A/N: So, Chapter 29 is here, sorry for the wait- I am still working on this fic. If you enjoy this, you may my new fic SM Multiplicity Royale- which is more romance (Usa/Mamo). It is a way lighter tone than this fic. I hope the wait is worth it- Please review :D

The castle came into view, and Mokuko hung back, quietly falling into pace with Reita, who was already transformed and ready to go. Reita reached out for Makuko's hand, and she didn't pull away, but didn't come any closer either.

"You will be okay." Reita stated simply.

Mokuko nodded. Passionate kisses, clinging moments had happened ya camp- now at their destination was just moments before fighting. The quiet moments before the looming storm. There were no words left, no goodbyes to say. Just action.

Haruka and Michiru and had taken station at the two entrances to the Throne Room as instructed by the King in their traditional royal dress. Official ceremonies were about to start, the generic pomp and circumstance of a world they'd forgotten. Each stood near the door, standing tall with smiles and nods. Some generic chatter had been expected, but there was just so many details that they didn't remember, and people they couldn't identify. Michiru was far better at gracefully handling encounters with individuals that expected a level of knowledge she truly didn't have (being famous caused this to happen far too often) and she'd taken time to hone the skill of making generic compliments that were likely to make someone feel known and important. After all, these events were all about being known and important. Polite excuses that there were others to welcome flew off of her lips, though everyone understood her role at the door was not to usher, but to guard. Haruka took a less friendly approach, that seemed to ward off any awkwardness that could blow her cover. It didn't seem to be uncharacteristic for her past self anyway, people were happy to stay away unless there was a particular detail of politics would Haruka suggested be discussed later over a stiff drink.

A brunette caught her eye, high ponytail, yellow gown, at least a half head taller than most females (aside from herself). Mokoto gave Haruka a wink and nodded her head in the direction of Rei and Ami who had slipped through the other entrance with a brief smile at Michiru. Haruka scanned the room for a black haired 'unknown' prince. He was there as well. They had separated covering different parts of the room.

The announcement music started, with the formal introduction of the Royal Family. Haruka looked at Serenity standing by Kinryouku, holding on tightly to the wiggling toddler in her arms. Queen Serenity had always been hard to read, and the tight grip on her child was the only tell that she was terrified. Haruka tried to message a supportive smile, but knew within the crowd, the lights, and distance, Queen Serenity wouldn't be able to see it, and even if she did her position would never allow for acknowledgement.

Followed by Kyoufu.

Haruka had not seen him in this time, only in her nightmares. Her nightmares had made him into a monster, and yet he stood poised- a king. Seeing him reinforced the cruel contrasts of a tyrant, always expecting respect and admiration yet giving none. She could feel the room get colder, as if transported into her own flashbacks, but she focused on the room. His green eyes scanned the room calmly, resting his gaze on her for just a second. Getting lost in her own mind was not an option, and she maintained a neutral expression. He could not know her fear.

Now that the Official Guest had been announced, the announcements could transition into the new Royal Decree, which was the entire purpose of the night.

A Guard who had been off to the side stepped forward and began to read the decree, and things cascaded into action.

On behalf of the Moon Kingdom Alliance with the Honorable Kingdom of planet Uranus: King Kinryoku hereby pledges the availability of military resources for the ongoing civil conflict that is currently disrupting essential planetary activities.

The non transformed senshi took strategic places in the room,fairly evenly spread out.

Pledged resources include personnel, equipment, supplies, transport, and the availability of magical resources including but not limited to all 8 planetary guardians.

Four women, two blonde maids, Usagi and Minako still in disguise, left two others wearing long cloaks with hoods, one in emerald green and the other in dark maroon, slipped in right before the doors slammed shut. Murmuring was happening among the guests- the amount of support in the decree was unprecedented. Haruka could feel the magic charging the air.

It also authorizes use of magical artifacts including but not limited to The Imperial Silver Crystal.

Queen Serenity put down her child, holding one hand tight, but freeing her other hand.

This decree allows for the two militaries to work together as one unit, allocating resources in times of need for each kingdom including the recent insurgent resistance here on Lunar soil.

Kyoufu opened his hands to reveal two small, black objects, that seemed to be a void, lack of reflection. Unnatural, and cold. Far too many henshin sticks appeared - followed by a cacophony of light.

Guests started to try to run out - but all the doors were sealed.

Queen Serenity was the closest to Kyofu, but Kinryoku stood between them- and Serenity knew the moment that her daughters presence was requested, it had been to ensure her compliance. Serenity had wracked her brain for ways to protect Princess Serenity, and had banked on one important recognition. Little Serenity liked to move, and knew what she wanted. Prior to the event, she had spent time getting the tiny princess excited, non-stop talking about Haruka and the secret surprize she had waiting for her.

The little girl would not let go of the idea, which was the point. She let go of the tiny hand, who shot forward and just as fast Queen Serenity sidestepped Kinryoku then launched herself at Kyofu to knock him off of his feet. They tumbled.

Sailor Uranus leapt forward grabbing the toddler, oblivious to the situation and squealed happily as if nothing was wrong. Haruka shifted the girl to one hip (as if she'd done this before, which she most certainly had not) to use her right hand to hold her space sword to keep enemies at bay.

The first magical attack was thrown, piercing orange light headed towards shimmering green. There were far too many civilians in the room. Lightening and beams of light scattered up the wall into the crowd. Neither seemed to focus on casualties, just on each other, circling, a few feet apart waiting for the next move. Mokuko had nothing left to lose. "You will not be forgiven." Thunder roared indoors.

