Thinking 'bout you every day
Dreaming 'bout you every night
Hoping that you feel the same way
Now that we know it, let's really show it, Darlin'

Rumpelteazer awoke with a start. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down but wasn't having much luck.

"It was just a dream," she told herself quietly.

"That wasn't a dream Teazer; that was thunder," Mungojerrie said lazily from beside her.

"What" she asked dumbly, eyes still pressed closed.

"Thunder, that big booming sound that made you jump; it's quiet real, so is lightning before you ask," he yawned.

"Oh," she breathed. "So, we're not going to the Junkyard today..."

"Nope, we get the day off, unless you want to walk through the rain and arrive there looking like a drowned rat," he said lightheartedly. "Well, the humans are gone. I'm going to go eat, do you want to come?"

"No; I'm still tired. I'm going to try to go back to sleep..." she said. She heard Mungo's steps grow light as he left the room. She curled back up, trying to get comfortable. She heard the thunder roll again outside, drowned out by the sound of the dryer. "It sounds like Jerrie..." she yawned. "Just like him...when he purrs...."

Rumpel jumped awake again. She looked around wildly; it was just a dream... again. She sighed, and began to walk down the hallway to the kitchen. Her stomach was turning and she hoped that some food would help calm it. She froze for a moment; the tablecloth was on the ground and... Moving? Jerrie's head poked out from underneath it, tongue hanging out, looking dazed.

"Morning Teazer, I didn't wake you, did I?" he asked, swaying back and forth on his paws.

"What happened," she asked as she went up to help steady him.

"Well, there was this fly... he was on my food. I went to hit him but he flied up to the counter. I went after him but by the time I got up there he got to the table. I decided that it would be easier if I jumped... it'd take him by surprise too; but when I landed on the table... my brakes failed. And I learnt that cats don't always land on their feet... I don't think I got him either"

"My goodness Jerrie; listen to yourself. You're talking like a nipped Tugger," Teazer scolded. Mungo looked at her cross-eyed, whether it was on purpose or not, it made her laugh. "You're slurring your words and can hardly walk straight, let alone stand," she said gently.

"Ah, I'm sorry Jenny," Mungo apologized. "They told me it was clovers"

"Nut. Come on, you should lie down until you get your senses straightened out," Rumpel said as she guided him bad to their bed.

"Did anyone ever tell you that for a Gumbie cat, you got one hot figure Jenny? You must work out or something..." Mungo asked as he stumbled over his paws. "And what happen to those stripes and spots of yours? I see some splotches but they don't look like those... those... Leo pears ones."

"Its leopard; not Leo pears," she giggled as he flopped down on to the cushion and fell asleep. She continued looking down at him for a moment, caught in a daze herself. She shook her head and went into one of the bedrooms, appetite gone. She jumped up on to the bed, belonging to the master's daughter, and laid down, burying her head in the blankets. She came back up for air and found the ragged stuffed mouse that the child loved staring back at her.

"No staring contests today Bear," Rumpel sighed. "I have too much on my mind." She looked back at him; he looked as if he wanted her to continue. "Well you see Bear, its Jerrie. We had this plan to trick the Junkyard. We were going to make them think that we were in love then we were going to out ourselves. Last week he was acting all strange, he was really getting into his role. I actually thought that he was falling for me for a bit; he was just so affectionate but he was just so, well I wouldn't say cold, but when we were in private, he made it clear that we were just on a friends-only basis," she stopped and sighed. The mouse kept looking down at her, almost curiously. "These past few nights I've been having these really disturbing dreams. The most disturbing part is that I don't find it disturbing; I love it. I'm with Mungo and we're in love: and I don't want to wake up, I want it to be real. I'm not sure if it's because I'm actually in love, you know the kind where you feel like you're floating and everything's magical; or if it's because I'm with Jerrie... or if it's because I'm in love with Jerrie. The thing is though Bear, I think that it's the last one; in love with Mungo. I can't be though, I just can't be. It'd be going against the plan! I can't do that! Either way it's over tomorrow or the day after, it'd never happen."

"Oh, you horrible cat," a disapproving voice said. Rumpel lifted her head and saw the female master glaring at her. "You are not supposed to be on the bed," she reminded as she carefully scooped her up and placed her on the ground. "You have your own bed that you can lie on."

Rumpelteazer rolled her eyes at her as she went back down the hall and into her room. Mungo was still sprawled out, obviously he hasn't recovered yet. She looked at him curiously, admiring the simple elegance of his face and his crooked grin that didn't leave his face while sleeping. 'Gorgeous,' she though sadly. 'If only...'

"What's got your whiskers in a knot," a sleepy voice asked. She shook her head; she hadn't realized that he had woken up.

"The Miss found me on one of their beds," she sighed as she fell down, half on the bed, half on top of him.

"And always pleasant experience," he said, winded from his partner's fall. "Was she disappointed?" She nodded slowly; his grin grew more. He put his arm back around her comfortingly before drifting off again. Rumpel buried her face in his chest, enjoying the warmth from it.

"I love you Jerrie," she said quietly, softly, and hoping that he wouldn't hear her. "I love you more then you know. And I want so badly for you to know but I'm just not sure how to tell you..."

"This is it," Mungojerrie said excitedly. "Today's the day we knock them off their four feet."

"Yeah," Rumpelteazer agreed unenthusiastically, "Can't wait."

"I heard that Old Deuteronomy is supposed to coming over too," Mungo said as he started pacing Rumpel's box. "We could wait until he comes and blindside him too! This could be our greatest caper yet!"

