Chapter 4
Saturday, November 23rd, 1985
Hill Valley
4:19 P.M.
Finding the Browns a new house hadn't been hard at all. The place Doc had had in mind turned out to be one of the abandoned farmhouses on Zemeckis Road. "It's perfect," Doc had told them while showing them the place. "It's completely private, and there's a shed out back with a large cellar underneath. I can use the shed for my lab, and hide the train in the cellar!"
"Great, Doc. Although now I get why you're not gonna be back until 1986 or so. Making this liveable and remodeling the cellar for the train is gonna take a lot of work."
"True, but I can always use the train to speed up the process a little. And I'm hoping you'll help."
Marty had agreed immediately, and had started working afternoons with Doc. He found it a great way to get to know Doc's family. Jules and Verne seemed to adore him. They constantly wore the baseball caps he had given him -- Clara had confided in him it was hard to get them to take them off when they were in 1892. They followed him around like baby ducks, asking him all sorts of questions about the future. Marty told them everything he knew, quite happy to have his own fan club.
Clara was also very sweet to him, constantly bringing him cookies or other snacks. She seemed almost as curious about the future as her children, especially when it came to the advancements in space travel. But she also seemed extremely nervous about the future. Marty couldn't count how many times she warned him not to play roughly with Jules and Verne. It wore on your nerves after a little while. Marty finally decided that he'd give her a little while to get used to the future, then ask her to lighten up.
But Doc -- Doc was something else again. He seemed more remote since coming back to 1985. His manner toward Marty was more restrained. Their conversation during projects had flowed easily before, but now it came out stilted and awkward. Doc seemed oddly reluctant to talk about anything -- his life back in the 1800s, his marriage and children, even coming home to 1985. Marty thought at first Doc was worried about having to deal with the Libyan terrorists again. But as the days passed, and there was no sign of either curious police or angry fellow terrorists, Marty began to get confused. If I were him, I'd definitely let my best friend in on all of my adventures.
There were other things too. He'd catch Doc looking at him with the oddest expression on his face. And when he asked about it, Doc would always say, "It's nothing," and immediately change the subject. His hugs were different -- he squeezed harder, and refused to let go until Marty asked. And once, when he was grabbing some milk from the kitchen, he had overhead Doc and Clara arguing. "Emmett, you have to tell Marty."
"I can't. He won't understand."
"Emmett, he's your best friend."
"Even so -- Clara, I just want to forget the whole thing. All of it. As long as Marty doesn't mention it, I won't."
"But he deserves to know!"
"No. It's over with. That's all. I don't want to think about it."
The conversation had completely confused Marty -- and upset him. What could have been so horrible that Doc doesn't want to talk about it with me? Is it about the terrorists? No, that can't be it. Those two in the van haven't said anything about Doc yet, so he's basically free and clear there. Does he regret all our adventures together with the DeLorean? He did end up calling it an infernal machine by the end. . .but everything turned out great! He got married, I got a great new family. So what's wrong? Why won't he tell me?
That's what Marty was pondering now, more than a week later. I don't like this at all. He's so different. Does he even want us to be friends anymore, now that he's got a family? Is he trying to set me up for a goodbye? That thought hurt a lot. Marty had thought that all their adventures together had served to make them closer, not more distant.
Looks like you were wrong, McFly, Marty thought sadly, staring out the car window. He, Rick, J.J., and Spydo were all stuffed into Rick's Camaro, spending some time together before Rick headed out of town for Thanksgiving. Rick checked his watch as they rounded a corner. "Dang, I'd better get home. We're leaving early tomorrow, and I have to pack some more stuff."
"Why does your Mom insist on dragging you to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving?" J.J. complained. "Do you really want to be around some old stuffy relatives?"
"Come on, J.J., they're my great-grandparents. I don't know how long they're gonna be around. I want to be able to see them while I have the chance." Rick made his way over to Lyon Estates. "Hey, Marty, ain't that Dr. B's van out front?"
Marty blinked as he saw the familiar white step-van in front of his house. "Yeah. That's right, Doc was coming to pick up the money from the sale of his garage today."
"Cool. We can say hello." Rick parked behind Doc's van. "I just hope your friend Biff ain't here."
"Me too," Marty grimaced, getting out of the car. "I hate that guy. I don't care how nice he acts in front of my dad, he's an asshole through and through."
"Hey, who are you calling an asshole, McFly?"
Marty jumped. "Needles? What are you doing here?"
Needles scowled at Marty. "My truck's in the shop, and my dad's busy at work. So I'm hanging out with Biff for the day."
"That's right," Biff added, frowning at Marty. "Lay off, I do a good job on your car."
"Having to remind you every second that you're supposed to put on two coats of wax is a good job?" Marty countered. Biff just scowled and went back to rubbing invisible spots off of George's BMW.
The front door opened, and Doc and George emerged, smiling. "Thanks again, George. This will really help with the garage remodeling."
"You're welcome, I'm glad I could help out." George waved at the band. "Hey guys. How are you?"
"We're good, Mr. McFly," Spydo said, waving back. "Rick's going away for Thanksgiving again, so we figured we'd spend the day together."
Doc smiled at the friends. "Good to see you all. Marty, thank you again for helping sell the garage. Your father's got your share of the money."
"I figured he did, Doc."
Jules and Verne appeared, tugging on their father's coattails. "Please, Papa, give me a horsey ride," Jules begged.
"No, me, me!"
"Boys, calm down. I'll give you both horsey rides once we're back home, all right?"
"But I want one now," Verne whined. "You always give Jules horsey rides and you never give me any."
