The screaming stopped. Unable to believe that this was real, I pinched my arm, hard. The result? A flash of pain in my arm, nothing more. "Yami? Are you in my body?" I watched, dumbstruck, as my own body approached.

"Yes." I replied tersely.

"Please tell me that I'm still asleep and this is just a bad dream." He whispered.

"It's no dream. I'm in your body, and you are in mine." My voice was no longer mine, but held the calm found only where complete terror is as well.

"H-h-how? How did this happen?" Hearing my own voice coming from another was just as nasty a shock as hearing the fear it was laced with. It was not a sound I was accustomed to.

"And you believe I have the answers because why?"

"You're the one with the Shadow Magic!"

"Do you honestly think that I'd want to get stuck in your body? And wouldn't I have fixed it if it were Shadow Magic? Would I have panicked if I had something to do with it?"

Okay, maybe I'm being a bit dramatic, but that's the way it is.

"S-s-s-sorry. I'm just scared. I'm sorry for yelling at you last night." Yugi looks like he's going to cry.

Please don't cry, please don't. If I see my own body start to cry I don't know what I'll do. Please don't cry.

"It's okay Yugi, calm down." Can you guess what happens next? Yugi starts to cry.