Don't Cry

Yuffie Kisaragi2

Disclaimer: I merely own this story and the story that I based this one off of. If you have not read Not Your Average 'Vinnie's A Vampire' Story, then I would recommend doing so. Otherwise, you may be lost. This is the epilogue of the sequel... If you're jumping in here, you're totally lost.

Dedicated to: G. Zan (Decided to make this epilogue for you since you gave me the idea! Hope it's up to par!)

Prologue: For Every Person There Is A Different Ending

But You and I, through burning plains,
Through the darkness of the earth,
Affirm this world, its people,
The heavens that gave them birth,
The breath that passes between us,
This alter where we stand,
All those things made larger by
The promise of woman to man.

- "A Wedding Song Reprise" Dragon Lance (Chronicles?) Vol. III

Gray orbs stared into the gray orbs in the mirror. The sun shone brightly in the open window, reflecting off of her glittering make-up. The woman to her left was fluffing and fussing over the long white dress, tsking and tutting about this and that. But the woman paid her no mind, instead she savored the warmth of the mid-evening summer sun seeping through the window of her father figure's spare bedroom. Her hair, having been cut more than a month before, hung in a single straight layer to her shoulders, sunny highlights just beginning to reappear after so long in the dark. The older woman stood and gazed lovingly at the young woman.

"You're gorgeous," she said, smoothing a strand of the bride's hair. "You're gorgeous, and intelligent, and all-around perfect."

The younger woman's face became a vibrant shade of Crayola red. "Thanks, Shera... Are you sure that you and Cid are ready to deal with our chocobos? Kay-Girl is horrible when it comes to being polite."

The woman laughed, her age showing through the crinkles at the edges of her dark eyes. "No problem, Yuffie! Besides, I'm pretty sure that Lacey is in love with Vincent's Tommy Boy."

Yuffie smiled and straightened her back more than her relaxed stance so that she could breathe in the somewhat gothic-style corset wedding dress she wore. Could it have only been six months before when she was still a vampiress? Had it only been five and a half months since she saw sunlight for the first time in... GAWD! How long had she been a vampiress?Two years?Clearing her mind of these thoughts, she thought about the totally hot man that was probably fidgeting with his best man chuckling at him from down the aisle, awaiting the Maid of Honor.

A man walked in wearing a black suit and crimson tye. His blonde, white-streaked hair was combed neatly, the cigarette and scent of nicotine gone from him, his sky blue eyes gazing proudly at the young woman whom he treated as his own daughter. She grinned at him nervously, not used to wearing dresses, let alone a long dress, complete with train. He smiled back at her, swallowing the lump in his throat. He sure as hell was not going to break down in front of her!

"You look great, Yuffie," he managed after a few moments. She seemed to let out a breath. "But don't let that get to ya or nothin'. I'm not goin' soft, y'know."

She smiled charmingly at him. "Oh, I would never say that!"

Shera sighed, wiping tears from her eyes. "Okay, Yuffie... I'm going to go take my seat before Tifa takes it, all right?"

Yuffie laughed and nodded. "Sure, Shera."

As the older woman exited, another woman came in. Her long silver hair was up in a stylish bun, her dress a beautiful shade of crimson that made her skin shimmer brilliantly. "Hello, Yuffie," she said, her red heels in one hand and her bouquet in the other. She noticed Yuffie's up-raised eyebrow and shrugged. "I don't like heels. Thought I'd put 'em on before I go down the aisle, then take 'em off after the ceremony."

The bride laughed and hugged her newest friend. "Okay, Claire, whatever you say."

The silver-eyed summon returned the hug, then stepped back to survey her friend. "Hmmm... You're not going to do something with your hair?" Yuffie shrugged. "Okay, then... Mind if I do soemthing with it really quick"

Cid groaned. "Just don't take all damn day! We wanna get this show started within the next twenty minutes! Vince's gettin' jittery and'll prob'ly take off if we don't hurry the fuck up."

The groom was standing in the Highwinds' back yard, where the small ceremony was to take place. Of course, he had a clear view of everyone there. Derek - Gallion Beast was how Vincent would always remember him - was sitting on the left side wearing a black tuxedo with a red rose tucked into his pocket, a pretty, fair-haired lady sitting beside him in a pale blue dress. She had large, round blue eyes and a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Nathaniel sat with Na'agra, fingers interlaced with the summon's, wearing a dark blue suit. Na'agra wore a silver, slimming halter dress that matched her eyes and hair. Vincent knew that she was only there because Death Gigas and Claire had begged her. In truth, the former vampire could not have cared less if she had shown up. She had tried to destroy Yuffie's life! He only remained calm because Yuffie had pleaded with him to do so.