"That's not true," Doc said sternly. "Now, both of you, you have to wait until we go back home." Jules and Verne pouted. "I'm sorry, but you can't have everything you want just this second."
"Tough being a father, huh?" George teased.
"Well, sometimes," Doc admitted, blushing a little.
"How's the house coming, Dr. B?" J.J. asked.
"It's coming along nicely, although it's a lot of hard work. But I don't mind. Everyone's been working hard to make the place come together."
"Yeah, we know how you've been slave-driving Marty," Rick grinned.
"Slave-driving is right," Marty muttered.
Doc blinked and frowned. "What Marty?"
Marty's confusion over Doc's weird behavior suddenly boiled over into anger. "I said slave-driving is right! I've helped you move in, paint the place, replace the floors, water the lawn. . . . I'm not a friend, I'm your help! You've been acting so weird around me lately, and it's getting on my God-damned nerves! You're acting like I don't mean anything to you anymore! You just want to forget about me and what we've been through together! That's right, I heard you talking about it with Clara! I don't even know you anymore!" Seething, Marty spun around and started storming down the block.
Doc had listened to Marty's tirade in silent shock. Now anger began registering on his features too. "Martin Seamus McFly, you get back here!" he ordered, eyes flashing.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Marty yelled back. "You're not my father!"
"I deserve a rebuttal to that little outburst! Get back here!"
Needles watched the fireworks with a grin on his face. "Are you guys actually fighting?" he snickered. "'Bout time, McFly! I always told you he was a weirdo! You musta wised up after he tried to kill you with his railroad car thing!"
Nobody expected what happened next. Doc froze, his face going deep red. Then he spun around and stormed up to Needles. "You overgrown, shit-faced, pubescent COCKROACH!" he roared, slamming the teen with a solid left in the mouth. Completely unprepared for the attack, Needles fell backwards with a bloody lip.
"Hey, what are you--" Biff began, looking pissed.
Doc turned his glare on him. "You got something to say to me, Tannen?"
Biff wilted. "No sir," he squeaked, going back at the BMW.
The Pinheads and the McFlys gawked at this raw display of emotion from Doc. "Nice left hook," Spydo finally said.
Marty sighed and shook his head. "Doc--"
Doc turned around, his shoulders slumping. Marty was astonished to see that his friend now looked like he was about to cry. "You don't believe him. Please tell me you don't believe him," he said, voice shaking.
"Believe what, Doc?"
"I would never put you in danger. Ever."
Marty begged to differ. "What about the DeLorean, Doc? What about the train? I thought you wanted--"
Doc blinked, trying to keep the tears in. "Marty, I swear on all I hold dear -- Clara, the boys, my inventions, my life -- I meant to say P. M."
Marty didn't understand for a minute. Then it clicked, and his eyes went wide. "Holy shit, Doc. Did -- did you think I -- died?"
Doc put his face in his hands, starting to cry in earnest. "You have no idea what it was like. I thought I'd murdered you. I thought I'd murdered my best friend. That's why I've been acting so strangely. I didn't want to tell you, I didn't know if you'd believe me, if you'd understand. . . ."
Marty felt absolutely terrible. "Doc, of course I would have understood." He put his arm around his friend. "I'm okay. I got out in time. I never thought you were trying to hurt me. I -- I just didn't get why you were acting like that."
Doc pulled Marty into a hug. "Marty -- I love you, like you were my son. I'm so sorry for all of this."
"It's okay, Doc. I love you too."
Doc finally got a hold on his emotions. He wiped his eyes, blushing. "I'm sorry again. I should have told you earlier. But when I saw you were okay, I just wanted to forget it ever happened."
"It's okay, Doc. Really." Marty smiled, ignoring the stunned looks of the guys. He had never felt more relieved in his life. Doc didn't want to stop being friends at all. All that stuff had actually been a reflection of how close they were. I'm sorry Doc had to go through all that, but -- man. It's great to know we're still best friends. No matter what other shit happens, I bet nothing will top this.
Verne, apparently satisfied his father was okay, got stern with him. "We don't hit. Say you're sorry."
Doc blushed and looked back and Needles. "Sorry. I've been feeling rather emotional lately. You touched on a very raw nerve."
"No, it's good. It's cool," Needles said nervously, getting to his feet. "Everything's cool. I'll be going now."
"Going? You don't have your car," Biff pointed out, eyeing Doc uneasily.
"I'll walk. It's all cool." Needles began walking rapidly down the block.
"Where are you going?" Rick yelled after him.
"Home?! You'll never get there by walking."
Marty laughed. "I think you seriously freaked him out, Doc."
"Well, serves him right, for all the times he's bugged me."
Rick shook his head. "I'm gonna go after him and give him a ride. He's gone crazy." Rick jogged back to his Camaro. "I'll be back in a bit."
"Great, Lorraine made lemon squares," George called after him. J.J. and Spydo promptly went inside to track down the free food. "Are you two okay now?" he asked, looking at Doc and Marty in concern. They nodded.
Jules tugged at Doc's coat again. "Please, Papa, one horsey ride?"
"Oh, all right, just up and down the block," Doc said, picking up Jules.
"Me too! Me too!" Verne squealed.
"Here, Verne, climb up on me," Marty offered, kneeling down. "I'll give you a horsey ride."
"Really?" Marty nodded. "Thank you." Verne scrambled onto his shoulders.
Doc looked at Marty as he stood up. "You sure you want to do this? They can be very tiring, and I'm sure you want to spend time with your other friends."
Marty grinned. "Believe me, Doc, there's nothing in the world I'd rather do."
The End