll make it as the part of this fic. It will take place after the game. So this fic won't just about Albel's past. Oh yeah… also tell me how do you think about my grammar. It will help me to improve my English. Once again I apologize if there are many errors. Please your review…