This really started as an exercise in writing in the second-person point of view. Then it became a very short story. Here's the tricky part... tell me who I'm talking about below. It may not be who you think...

Title: Silence

Author: secretkeeper Rating: PG-13(maybe?)

Pairing Legolas/Aragorn

Feedback: if this deserves any!

Archive: I don't know why you'd want to, but ok...

Warnings: references to child abuse and non-con, but nothing graphic.

Summary: Silence rules all.

You have been silent for some time now.

You were silent when everything began, when you paid the price for the crimes of your father and others.

You knew what would happen if you ever told a single soul what happened at nighttime. You knew of the sins you now paid the price for, of blood and misery. You knew to obey whenever he beckoned, and to do exactly as he said, or else.

The silence continues. It goes on when your lover asks "Why is it so important for you to see my face?" He does not know that it is an anchor, one that lets you remember that this is gentleness and love, not terror and pain. It doesn't always work, though. You feel guilt at the times that you have lost yourself, and found that you were once more a small child who was claimed before he could understand his own heart. "What frightened you so?"

But you are silent.

Silence mars the times you have arrived to meals in pain from your punishment, and your father has questioned you. "Are you hurt, son? Has something occurred?"

You are silent.

You are silent of the fact you know your own worth- nothing. You know how filthy you are, how you remain weak and continue to please your tormenter. You know the reason your lover cannot stay with you in your home- he would know how you betray him, how you speak words of love to him but serve another. You know that if anyone were to find out the truth of your life, they would shun you as the disgusting thing you are.

You are silent towards the fact there is no end to your pain. You have left on many occasions, but he always can find you.

Then you must pay. Even death is not an exit, for that is a form of telling. And telling means that all whom you love will pay.

You are silent of all things. You will serve him, and lie to those around you. You will not reveal the truth- even if it means your soul.

Sooo... how many people thought I was talking about Legolas? If you did, you're wrong... it was Aragorn I was talking about. If you weren't surprised, good job at guessing.