Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.


Steel clashed against claws as the dark figure bore down on the Youkai. Tears of rage flowed from mismatched eyes of midnight blue and icy silver. Blow upon blow rang out in the clearing as the figure drove the smirking man back.


Naraku's sadistic smile widened as he continued to block the onslaught, his delight dancing clearly in his eyes. Mocking her. Anger washed through her and blurred her vision as she slashed harder, faster, forcing him back, yet he continued to grin that terrible, devilish smile. Fury drove her forward, her swings slowly became wider, less disciplined as she fed on the flurry of emotions that drove her strength.

Taking another step forward, she suddenly slipped on a splash of blood that still stained the wet grass, stumbling forward on the momentum of her swing, she watched with wide eyes as Naraku's claws came up past her sword. Too slow to block his attack, she threw herself to the side, a scream of pain emitting from her throat as he drove a hand through her shoulder and out through her back. Pain exploded through her body and engulfed her mind, her suddenly useless arm dropping the sword.

"Ah how clumsy of you, emotions truly are not your forte", Naraku provoked softly as he lifted her struggling form off the ground by the arm that skewered through her, causing another cry of pain as he shook her sharply "Now, what should I do with you hm?", he mused softly as he surveyed the carnage around them "Shall I torture you slowly as I did the others? Or shall I pity you and kill you swiftly."

"Go. To. Hell", the figure growled weakly as she grasped his arm with her good arm weakly. Pain wracked her body and made her head swirl, her vision doubled and blurred as blood trailed down her body and dripped to the ground beneath her.

"My poor dear, the last of your kind, all of them slaughtered by my hands and my minions, I pity you", he trailed a claw down along the mask that covered her face, slicing through the dark material and leaving a deep scratch on her cheek. His hand was slapped away roughly. Mismatched eyes glared back at him darkly with loathing and disgust, intermingled with despair and resignation.

Naraku chuckled, "Such a sad pathetic face you show, how about I give you a chance? Leave it to the fates to decide whether you live or die?", his face broke into a monstrous grin as he drew his arm back slowly, and like a sling threw his weight forward, throwing the girl up and over the trees. She released a bloodcurdling scream as his hand ripped free of her shoulder and she flew with frightening velocity out of the clearing, her scream fading as she rapidly soared over the forest before cutting short as her form plummeted back into the greenery below.

A moment later, a faint pink light glowed softly before dying back into the cover of the dark night


Inuyasha smirked as he ran a lazy circle with his tongue around the girl's neck, eliciting a small groan from her as she grinded her hips into him wantonly, mewling softly as she did so.

"Inu…yasha…sama", she moaned quietly as she tossed her hair back and forth, her nails dragging deep into his chest, causing a deep growl to rumble in his throat.

"Pl-please…" the girl groaned in frustration as she jerked impatiently at his belt.

Inuyasha chuckled lowly as he raked a hand up the girl's skirt, hiking it up to bunch around her waist, his eyes gleaming as he traced a finger up her inner thigh, causing a small gasp in response.

"Patience my little kitten," he murmured softly as he laid her back onto the desk.

She looked pleadingly into his large luminous amber eyes and whimpered needily.

A bell rang faintly in the distance, drowned out by the girl's cries.

Sesshoumaru looked up in disdain as Inuyasha opened the door to the limousine, throwing his body into the seat gratefully as he sank into the plush leather. Giving a sharp rap on the window, he gave a sharp nod as the limo peeled away from the parking at the front of the school and onto the main road.

Throwing his schoolbag onto the seat next to him, he leaned down and cracked open a can of soda from the mini fridge before gulping it and sighing refreshingly.

Sesshoumaru regarded him coolly from his own seat "You're late."

Inuyasha threw him a crooked grin as he leaned back comfortably "I had urgent business to attend."

Sesshoumaru snorted "Yes, obviously, since you didn't even have time to button up your shirt. Those scratches on your chest are on display for the whole world to see."

Inuyasha looked down and smirked "Why that dirty little minx."

"Your women simply have no class at all little brother," drawled Sesshoumaru slowly as he turned to watch the passing scenery

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, "I like mine with a little fire and passion, YOUR women are so stuck up themselves I bet they can see from their mouths from how far up they have their heads up their asses."

