Hiya folks! I'm finally back from long hiatus/break type deal and I gotta say it feels really good. I've been working real hard to get all this college stuff out of the way, and that's on top of all my English papers and A.P. Chem work. So you can blame lack of updates on that.

Anyway, this is my newest story. I know the last time I tried a big project it fell through but I feel better about this one. I've been working with this story, I know where I want to take it, and I have a definite ending in my mind. That being said, there are some things you should know. This style is different from a lot of what I've done. For starters, it's not in first person! Also, I started with dialogue, not description. These are both new for me. Let me know if it's not good.

Also, in this story I will be using their real names. Right now all you need to know is that Robin will be Richard Grayson. I will post the characters as they appear in the story. (I don't want to give too much away yet.)

Disclaimer: No I don't own Teen Titans. I also don't have any rights to Les Mis. I'm just a very big fan.

Edited: 12/26/04

Stage Presence: Prologue

"You're going to be late."

Blue eyes peered furtively over the edge of a magazine, but no reply was made.

"You are. Going. To be. Late."

"I heard you the first time, Raven!"

"Well, I'm not a mind-reader. Am I, Dick?" The violet haired girl spoke his name with a stressed sarcasms that the young man couldn't ignore. Shooting a glare at the girl, he returned his attention back to the article.

Rolling her eyes, Raven took a sip of her coffee, letting the warm liquid ease away her annoyance. It was Friday morning and, like they'd been doing every Friday morning since they had met, the pair was meeting for coffee and witty banter. She would like to say it was some kind of tradition, but that wasn't really their style. It was more of a routine. A routine they were reluctant to let go of after 10 years of friendship. She could just as easily recall their first encounter as she could their conversation from five minutes earlier.

Richard Grayson appeared before her eighth grade class, a gangly mess with large blue eyes and black hair that didn't seem to want to lay flat. He was joining Winterberry Academy, the most prestigious private school in Gotham, as the rumored heir of Bruce Wayne.

Of course there was talk.

And after everyone found out the rumors were true there was even more talk. But he, much like Raven, was reserved and had a knack for ignoring others. Something that strangely brought the two children closer together. It would be two years later when Raven finally learned what had brought Richard under Bruce's care, something he hasn't taken the time to share with anyone else.

Snapping herself out of memory lane, Raven repeated her previous statement.

"You're gonna be late."

He breathed a sigh, but their was a hint of amusement hidden behind it.

"Is there any reason whyyou're worried about me being late and not yourself, Miss Stage Manager?" His magazine was shoved into a bag by his feet, and the last remaining drop of coffee was drained from his mug. They traded smirks, both knowing the answer to his question.

Gotham Theater was preparing to hold auditions for their latest musical production. This winter they were ambitiously planning to perform Les Miserable. It had been received with little enthusiasm by the general public, but the moment Bruce Wayne had caught wind of the project he signed on as the main financial backer of the production.

Gotham was on the edge of their seats.

"Because, Mr. Grayson, you are a CEO and right-hand man of Mr. Bruce Wayne. Without him there is no Les Mis, and without Les Mis there is no stage manager. Can you see where I'm headed with this?"

"And we wouldn't want to upset Master Bruce, now would we?" he mocked snagging a piece of her bagel. She batted his hand away before taking a piece for herself.

"After the show you and that Kitten girl put on last week, I think it's best you stay on Bruce's good side. That is, until you find another girl to dump you miserably in front of over half of Gotham."

He waved a hand dismissively before stooping to pick up his bag and sliding a pair of sunglasses discreetly over his eyes.

"Do you want a ride?"

"No," she answered her nose buried in her mug. "I don't have to be there for 20 more minutes."

"Cute," he muttered, standing and leaving the coffee house. The sound of a motorcycle being revved was the only sign of her friend's departure.


Richard couldn't help but smirk as he left the coffee house, the November air biting at his cheeks. Ten years and Raven was still as cynical as the day they had met. But he really wasn't one to talk, with his smart mouth and pompous attitude, two traits Bruce would call him on frequently. Such a loving relationship he had with his adoptive father.

