
Disclamer: Howdy yall, Kris here again. I know I know I was supposed to have the third chapter of Call of the Wild up but I couldnt find my muse. I nearly killed the poor thing having to write college and scholorship application essays. I'll see what I can crank out tomorow morning. In the meanwhile, here is a poem I wrote for English Class. My English teacher is a Potter fan too...He reminds me of Snape...in a good way! Cause you see, he is really evil to the sophomores he teaches but is really nice and cool to us seniors, so in a way we are his Slytherin class... Ew....I just called myself a slytherin! ::goes to Hufflepuff prefects bathroom to scrub soul:: Anyways, enjoy the poem. BTW the assignment was to pick an inanimate object or a background character and write a dramatic monolouge poem from their point of view making some sort of interesting twist at the end. Enjoy!

The Diary

This world is far too clean,

No sin, no grief, no strife,

And all the innocent mudbloods

Free to go about their lives.

Perhaps I am a sadist,

I enjoy my work

Looking inconspicuous and pure

While in me a demon lurks.

In me, I hold the knowledge

That some naïve poor soul

Will come along and open me

And set forth evils untold.

So here I sit,

So here I wait

Until that girl comes back through...

For I am merely a little diary,

What evil can I do?


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