Bail Organa, Laicee, Padme and Obi-Wan were seated on comfortable sofas in the lounge of the luxurious cloaked ship. They had escaped Coruscant completely undetected. Obi-Wan, Padme and Laicee had showered, donned clean clothes and had their first real meal in days. Padme had her legs pulled up on the sofa. She was leaning against Obi-Wan, who had his arm around her shoulder.

Obi-Wan smiled at his friend across the small room. "Okay, Bail, I want details!"

"The man who loaned us this wonderful vessel is a very wealthy owner of several spice mines. He isn't a big fan of the Empire, especially since they came in and demanded half of his profits. Of course, they didn't exactly give him the option of saying 'no.' Anyway, he has always been fascinated with the latest technology. He always has to have the newest and best of everything. He has some incredible scientific minds in his employ."

Bail took a sip of his drink and continued. "Once I received your message, I knew that I would need his help. Once I told him who it was I wanted to rescue, he was eager to help in any way he could. He was very happy to hear that General Kenobi of the Clone Wars was still alive. He had served in the Clone Wars as well."

Obi-Wan's interest was piqued. "What's his name? Maybe I knew him."

"No, he said that he never met you. He said that all people who fought for the Republic knew about you and respected you." Bail grinned at him. "Your reputation preceded you!"

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes. "Yes, and I'm sure the stories grew in size and scope with each telling."

"No, because it was those of us who actually served with you who did the telling." Bail looked at his friend with affection. "Anyway, the great thing is, he wants to help the Rebellion. We know that it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of planning, but we're going to build the Rebellion to where we can actually be a threat to the power of the Empire. That's going to mean hidden bases throughout the galaxy, all equipped with communications, shields, weapons, ships and med labs."

Obi-Wan gave a low whistle. "You've got your work cut out for you, Bail! But if anyone can do it, you can."

Bail smiled and turned to Laicee. "I've heard you're an expert at scrounging up medical supplies. We could use your help in building up the medical arm of the Rebellion."

"I will help in any way I can. I can finally see some light in the galaxy again. I will do whatever I can to help it grow." Laicee felt honored to be a part of such a noble endeavor.

"There's a small med lab on this ship, with all the latest equipment." Bail got up off the sofa and offered Laicee his hand. "Would you like to see it?"

"I'd love it!" Laicee gladly took his hand and let him escort her out.

Padme reached for her glass. "She'll be a great asset to the Rebellion."

Obi-Wan nodded his head. "Yes, she will. She really meant what she said about seeing light in the galaxy again." He sighed heavily. "I needed to be reminded that there is still good in this galaxy. I had lost sight of that."

Padme reached up to stroke the side of his face. "It's hard to see the light when you're completely surrounded by darkness."

"Yes, but I'm a Jedi. I should never forget that the light is always there, no matter how bad things get."

"Obi, you didn't forget. Clinging to the light is what got you through this horrible ordeal. You never succumbed to the darkness. You never let it take hold. Remember that."

Bail walked back in purposefully. He had things to say that were for Obi-Wan and Padme alone. He pulled a chair in front of their sofa and sat down. "Yoda wants you to visit him on Dagobah before heading to Tatooine."

Obi-Wan noded his head. He was glad. He really needed Yoda's wisdom and counsel. He missed his mentor and friend very much.

Bail turned to Padme with a smile. "Leia will be so glad to see you! She has missed you so much!"

Padme sat up straight and steeled herself for what needed to be said. "I'm not going back to Alderaan, Bail."

"What?" Bail stared at Padme in shock. He stole a questioning glance at Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan wasn't all that surprised. This was the decision she had made earlier.

"Bail, if I go back to Alderaan, I'll be putting Leia and the Rebellion at risk. Vader will be hunting me more than ever now. He will want vengeance."

"But…" Bail looked at Obi-Wan pleadingly.

"Bail, you know better than to try and talk Padme out of something once she's made up her mind." Obi-Wan looked at Padme with a smile in his eyes.

Bail looked like he was about to protest again.

Padme wasn't going to let him get started. "Bail, you remember how I was when Obi-Wan left last time." She saw understanding grow in his eyes. "I can't go through that again." She turned to Obi-Wan. "You are everything to me. I will not be parted from you again." Uncertainty entered Padme's eyes. "Unless…unless you don't want me to come with you."

"How could you even think that, Padme? You're a part of me now -- the very best part. Not being with you would slowly eat me alive."

Padme smiled a huge smile of relief. She turned back to Bail. "I know you'll raise Leia to be a fine, strong woman."

Bail looked at Padme with pain in his eyes. "But what will I tell Leia when I return?"

Determination was etched on Padme's face. "Tell her that I've died."

Bail blanched. "What? I can't tell her that!"

"Yes, you can, Bail. You have to. It's for her own good. She's going to need to focus on you, on Alderaan and the Rebellion. I refuse to be a distraction to her." She leaned forward and put her hand on Bail's arm. "I know I'm asking a lot of you, but please do this for me. I promise you, there will come a time when she will know the truth – the whole truth."

Bail sighed in resignation. "Alright, Padme."

"Thank you, Bail, for everything." Padme felt Obi-Wan stiffen beside her. He closed his eyes and moved as if he'd been hit with something. "Obi?"

Bail moved towards his friend. "Obi-Wan, what is it?"

Obi-Wan opened his eyes after a bit. "I think I can safely say that the Emperor now knows we're gone."

"Oh." Bail leaned back in his seat. "Well, now that he knows, the danger is increased 100-fold. I will drop you two off at Dagobah. There's a fast little cruiser in the hold below that you can take. It will easily get you to Tatooine when you're ready."

Obi-Wan grabbed his friend's arm. "How can I possibly thank you enough for all you've done, Bail?"

"There's no need, Obi-Wan. I was glad to do it. You two just stay safe!"


The Emperor tried to calm himself down. He realized he was acting like Vader. The thought disgusted him. He had already killed all of the remaining Stormtroopers at the warehouse. Those idiots! Those useless, witless, so-called guards! Sidious knew deep down that he was angrier with himself. He had woefully underestimated Obi-Wan. His own arrogance had made him slack in the area of security. He had thought he had planned everything so well. But nothing, from the very beginning, had gone as he'd planned and foreseen!

Knowing Obi-Wan was now gone ripped at him. He finally had to admit to himself that he felt some…affection…for Obi-Wan. How is that possible? Sidious looked deep inside himself. What he found surprised him. Is that what I see in Obi-Wan? The son I never had? As much as he didn't like it, he had to acknowledge the truth.

Sidious decided to head back to his office at Imperial Headquarters. He was going to put the whole galaxy on alert. A manhunt the size no one had ever seen before was about to get underway. He wanted every bounty hunter notified as well. Oh, no, Obi-Wan. You can't get away from me that easily. You WILL be by my side. I will see to that!


Padme stood with Obi-Wan at the large observation window. She wondered what the future would bring. She knew that this was the start to a whole new life for her. A better life! She could face anything, as long as Obi-Wan was with her. A shiver ran through her as she thought of the Emperor. She leaned in as Obi-Wan's arm gripped her tighter. Padme felt deep in her bones that the Emperor would never give up looking for Obi-Wan. She knew that this search would be worse, more thorough, than the last.

Padme looked up at Obi-Wan, who was lost in thought. She couldn't help but smile, despite her fear. Whatever lies ahead for us, we'll face it together!


Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for Part 3, the conclusion.