"You're really looking forward to getting this over with aren't you," she asked, trying to sound as happy as he.

"Well yeah, we put so much effort into this, this is going to be the best thing we ever did," he cried before poking his head out the opening. "Oh Cat, he's here. This is going to be awesome! Alright, let's go," He smiled as he held out his paw to her.

Rumpel forced a smile on to her face and placed her paw on top of his. She pulled herself up and looked at him, his deep brown eyes shimmered and her conscience screamed. "No," she said softly as she sat back down.

"What," Mungo asked, stepping away from the door, "What's wrong?"

"I can't, I can't do it," she stated, burying her face in her paws.

"Yes, yes you can," Mungo encouraged. "You managed to do it so far and now we're at the home stretch. You can do this, it's the easiest part."

"No, Jerrie it's not," she declared, pulling her paws from her freckled face. "I can't do it and I won't. It was supposed to be easy, just go out there and bask in our glory. Fake our way through two weeks for a lifetime of memories to laugh at. But now, I just can't go out there and lie to them. I can't tell all of them out there that I'm not in love with you."

"Teazer," he whispered as he crouched down to her level. She buried her face back into her paws, hiding from him.

"It wasn't part of the plan... I didn't want it to happen but it did... I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you," she cried, trying to hold her tears back. "I'm sorry but I can't go out there and tell them... you'll just have to do it yourself."

Mungo kept looking at her in disbelief; he slowly took her paws away from her face and sighed. "You're in love with me?" She nodded, tears starting to stream down her cheeks. He gently brushed them away, "its okay."

"No it's not," she choked. "It's not supposed to be like this."

"But it is," he pointed out, his voice was rather soothing.

"Aren't you going to go have your fun and tell them?" She asked as she looked away, ashamed that she allowed her emotions to get the better of her.

"No," she looked up at him, shocked. "I can't go out there and lie, say that I'm not in love with you. I can't and I won't."

"You best not be joking Jerrie," she said with a small smile.

"I'm not Teazer, I love you. I tried to kid myself and say that it was fake, but it's not," he whispered before giving her a small kiss. "How pathetic are we?"

"Rather, we can plan a surprise, spend two weeks working on it, and screw up at the end," she giggled.

"I wouldn't call it screwing up," Mungo reasoned. "I'd call it dumb luck. And we still can surprise them..."


"Queens and toms of the Junkyard," Mungo boomed, standing outside of the box. "If I may have your attention please." He pulled Rumpel out as all of the cats present looked at them. "You see this Queen? I love this Queen!"

"We know," Admetus yelled, several of the cats sniggering.

Mungo ignored him and continued on with his speech. "I love her so much, and vice-versa, that we spent almost all of our time together, thus we haven't stolen a single thing in the past two weeks!"

The yard fell silent as the cats looked up in wonder at the two calicos. They tried to keep serious faces, whichwas easy since they were telling the truth, as theyslinked back into the box. They looked at each other for a moment and then broke down in to a wave of laughs.

"That was better then we originally planned," Mungo gasped.

"It sure was, we certainly did give them something to talk about," Rumpel giggled, falling on top of him. She smiled down at him, who returned it with one of his own. "Love you Jerrie"

"I love you too," he replied before kissing her. "And there's nothing at all to be done about that."

A/N: Urg. I'm so tired, and so behind. I was going to put this up two days ago but I kept forgetting. And we had this BIG inquiry at Drama today. None of us really want to do they play because is, basically, sucks; it's boring. The (our directors) won't let us do a musical because our music teacher won't be at school next semester (she's pregnant) but now they're talking about putting music in it and that's the same as doing a musical! We were livid. We're having another meeting soon with both of the directors to straighten it out. It's not like we won't have enough time to pull off a different play. We did the Wizard of Oz in two months and it was wonderful.

And I get to go see Allie soon down at Neptune Theater; she's Annie (well she alternates the role with Heather Alexa)in the play Annie. I'm so excited; heck everyone is. And Poet went for her driver's test today... I don't know how she did yet though. I should have my license by now but I get extremely stressed behind the wheel. I almost created three accidents already. And if I get too stressed I get to go back to the hospital; fun stuff. Anyways expect another fic in less then two weeks... I'm writing like a fox

DemiGold – Queens are like that; we spy, especially quiet ones. And I had the happy ending in there... So sweet and cliché, you just got to love it.

Roman de la Croix – I'm glad that I was able to win you over; and if I lost you on this one, it's the last chapter so not a lot of damage will be done. And it is finished; I made it a habit to write the whole story before publishing it, that was if I get stuck I don't have a group of people waiting for me to write.

Chimmy-Lava – This is Krissy-Lids and she agrees that Mungo is a sweetie. (Going to get a cute boy to play opposite on me if all goes according to plan (CATS on Ice hehehe) I don't know why you liked the queen talk; probably for the same reason why I like it, and when I figure out why I do I'll tell you

Jemima-luvah – I'm furious with you too! Livid really; of all the inconsiderate things to do, or not do really... I'm just kidding; I am glad that you did read this; and I'm sure that everyone knows where the story is going; especially if they knew the song. I suppose that they aren't working for him in this story; I frankly didn't even think about that (Shields self from a most likely angry Jemima-luvah). I am working on one that has him and Demeter as the main cats though; I'll make sure that he's in there enough to make up for this. I've been quoted... I feel special

Alright everyone; it's time for Interpreted Dance. Today's song is... Jingle Bells