♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"Unforgivable Love"♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
By LudraJenova

♥†††Ludra's Notes†††♥

Hiya!!!! nOn, well I'm here writing this fic n-n, different that my others ones because this is in English and 95 of my fics are in my native language....SPANISH!!!! nOn. Yeah!!! I'm a Spanish speaker n-n, but like I love this show, I want to do a fic, yeah!!!, of course that I'm doing this because I know if I write this in Spanish no one will read it, there isn't fics of Xiaolin Showdown in Spanish T-T buaaaaaa...whatever...

Well as I'm still learning English, maybe the fics wasn't written correctly, so please don't bother hehehehehehe n-nU, I only hope that my fic can be read without many problems XD. Anyway, I used a dictionary and also a program translator n-n, yeah!!!! They're so horrible!!! But they help you so much when you forget a word, two o three n-nU hehehehehe...so please don't kill me!!! XD

By the way, I'm doing this fic because there aren't so many fics of this pairing: Rai/Jack, the only ones I found were these:

"What would happen if" by DC13

"Why him?" by DeathRealm

"Caves of the Heart" by DC13 (again XD)

"Desired Wishes" by Haunted Flower

...I think that's all n-nU...well those fics are great!!! And I get some example of each one to do this fic, hey!! Don't worry I didn't stole nothing!!!, I'll never do that¬¬, the problem here is get the idea in English, because I see the XS in Spanish, so there're a lot of word changed, thanks to God they don't made the translation like a common Mexican speaking, only few words n-nU...

Ok, so the disclaimer: I don't know why I'm doing this, because almost all my fics I never put a disclaimer, but well... I don't own Xiaolin Showdown neither the characters, I'll love if I do...u-u

Ok then, now the WARNING: This is a Slash fic, so if you don't know what it is, Slash is for a pairing of two men, the equal of yaoi in anime, but here is in cartoon; M/M, gay, homosexual relationship, etc. So if you don't like it, please go out and find something with your likes. I don't mind if you complain of this, I warning you!

Do you think that I'm done? Of course not! Here is the symbolization:

These ones are when someone talks

These ones are when someone thinks

These ones are to make more emphasis in a word or sentences.

And that's all by now n-n, well...now here is the fic!!!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Enjoy it! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥



The day was beautifully illuminated; the chosen ones were training or something like that.

Raimundo was playing soccer with Omi, while Clay improved his abilities with the rope as an entire cowboy, and Kimiko speaking for cellular, a normal day in the Xiaolin temple.

"Hey guys, don't you think that already passed long time since a Shen-gong-wu was activated" Raimundo said while it controlled the ball and deceived easily at Omi.

"You're right Rai" Kimiko responded at the time that she kept her cellular. "It have been long time since we don't know nothing of a Shen-gong-wu"

"Yeah! It has been weeks!" Clay screeched.

"My friends don't worry, I am for sure soon one will appear"

The little one said moving away from the goal toward where Clay and Kim were, seeing that, Raimundo ran immediately and with a very good kick, the ball entering in the net.


"Awww! That was not fair Raimundo" the monk claimed.

"Ha, you should never go away of the goal in a soccer match Omi" he mocked

"Hey, all of you!"

All turned when hearing the Dojo's voice.

"What happen Dojo?" Raimundo asked.

"I have detected a new Shen-gong-wu!"

"Wow! Great!"

The boys celebrated, finally after a long wait, they will go to get those Shen-gong-wu again, the boring period had finished.

"What kind of Shen-gong-wu it is?" Kimiko inquired.

"Well, really...I don't know"

"What?! You don't know!" Clay surprised.

"I know, but in the ancient Shen-gong-wu scroll doesn't show anything, but its energy is the same to any other Shen-gong-wu" it said calmly.

"Well, but it doesn't matter while it is a Shen-gong-wu" the brown boy finished with the discussion. "And, where is it?"

Dojo pointed out the direction and without losing more time the dragon grew up to its normal size, the youths went up preparing to go to the search immediately.


"Very well old witch"

The voice of the redheaded made echo in his entire evil lair.

"It has been weeks since we don't know nothing about a Shen-gong-wu!" he clamored in desperation. "It won't be because you are being old and you no longer serve"

"WHAT!? damned insolent brat!" She snorted furious, but immediately centered her attention in another thing. "Oww, I can perceive it...is... it is a Shen-gong-wu!"

"It was time already old witch!" Jack crossed his arms looking at the ghost. "Which is it?"