Monsier William sat on the other side of Nathaniel wearing a white suit, a red shirt underneath, and lime green tye. Vincent had to chuckle at the sight. Leave it to Hellmasker to do something so ridiculous.

To Vincent's left, as he faced the aisle, would be the ring leader of the former summons, Heraldo Chaos. He decided to keep the name Chaos... After all, that was the name he was known best by. He wore a black suit that matched Vincent's, but wore a red tye whereas Vincent wore a white tye.

On the right side sat Tifa and Cloud Strife, both wearing ShinRa blue, he noticed. It was humorous that, even thoguh they hated the evil company, they wore that navy blue still. Beside them sat Barret, Elmyra, and a nearly-grown Marlene Wallace. They were all dressed up as well. Nanaki sat in front of the first row, his one golden eyes taking in the scene. Reeve, of course, sat with his prided "Trio" his new name for the Turks, in the front row, next to where Cid, Shera, and Lacey Highwind would be sitting.

He heard the music start and swallowed hard as Lacey Highwind tottered down the aisle with her mother, then they took their seats beside Reeve, Reno, Rude, and Elena. Next came Claire and Heraldo, who looked rather... good... together. Vicnent blinked his red-tinted brown orbs once to clear away that thought. As soon as they were situated, Cid and Yuffie came down the aisle. Vincent's breath was taken away at the sight of his bride, his love, his Yuffie.

She smiled at him and continued down the aisle, her father figure giving her away. As soon as she touched his hand, everyone else faded away and the rest of the ceremony was a beautiful blur of colors until the reception. They had a very short reception, seeing as Yuffie could barely breathe in her dress, but did get to shove cake in each others' faces. Vincent had acted innocently at first, but Yuffie was soon sputtering and shoved his piece into his mouth, smearing the icing around on his pale skin. They laughed, their friends laughed, and they had fun. But, the best thing was... Yuffie finally got to marry her love.

As they rode away on a gold chocobo - dubbed "Marie" by Lacey Michelle Highwind - Yuffie took a deep breath. One, because she was in jeans and a tee-shirt and able to breath again. Mostly, though, it was because she was enjoying herself. So, she and Vincent went on a trip around the world for their honey moon. After all, what else could she want other than to be with the man of her dreams for the rest of her life. She leaned back into him as his claw rested lightly on her flat stomach. They would travel for three weeks, then return to Rocket Town to get their belongings... After that, they would move into their new house in Kalm.

Chaos, Gallion Beast, Death Gigas, and Hellmasker watched them with quiet smiles on their faces. Heraldo, Derek, Nathaniel, and William merely watched them silently, however. For, on the outside, they were human... They would always remember their past names on the inside. Derek's date asked him if they could return to the hotel room, Na'agra made a scene by complaining about a MAKO headache, and Claire continued chatting with Shera and little Lacey. Tifa and Cloud soon left, seeing how Tifa was not feeling well - it was found out later that she was pregnant - and the "Trio" forced Reeve to take them to a bar. Cid and Shera had help with clean-up from Barret, Elmyra, Marlene, and the former demons.

For every person is a different ending, Heraldo Chaos thought to himself. And for Valentine and Kisaragi... There is such a thing as a happy ending.


YK2: Obie kabie! This epilogue was for G. Zan, since it was asked for. Hope it was up to par! GRAH! If there isn't a punctuation at the end of one of my quotes, I'm sorry. For some reason, won't upload question marks, commas, or exclamaition marks from Rich Text. BLEH! RESPONSES!

G. Zan: Did I do good? Did I do good? I hope I did good! Ha ha ha! By the way, I've never written a wedding scene before. Hope it wasn't too terrible.

NeonRaine: Heh. Glad you liked the ending. Try an epilogue on! Was this up to par too? OH! I'm planning on making a Reno-Yuffie-Vincent story! Not sure if it'll end up as a Reffie or Yuffentine though.

Mistress Delavaire: Couldn't find the URL... Hmph. Maybe I typed it in wrong.. I'll try again later.

Lone Gunmen: Didja like? Didja like? Yuffentines are gravy. Heh!

YK2: So, please, review, you guys!

Reno: Else I shall be forced to use my EMR on your sorry carcasses!

Elena-whimpers-Is still traumatized by younger brothers-

YK2: Hee hee hee... Someone figured out how to shut El up! YAY, LG!

Tseng: I may require your assistance more often.

Surka: Heh. I deal with YK2's 3-year-old brother and 13-year-old sister. NOTHING SCARES ME!

Sephiroth: BOO!

Dracon: AH!


Surka: SEPHY-tackles and huggles-

YK2: Yeah... I'm tired... Please review, all! Hope you enjoyed! THE END-Joins the rest of the gang in a party to celebrate the end of DC-

-Yuffie Kisaragi2, Surka Sokyu, Dracon Fira, The Turks Sephiroth -