Wait, that's not right.

His boss.

Letting out a barking mock of laughter, Richard slipped on his helmet and slid onto the motorcycle sitting idly at the curb. A present from Bruce on his 21st birthday, it was also one of the few mistakes the multi-millionaire made (though he would never admit to it). But if Richard was going to be tricked into working for Wayne Corp. he was going to take any chance possible to embarrass Bruce. To put it bluntly, not many business men liked the sound of motorcycle revving up. Richard, on the other hand, lived for it. Giving the bike one last push of gas, he took off for Gotham Theater.

Five intense minutes later found him slowing to a halt, an imploring limousine stretched out beside him. The window rolled down and dark sapphire landed on him.

"You do this on purpose, don't you?"

Taking off the helmet and shoving it into his bag, Richard could do nothing but smother the grin that was fighting the corners of his mouth. Bruce stepped out of the limo, waving the driver off until he was needed again.

"Is there any reason you couldn't have just come with me this morning?"

"I had plans."

Falling in step beside one another, the two men started up the stairs leading into the theater.

"Just remember you have an image to keep."

"I always do Bruce. I always do."


Raven smirked as she watched Richard feign interest with the director. It was probably because she had known him for so long, but it was painfully obvious to the violet-eyed girl that he would rather be twisting a fork into his eye sockets instead of in this room. It really was funny. But she could only imagine the monotonous conversation that director was leading them in. While talented at his craft, Slade Wilson was about as interesting as a piece of dried wood. Pulling her hair into a messy bun and grabbing a clip board from the table beside her, Raven stepped from behind the curtain and made her way over to the three men. As she drew nearer, their conversation could be heard.

"Tell us what you're looking for as far as actors, Mr. Wilson?" Bruce Wayne stood the tallest of the group, ever the example of perfection. As he waited for a reply from the director he gave a discreet wink in Raven's direction. She gave a slight smile in return. These were the only indications of the friendly relationship she had with her best friend's guardian.

"Well, Mr. Wayne," Slade began, his fingers pressing lightly at the tips, "I have clear-cut image for each character set up in my mind. You'll soon enough understand my vision as it comes into focus." Slade Wilson was tall, almost a twin of Bruce, but he was nothing like the multi-billionaire when it came to personality. This was the first time Raven was working for him, but she had heard many rumors surrounding the eccentric director. He was quiet, reclusive at times. There would be weeks at a time where he would disappear from rehearsals all together. He was just the type of man to take on a musical like Les Mis.

"Then Mr. Wilson, if you don't mind me asking, if you have such a clear image for the production why do we need to be present for auditions?"

She rolled her eyes. Richard always was the subtle one. Before Slade could make a reply Bruce stepped in to gracefully save his heir's ass. At least there was one other person who could stop the boy from making a complete fool of himself.

"Don't mind Richard. He's just doesn't realize how important this production is yet."

"That's perfectly fine. He'll know soon enough." It was then that he chose to notice Raven, who had been shooting smirks at Richard through the entirety of the conversation. "Ah, and this is my stage manager. Raven, this Mr. Bruce Wayne and an executive from his company, Richard Grayson." Judging by the look in his eyes, the emphasis on 'executive' did not go unnoticed by Richard, but again she was the only one to notice.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," she spoke taking Bruce's hand, who gave her a second good-natured wink.

"The same sentiment is felt for us. Right?" He gave Richard a quick clap on the back, shaking him out of his temporary anger.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's a pleasure."

It felt odd to hear that from her best friend, but she shrugged the feeling away. This wasn't a Saturday night dinner. This was business…sort of.

"Raven, my dear, would you please go out into the breeze way and start preparing our young hopefuls? And Mr. Wayne, Mr. Grayson, please have a seat. We'll be starting the audition process shortly."

With a ghost of smile and a wave of her clipboard Raven left the auditorium, trying not to laugh at the pitiful look on her friend's face. He really was out of his element in this one.


There's the end of the prologue! Should I continue? Let me know. Do you know how to let me know? By reviewing! Go Review!!! Squeeee!