Sesshoumaru's eyes flashed with annoyance "I prefer the term well-bred and sophisticated, I like to choose my women with standards."

"Ah huh, they're so well bred that they must be used to having everything done for them don't they? Tell me Sessh, are they starfishes in bed?"

Sesshoumaru growled in warning, his teeth glinting brightly in the dark interior of the limousine

"Woah calm down, I was just kidding." Inuyasha chuckled playfully

Sesshoumaru settled back into his seat and turned his head back to stare out the window. Inuyasha settled back as well, not willing to further provoke the elder. A silence reigned inside the limo as it braked to a stop in front of a traffic light, the noises from the outside world muted quietly through the tinted windows.

Suddenly, a bright pink light flashed amongst the trees above the hill that they had stopped besides, startling a flock of birds into flight.

Both brothers sat up in their seats instantly, two pairs of golden orbs trained on the bright light that faded as quickly as it appeared.

Inuyasha rapped quickly on the window separating their chauffeur "Park on the side streets, we'll be back in a moment."

Throwing the door open, the two stepped out of the limo and sprinted down the footpath before bounding up the temple steps that lead to the top of the hill. "What do you think that light was?" asked Inuyasha as they neared the top, their jumps allowing them to skip almost a whole set of steps and their landings, "I have not seen the light myself before, however, with it happening within the boundaries of our territory we are committed to investigate it." replied Sessoumaru curtly.

The two reached the top at scanned the area cautiously, Inuyasha's ears swivelling back forth like mini radars as he sniffed the air.

"I smell blood."

Sesshoumaru nodded, his own nose prickling at the metallic tang of fresh blood in the breeze.

Inuyasha strode forward slowly, sniffing towards the direction of the temple that stood to their side. "I don't think the smell is coming from there."

Sesshoumaru stepped in the opposite direction, his gaze trained on the little building set off to the side, surrounded partially by the trees around the back. The door to the building was open, but the inside was dark. He could just make out the faint shape of a well in the blackness. A shuffling noise sounded faintly from inside.

Inuyasha sprang to his side, crouched down as he too stared intently at the little building. He sniffed delicately, "The smell is coming stronger from there," he observed quietly as he crept forward slowly.

A quiet groan sounded from inside the building as a dark shadow moved slowly to the entrance. Sesshoumaru's hair prickled as he lowered himself for attack, Inuyasha drew back his lips and growled softly as he crouched lower to the ground his hackles rising.

The tang of blood hit the two of them in full force as a small figure moved into the entrance of the building and into the light. Clad in skin tight black from head to toe, the mask that had covered the face had peeled back to reveal a dirt smudged face with small delicate features and a bloody scratch along one cheek, the figure held one hand tightly to a gaping wound in their gaping shoulder, tears in whatever the figure wore showed off gashes and welts that ran along the legs and arms, a belt crossed over the chest strapped two scabbards over the back, with only one sword sheathed.

From the small petite build, to the modest curves that the black clothing hugged, they were obviously facing a girl.

"What the fuck?" mumbled Inuyasha.

Always the one with something intelligent to say.

The figure stilled as it saw the two of them, one eye of the darkest shade of sapphire and the other an icy silver widened in shock as it regarded them, taking in Inuyasha's fluffy ears and Sesshoumaru's Youkino draped over his shoulder, looking as dumbstruck as they both felt.

"Youkai…" whispered the girl softly.

Suddenly the eyes narrowed as the figure drew the sword from her back with her good arm.

"DIE MURDEROUS YOUKAI SCUM!" screeched the girl as she leaped forward from the entrance of the building into the fading sunlight. Golden sunrays gleamed off her dark hair of midnight blue.

Both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha jumped out of the way as she crashed down where they both previously stood, her sword ringing loudly as it connected and bit deeply into the stone. Blood splattered to the ground as the girl landed. Standing up she swirled around, both arms raised to hold the sword protectively in front of her as she glared at both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha in turn.

"Stay away if you wish to live filth," she hissed venomously.

"Calm down you psycho bitch," snapped Inuyasha, as he drew back his lips to growl at her.

Sesshoumaru observed her coolly as he stepped around her slowly.

"Don't move!" she snarled angrily as she whipped to face Sesshoumaru

"Oh?" Sesshoumaru regarded her distantly "Giving orders in your state? The only one who will hurt is you."

