Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Splinter awoke from his slumber with a jolt. He immediately sensed that something was wrong. He went out into the Lair to check on his sons.
They weren't there.
A fear gripped him unlike anything he could imagine. He dashed out calling their names throughout the sewers. 'My sons where are you?' he thought desperately.
The old rat climbed out of the sewers and began to search the alleys and streets. He found Casey holding a devastated April. "What's wrong?" he asked dreading the answer.
April turned to him. Her heart was broken from the events that had occurred that hideous night. She had seen the Turtles fight the Elites and the Foot. She had watched as Hun pulled out a hunting rifle and shot them each one by one. She didn't know how to tell the only parent that the boys had known that his precious babies had been torn away so viciously. She hugged him.
Casey held out four bloodstained bandanas and said the words that he knew would break the heart of this loving father. "Splinter, they're gone. They were ambushed and shot."
Splinter closed his eyes. He wanted to hunt down the entire Foot Clan and kill them all. "Did any of them suffer?" he asked.
Casey shook his head. "No. It was quick."
Splinter kept his eyes closed. He returned to the Lair and let out a long, heart wrenching howl.
Months passed and Splinter still wasn't over the boys. How he hoped that he would forget. Nowadays the only reason he was living was because of April and Casey. He didn't touch his sons rooms. He couldn't go in them.
One day he felt a presence in the lair. It seemed to be leading him to Leonardo's room. On the desk was a letter addressed to him. He opened it and read it.
Master Splinter,
I wrote this because we all felt that it was necessary. We all had a feeling that something might take our lives tonight. Master, you have raised us and protected us our entire lives. You have been our rock and foundation. When we were little the safest place we felt was in your arms. We know that we've given you a few headaches and migrains over the years and for that we apologize. You have taught us well, not only in ninjitsu, but in the way we are as a family. Sensei, it never mattered that we were a different species than your own. You took us in and raised us as if we were your own flesh and blood. The fact that you didn't have to do it but did has always made us feel special. We always felt the love that you gave us. It was tough love but love nonetheless. You've given us so much that now we have a gift for you. It's under Michelangelo's bed. Thank you for everything.
We love you Father.
Love, Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo
Splinter took the letter with him as he entered Michelangelo's room. He smiled a bit at it's messyness and dug under the bed and retrieved a large book entitled "The Homato Family Album". Tears filled his eyes as he looked at all of the photos and pictures that his youngest drew.
"Thank you my sons. I will never forget you. I love you all," he said. He knew that he could move on now. He went into his bedroom and placed the letter in the book and placed it on his shelf. He went to bed and fell asleep.
For a moment four smiling turtles lingered and then vanished. Their Father would finally be all right.
A/N: Don't ask where this came from. As always read and review!!!!!!!