Title: Saving Beast Boy
Author: Alexz Recoro
Summary: Beast Boy is finding it harder and harder to control the beast, and it scares him. Can Raven help him learn to contain it before he leaves the Teen Titans, and the world of the living?
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters.
Feedback: Please read and review. NO FLAMES!
"Beast Boy!" Raven yelled as he slammed into the pavement at her feet. "Are you all right?" The Teen Titans were fighting yet another monster in the streets of Jump City. Beast Boy had been in his pterodactyl form, hovering over the monster, trying to get close enough to inflict some damage, when one of the monsters many limbs had slammed into him, throwing him through the air and face first into the pavement less than a foot in front of Raven. The shape shifter slowly morphed back into his natural state and looked up at Raven.
"I'm fine." He told the young psychic. He grinned, but Raven saw that he was in pain.
"You're hurt." She accused, kneeling next to him, while keeping one eye on the monster, who was currently facing away from them, distracted by the rest of the team.
"No, I'm not." He protested.
"Yes you are. I can sense it. Where do you hurt?"
"Nowhere!" Beast Boy protested, trying to sit up. But when he put weight on his right arm, his green face went white and he fell back down. "Fine." He admitted under Raven's smug glare. "My arm hurts. But it only hurts a little! I just landed on it wrong, that's all . . . what are you doing?"
While he had been protesting, Raven had simply reached across his chest and taken a hold of his right arm. Now she was holding it in one hand and running the other slowly up and down the injured member.
"Beast Boy, I think your arm is broken." She told the changeling gently.
"What? No, it's not." Beast Boy argued, trying to pull his arm free of Raven's grip without jarring it too badly. Raven tightened her grip and pulled very gently on the arm. It sent a white-hot wave of pain through Beast Boy's brain, and he had to bit his lip, hard, hard enough to draw blood, to keep from screaming.
"See." Raven glanced at the monster, then bent her head over Beast Boy's arm, closed her eyes and began to chant.
"What are you doing?" Beast Boy demanded. Raven sighed at the interruption and looked at him.
"I'm healing your arm psychicly." She explained patiently.
"NO!" Beast Boy protested, once again trying to pull his arm free. But Raven held on. "Raven, you can't waste energy on me right now, the others need you."
"Shut up Beast Boy." Raven muttered, surrounding his arm in her black psychic energy, so that he couldn't move. As Raven began to chant, Beast Boy felt his arm start to get warmer, starting at his finger tips. As the warmth spread, the pain began to go away. Beast Boy closed his eyes and sighed, then opened them to say something. But what he saw instead made his heart stop and then start pounding in terror.
"Raven!" He yelled. The girl stopped chanting and looked up at him.
"Look . . ." Was all he got out as the one of the monster's flailing limbs slammed into her back. Beast Boy barely had time to see her eyes go wide in pain and shock before she was thrown clean over his head and through the plate glass window of a store behind him.
"Raven!" Beast Boy screamed, scrambling to his feet, his arm hanging uselessly and painfully at his side. It seemed Raven's hadn't been able to finish healing it. "Raven!" He screamed again, stumbling toward her, trying to ignore the pain in his arm. Raven wasn't moving. She lay unconscious in the middle of a million broken pieces of glass, blood oozing from various wounds. The smell of it reached Beast Boy's over sensitive nostrils and sent his head reeling, and his stomach tried desperately to climb up his throat.
"Raven!" He screamed once more, still trying to reach her. But his vison was turning red, and then black . . .
. . . and the next thing he knew, he was standing halfway down the street, Raven in his arms, her slight weight agony for the injured limb.
"What?" He questioned, looking around. What was going on? Why didn't he remember picking up Raven and carrying her down the street? And where, he wondered suddenly, was the monster? The street was silent, when only moments ago it had been full of roaring and the sounds of a fight. And what was that smell? Beast Boy turned to look for the monster, and the source of the smell, and barely had time to put Raven down before he was violently sick.
The monster was in pieces that littered the street. It had been literally torn into pieces. The muscles and bloodshone black in the street lamps. Beast Boy had never seen anything so horrible. Nothing deserved to be ripped into pieces and be thrown around a street. Then he looked down at his hands and realized they were covered in blood up to his elbows. The horrible smell was coming from them, and matched the smell that hung over what was left on the monster. Beast Boy fell to his knees and vomited again and again, retching until there was nothing left to come out. He had done this! Hewas the monster who had torn that thing limb from limb and thrown it around the street! Why couldn't he remember? What had happened?
He looked up and noticed the rest of the team staring at him with wide eyes and scared looks on their faces. It was the looks on their faces which confirmed it for him. He had turned into the Beast again. That dark part of him that he couldn't control, and that he could never remember being had once again burst out of him with murderous rage and intent. Beast Boy closed his eyes and hung his head, feeling sick once more, but with nothing in his stomach to purge. He had taken a life, something he swore he would never do. He didn't even eat meat or any animal products. Yet he had killed something, and had taken great delight in doing so.
Raven regained consciousness just then, shaking her head and moaning as she did so. The first thing she saw was Beast Boy, on his knees in the middle of the street, his face white, his eyes as big as silver dollars. He was staring blankly ahead of him, shaking.
"Beast Boy?" Raven asked, sitting up and getting painfully to her feet. "What's wrong? Beast Boy? Are you okay?" She stumbled over to him, falling painfully at his side. She touched his shoulder, but he didn't look at her. Just continued staring blankly ahead. No, that's not quite right, she corrected herself. He wasn't staring straight ahead, he was staring at his hands.
"Beast Boy?" She tried again. Then she got a look at his hands. There was something . . . wrong . . . with them. They looked black up to his elbows. Raven leaned closer, then reeled back in horror. Beast Boy's arms were covered with blood! She looked around the street, and for the first time saw the remains of the monsters. Or more accurately, the pieces of the monster. Raven stared at them in horror. Had Beast Boy done this? One look at her other teammates, who were still frozen in shock and horror, confirmed her suspicion. The beast had taken over Beast Boy's body and mind once again and this had been the result. Ravens' heart ached for her green teammate. Beast Boy was such a gentle and fun loving soul. To have this other side of him that was possible of such violence must have been a nightmare for him.
"Beast Boy!" Raven yelled, shacking the changeling. He still didn't look at her, and Raven was afraid he had gone into shock. "Beast Boy!" She screamed again, shacking him harder. Beast Boy still didn't move, but a single tears slid down his check. With that one tear, the dam broke, and suddenly Beast Boy was sobbing hysterically. To Raven's surprise he collapsed on her lab, his shoulders heaving with his sobs. Then the rest of the Teen Titans watched with wide eyes as Raven put her arms around her teammate and started comforting him.
AN: Can anyone tell me what Beast Boy's real name is, or anything about his past? I need if for the next Chapter. If no one can, that's fine, I'll just make something up, but I really like to be as accurate as possible. So if anyone knows this, just leave it in a review. I'd really appreciate it.