She pointed the shaking sword at Sesshoumaru's impassive face, "I'm warning you, you bastard!" blood dripped to the floor as she took a solid stance, leaving bloody foot prints in the grey stone, "Take one more step and I'll-"

She never had a chance to continue as Inuyasha leaped up behind her and sent her crashing forward to the floor, her sword flying from her loose hand as she fell onto her bad shoulder with a pained cry.

"Sorry beautiful, I hate to hurt women, but you talk too much," drawled Inuyasha as he landed to the side and flicked up her sword with his foot, catching it casually with a hand as he sauntered over to her where she lay in front of Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru crouched down and looked at the girl who lay at his feet. His clawed hand reached forward to slide her bloodied mask down to her chin. Large luminous mismatched eyes glared at him through angry tears that slid down a straight dainty nose to small full, but cracked lips drawn over clenched teeth to disappear beneath the underside of her chin, all of it set in a face with elegant cheekbones and a strong but feminine jawline. The skin was pale, coloured with a whiter shade from obvious blood loss.

The girl shuddered as Inuyasha sauntered over and crouched down to take a good look at her too. An intense throbbing reverberated through her shoulder and brain, pain wracked her trembling body and as her vision began to fade she realised that her mind was quickly shutting down to prevent the painful sensory overload.

"I…will never surren…der…," she whispered softly as she fainted.

Sesshoumaru watched as her eyes dimmed and slid closed.

"She needs treatment," he observed quietly as he bent down to pick up the girls petite form. She was light.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he roughly sheathed her sword back, "You think?" he commented sarcastically, ignoring Sesshoumaru's cold glare as he leaned in to sniff her closely. "She doesn't smell right…I can't quite pinpoint it yet with all that blood scent covering her, but there's something odd with the way she smells…" he trailed off as he sniffed near her shoulder,"…there's something else, she smells very faintly of Youkai…" he pulled back and wrinkled his nose, "It's faint, but it's there, this girl here has recently come into contact with our kind."

Sesshoumaru sniffed delicately and nodded in agreement.

"Where do you think she's from? Do you think she's the one responsible for that bright light that we saw? What or who do you think did that to her?" Inuyasha wondered aloud as he continued to peer searchingly into her face.

He smirked.

"Quite the looker isn't she?"

Sesshoumaru shot him an impatient look, "Her life force is slowly draining away. I'm going back to have Kaede take a look at her. Since you have so many questions that need answering, stay here and investigate the building, see what means she used to come to this place. Once you're done take the limo home."

Inuyasha shot him an irritated look back. He hated being ordered around by his imperious self-appointed arrogant sibling," And how do you plan on getting back?" he asked dryly, though he knew the answer already.

He just wanted to be annoying.

Sesshoumaru glanced at him but didn't answer. Instead he leaped up into the sky and quickly bounded into the distance.

Inuyasha felt a vein pop.

Warm air whipped through Sesshoumaru's long hair, the silvery strands glittering and sparkling in the sunlight as he jumped along the rooftops of the buildings of Tokyo. Cars trundled along like lines of ants as he sped through the city.

He peered curiously down at the small form he held in his arms, his large amber eyes staring intently at her. Inuyasha had been right; this girl had a natural beauty so few were born with. The perfect symmetry of her face, how small it was! He could hold almost her whole face with just one hand, and those startling shades of her eyes. Such breathtaking depth! They were so large, almost like cats eyes. Yes, she had an elegant beauty that could steal the hearts of many men.

He smiled.

But such a terrible potty mouth…



For those who have had this story in their favourites for a while now will know that I haven't had this story updated in over 5 years. In fact, I haven't been active for around the same time. I recently came back to this site and after reading a few fanfiction's by other authors, realised that I really missed writing. However, looking back on my stories from years ago I really cringe at how badly they were all written. So I've decided to try and rewrite all my stories. Starting with this one. I hope that there will be an improvement in both writing and story plot and movement. I'm still very rusty and have a very long way to go, but I hope that with your reviews and (hopefully) constructive criticism, I will improve as a writer and dish out enjoyable stories for you to read.

For those who read the original version, I hope this kept enough resemblance but changed the story into something more readable.

Hope you enjoyed!

Please review and let me know your thoughts and opinions!