Disclaimer: Turns out I do not own the Teen Titans

Hey! This is my first Fan Fic! I hope all those who read enjoy!


The buzzing sound bounced in her ears. Like listening into a shell, it rolled like waves crashing up on the insides of her mind. She felt a breeze lick at the sides of her face. Where was she? Standing on a beach? No, slipping under the water. But she was so comfortable it couldn't be dangerous. "Hello? Bzzzzzzzzzz the humming bird is the only bird that can fly backward bzzzzzzzz" Something poked through the static. A voice, she knew that voice. "Grab for it" her mind told her." Just wake up" "Raven?" The picture around her came into focus. The three other Titans sat around the kitchen table talking. She looked at them, and then to the plates. It was breakfast. She could tell because Beast Boy had sneaked some of his tofu eggs on to Cyborg's plate. Glancing to her side she saw theforth green faced Titan looking slightly annoyed but worried. "Dude, you should at least pretend to read your book if you're not going to talk with the rest of us." A mumbled sorry escaped the girl's lips as she raised the book up to hide her face. Her mind became detached again, but not from reading, just dozed off in to a mist. A tap on her shoulder and a familiar giggle brought her back. Raven narrowed her eyes at the Tameranian girl. "What?" she muttered. Starfire let out an eep and brought her hand behind her head and smiled, "I did not know that the book could also be read upside-down, is that also customary?" Robin shook his head. Raven put her hood up and excused herself from the table. She flew down the dim hallway toward the sanctity of her room.

When she arrived at the door, it swooshed open and shut. Raven clutched a hand over her head and muttered, "What is happening to me?" Raven had found herself drifting in and out of reality soon after she had confined Malchior back to his book. Was it the black magic he had taught her? No, she had taken every precaution to protect herself and others from such spells. After Malchior, she worked harder than ever to restrain her powers/emotions. She had sworn never to re-chant the black spells again, not only because of there inherent wicked, but because of where they had come from. She wanted no memory of Malchior. Having the book sealed up in her room wasn't much help though. Late at night, when she found herself the loneliest, she would creep over to the trunk and sit staring at it. Once she had even opened the trunk. That was as far as she had gotten. She would not allow herself to make that mistake again. It was a lie, and she had let her emotions cloud her better reasoning and put everyone in danger. It was poison: Malchior and what he had given her. She had been blind and let him take advantage of her. But she had sworn it would not happen a second time.

Because she was laboring over the guaranteed control (or however close she could get) of her powers/emotions, it meant she had to separate herself further from her teammates. She had increased her mediation hours and intensified her chants. Obviously she needed too, the way she had been fooled earlier that month. And what had just taken place at the table reassured her she wasn't doing enough. If she couldn't stop this mind drifting she was sure another "Malchior incident" would occur. She knew her emotions would get another chance to get the better of her and that would not be allowed.

Raven folded her legs and rose off the ground. Hovering a few inches from the carpet, she closed her eyes in attempt to tame her racing mind. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos, Azarath Metrion Zinthos," rolled off her tongue. She began a third time but started to choke. It felt like her blood had burst from her veins and had flooded into her lungs. Her mind raced and her heart picked up speed as well. Then, it crashed. A haze settled in. Soft waves teased her toes. Wind rustled against her hair. She lifted up her arms and mused softly. This is where she wanted to be.

"T R O U B L E" The voice washed over Raven, turning her head to the door with its sound. The movement was like struggling through mud.

"T I T A N S! G O!" Lethargically, Raven mouthed "I'm coming," but no sound could be heard. She tried again and again. Then the door slipped open. Two hands placed themselves on her shoulders and shook. Suddenly, she felt herself sucked through layers of air and snapped back. The beeping of the alarm echoed through out the building. Raven blinked and flipped her hood up. Beast Boy stared back at her, his arms still resting on her.

"Why were you screaming?"

"What screaming?" Raven replied shoving his arms off and walked out the door leaving a rather perplexed green boy behind.