A minute of silence was imposed, Wuya didn't respond.


"I cannot perceive it, I don't know which it is"

"Great! We will look for a Shen-gong-wu which we not even know which is" he said, his tone of sarcastic voice.

"Don't provoke me brat!" she grunted.

"Ok...then, where do we go?"

"To the east"

With that said, both left in search of the Shen-gong-wu...


The place was wide; its form was that of an old temple or rather the remains of one. It was covered with fog and difficultly one could walk.


A chosen one complained when he hitting his foot with a stone.

"What did happen to you Rai?"

"I hit my foot with a rock" he said annoying while he kneaded his foot. "In this place I cannot see anything!"

"Do not despair my friend, the concentration it is the key" Omi said.

"'Course, if you say so" Raimundo inquired disparagingly.

The guys continued observing the few they can see of the place, it has several statues around out of the thrown room, many of them you could see, others were half broken and one that another whole one. The columns were completely crumbled and some half complete ones, besides being standing.

The investigation continued, each one had decided to separate to cover more land, so Omi went to check the surroundings of the temple, Clay went with Dojo to the statues, Kimiko was toward to the east, what could be said, the meditation room while Raimundo went to the altar.

"If I were a Shen-gong-wu... where would I hide?"

The brown walked observing the best that he could the altar, there was a great statue made of brass; it seemed that it had thousands of years there. The figure was very strange, it was among human figure with animal, because it had claws where the hands go and two horns on its head, although it was not well-known which gender it was, the figure seemed to be masculine.

"Hmmmm...what we have here..."

Raimundo inspected the statue to realize that there's a strange gem his chest.

"Great! I found it" he said joyful

He took the gem and observes it during a while, its shine was very strange and singular, the object was very small as to be a Shen-gong-wu, but if Dojo didn't know well what it was, perhaps because it was different to the other ones.

When Rai prepared to call to his friends over the discovery, a noise like of something being activated was listened, the brown turned toward the statue and observed as the eyes of the figure were opened up, when seeing it the boy frightened, but before being able to make any movement, a part of the floor opened up and the brown fell into.


Raimundo's scream got the attention of his partners who immediately went to see what happened...


"In this place I can't see anything"

Jack protested when walking among the fog.

"How am I supposed to find the Shen-gong-wu when I can't see" he griped. "Besides I can't also see if those losers are here"

"Stops complaining Jack and better you begin to look for the Shen-gong-wu"

"I'm doing!"

Wuya flew for all sides trying to find the object, while the redheaded walked somewhere over there, until he found a kind of a room. He entered without doubting, the place stored many weapons of different kinds, all of them old and rusty, Jack continued with his walk until kicked something in the floor.


He bent over to see what it was, realized that it was a kind of a locket, old and very strange.

"It could be this..." he murmured to himself.

The redheaded observed the object carefully in his hands, it was very small and seemed to be a valuable gem, maybe it would be the Shen-gong-wu that they were looking for.

"Great! It was too easy" he laughed to himself and when he prepared to leave the place, a crack was listened paralyzing the youth. "What was that?"

Suddenly, Jack could sight a figure in the distance, the curiosity was the first thing that filled to the young one and at once he came closer to the object.

The Gothic boy saw up to the statue on a pseudo-tiny altar, apparently it was made of brass and it had been there long time. When he is being seeing it, the boy realized a small opening in its chest, the silhouette of the hole was similar to the form of the gem, with curiosity, and Jack placed the gem in the hole, waiting for some reaction. Nothing...

"Hmmmm...what a fiasco"

But before having the intention of removing the stone, a strange sound made echo on room, Jack turned to see to all sides trying to find the origin of the noise, but in that moment a part of the floor opens up and the boy falls into.


♥†††Last Notes†††♥

Ok, here is the chapter one, what do you think about it?, did you like it?, I hope so, anyway I loved doing this fic, yeah this took me two and a half hours to translate it from my Spanish fic, yeah because I had to change some words and make them have sense in English, besides I wrote the story in Spanish because I forget easily the words and the idea, so I had to do two form before I can update this, anyway ...I'm sick and my head hurt, so I'll stop here the last notes...

I'd like to know what you think about this fic, so please R/R, review!!!! I really want to know your opinion, they all will be accepting (only anti-slash reviews will be erased and I won't bother to answer). Thanks! nOn

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ To be continued...ok? n-n ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


♥†††Ludra Maco Naít†††♥