Meanwhile, Haruka directed at Sailor Neptune,"Michiru, destroy a door and get these people out!" She needed space to maneuver, and really space to put down a squirriming princess who quickly decided she had been tricked and yelled "down!"

"Not NOW" Haruka directed a little too loudly, tears forming in the young girls eyes. Haruka just held on tighter, hoping for the best.

A Deep submerge knocked down the door, soaking the hallway but allowing escape. A side effect was that the soldiers on standby were knocked over, allowing the room to begin to quickly thin out prior to the surge of Kinryoku's loyal guards.

Rei/Sailor Mars, pushing herself through throngs of startled people got up to a now transformed Sailor Moon and breathlessly explained that past Sailor Mars was protected- because she was the only one who could counteract the Tyldran's power. Usagi scanned for the Pink Haired Sailor Mars standing near the corner, who managed to catch a wall tapestry on fire, quickly creating a smoke filled haze in the room.

The throne room was in utter chaos. Queen Serenity found herself pinned under the weight of the King of Uranus, who exchanged

a quick look with his brother who nodded "Do it."

His left hand, still holding a black tyldran was pushed into her chest.

Darkness Radiated out like a tsunami.

Sailor Moon countered, grabbing her broach and raising it above her head with the Silver Crystal, pouring her life energy through her hands, burning brightly, battling the darkness. Her tiara disappeared, royal crescent moon shining bright, as she focused on pushing back the darkness. It came at her furiously, and she used her will to push back, the blackness inching forward.

Behind her she heard a quiet chant.

Past Sailor Mars, Reita, let her transformation fall, standing there, cloak of a dark maroon, eyes piercing into the darkness. She held her hands out above her head, staring past the white ceiling chanting towards the ancient unknowns that bestowed this kingdom with magical power.

Orange and white light swirled around her figure, obscuring her as it became too bright to look at, radiating out against the aggressive, consuming darkness slowing overcoming Sailor Moon's power.

Kinryoku moved towards little Serenity, as if the battle around him didn't matter focused on his next move.

Then in an explosion brighter than the sun, everyone fell to the ground.

The enemy may have been stunned, but not deterred.

Queen Serenity scrambled backwards, grey blue eyes wide, breath hitched convinced she had seen her last moment. She scrambled up before Kyoufu could regain his his footing, providing a swift kick to the head.

After a moment's glance reassuring herself he was in fact unconscious she scanned the rest of the room.

Kinryoku had already made it to his feet, stumbling towards his little girl. Queen Serenity panicked from across the room, she prayed hands outstretched to Selene, heart wrenching call for the power she had been told could never be hers.

And it responded, raw, unrelenting, bright.

The bright light faded leaving a queen serenity clutching her child to her chest, feet falling back to the floor from where she had been floating in the light. Her knees couldn't hold her own weight, much less that of her toddler, somehow transported into her arms, and she slipped to the ground silently.

No one moved towards her, the senshi rooted into place by the display power from the last few minutes. Men who had been battling staring, empty space where there was once two kings.

A soft "Mommy?" Echoed through the chamber, as little serenity wiggled in her grip, touching her mother's face with a small hand.

"It's okay , we're safe now…" She softly reassured placing the child hand in her own, her voice far away.

The daze of the room started wearing off. Soldiers dropping swords, looking around as if seeing the world for the first time. Millennium Sailor Venus dropped her transformation with a guttural wail and ran out of the room. No one followed her.

Senshi started taking circular guard around the queen, surrounding her in her weakened state adrenaline still rushing through their veins.

Millennium Sailor Jupiter looked at Rei. "Is she?..."

Rei nodded solemnly "Reita's gone." Mokuko nodded back her face not betraying her sorrow.

However, Queen Serenity could not stop the silent tears. She managed her voice "Other losses?" looking up, pulling her daughter to her side.

Mamoru swallowed, and slowly walked towards the queen a moment he had dreaded since Kytes passing. He knelt in front of her, making eye contact. He quietly took the queens hand placing the ring gently in her palm. "I'm sorry" he mumbled.

She took one look and crumpled over herself, letting go of her child softly whispering "No…no…" Mamoru could feel the crystal's power in her desperation, now linked to her and it's warmth familiar reaching out to find his soul. Sailor Moon moved swiftly, crouching beside her and placing a hand and the light abruptly vanished. There was a force of wills between the two that could not been seen.

"You can't." she said with an authority she didn't know she had. "You will die, and this kingdom needs you- I need you."

Queen Serenity looked up. She looked between her daughter small, quiet, demure, and this senshi before her, adult, powerful and in control. Usagi didn't say anything and just pulled her close. Serenity sobbed, heart wrenching whole body heaving sobs"You will get through this." Usagi whispered.

Little Serenity tried to get her mother's attention, pulling on her dress. Mamoru gently picked up the child, rocking her in his arms, kissing the top of the soft blond hair.

In that moment, Sailor Pluto walked into the room, commanding attention with a clack of metal staff on marble flooring. "Everyone else, go." She took command of the room, as soldiers scrambled outside doors. Pluto uniform- dark contrasts of whites leotard with and blacks and reds stood out just as the contrast of her control in the chaotic situation. Everyone looked at her, standing in the doorway, staff resting in one hand as if weightless, berry lips thin. Once the room was empty, and Queen Serenity sobs had quieted down, Pluto spoke again. "This is not yet over, but the time mission is almost complete. We must continue to move." The future senshi stepped forward- all were present, separating themselves from their stances with the Millennium Guard. Sailor Moon gently pulled away from Queen Serenity.

"Sailor moon," Pluto stated "Move the tyldran to the designated location and return. We must go quickly"

Usagi nodded, running out the door to return a few minutes later.

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