Someone was screaming. Somewhere glass broke. Someone was running up the stairs. Something was forced open. The screaming stopped. Something hit the ground. Someone said something. Someone called for someone to help. Someone else came up the stairs at a dead run. Someone started talking.

Dear God... Quick... Vorador...!

I couldn't hear what they were saying. My head hurt so much. The blackness was welcome.

Janos stood out side of one of the many bed rooms that where in his aerie. He sighed as he looked at the shattered window. He should be thankful that was the only one that broke.

The Ancient was distraught; someone once made a promise. That promise was the only reason why he could continue. Now that person might die.

"I knew he could not keep his word. No matter how hard he tried."


Janos looked up to see Vorador standing in the door way. "How is he?"

"I think he might make it."

"'Might'. I don't like how that sounds," Janos said. "If not, how long will he have?"

Vorador shrugged. "Two days. Max. He lost a lot of blood. I should be able to hold him here longer."

Janos laughed bitterly. "To think that once I would tell you to let him go; what times have come to us?"

His fledgling pressed on. "Two days should be enough to get to the Seer. Maybe you can save him yet."

"I do not believe that she can help him, child. She is a Hylden and I do not trust her kind."

"I fought to keep her here for a reason, Janos. That reason was because I knew she can help with him--"

"No one can help with him, Vorador. He is a lost cause." Janos turned to leave, to turn his back on the promise.

"You have no faith, Janos."

"Nor would you if you felt the way I do. Now please, leave me. I have work to do."

Vorador watched his master?s departure in silence.

"You may not wish to help him, sire, but I do. I can not just leave him here to die."

He stole one last look at the person on the bed before he closed the door.

Quickly, Vorador made his way back to his own rooms to fetch his cloak before he started his journey.

'You are weak. You sat back and did NOTHING! You just watched our demise.'

I found myself unable to answer. He was right. I watched as my race was dishonored and I did nothing to stop it.

'You call yourself a Hylden?! You are no child of mine. You are NOTHING!'

His words spoke truly. After all, actions speak louder than words and actions are all I have. I did nothing. I am nothing.

A day passed before Vorador reached the Seer?s house in the canyons. One whole precious day. A day that the fledgling may not be able to spare.

An accented voice welcomed him. "Ah! Vorador. What a pleasure. To what do I owe this visit?"

"You know."

"Yes, but I like to act as if I did not. Life is full of surprises, is it not? It is not for me."

"He needs help. He does not have time for me to make small talk."

"My child?"


"Is it truly that bad?"

Vorador nodded.

"Then I will come. But Janos will not like it at all."

"Why do you think I am here and not he?"

"I like your point. Let us fly."