"6:00" the alarm clock beeped at Starfire. Her eyes immediately opened exposing her brilliant emerald eyes. She sat up in bed. "Oh what a marvelous rest I have had!" She exclaimed as she stretched.

She hit the alarm off before getting out of bed. She stayed under her covers and turned to gaze out her window that faced Jump City. She loved watching the sunrise from her room, just as much watching the sunset from the tower's roof. There was something about the sun that fascinated her.

"Another beautiful day." She grinned. It looked like it would be a sunny day, her favorite kind, when there wasn't a cloud in the sky. She excitedly hopped out of bed and grabbed a purple towel draped over a nearby chair. She proceeded to walk to her bathroom.

After cleaning up, Starfire decided it was time to try using the "dryer of hair" again. She hesitated putting the plug in. She hadn't had very good experiences with it; the last time she wound up getting so scared of the noise raven had to confiscate it. Only recently was she granted it back- with the promise she wouldn't freak out like last time, which caused such a racket that it sent the other titans into a panic thinking she was being attacked.

After being made fun of unmercifully by Beast Boy and Cyborg, Robin had tried to comfort her by comparing it to the hundreds of scary monsters, dangerous criminals, and evildoers she fights on a regular basis, and that she can more than handle them. With that thought in her head, she plugged in the hairdryer. Whenever Robin told her something was going to be okay, she believed him. There was something about him that always reassured her, made her feel safe...

She held her breath, and turned on the hairdryer.

WRRRRR was the loud sound it omitted. The sound that had terrified Starfire was now not as ominous as it was before. She sighed with relief when she realized it wasn't, in fact, going to eat her hair off her head. She slowly directed the air with a gentle hand.

Robin was right! She gleefully thought. I can do it!

Once comfortable, she began to hum an old Tamaranian tune as she worked on the sections of her hair.

I wonder what I am going to do today. She thought. Things have been pretty boring around here lately.

Which was true. There had been quite a lull in evil activity lately. The city has not been attacked, threatened, or almost destroyed in months. Although it was a nice break, the titans couldn't help but feel uneasy; they were all more wary as of late.

Starfire finished drying her hair and triumphantly unplugged the cord, doing a tiny victory dance as she put it away. She caught her reflection in the mirror and put her dance on hold.

Her large, sparkling green eyes looked right back at her as she stared back at herself, inspecting her hair, face...

A loud crash coming from outside her room broke her trance.

"Huh?" She immediately took flight and rushed out of the bathroom, out her door, only to see Beast Boy sprawled on the floor looking a bit dazed.

"Uh, heya Star" he said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Beast Boy, you are unharmed?" Starfire asked worryingly. She dropped to the ground and started to help him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine I just-AAHHHHH!" Beast Boy screamed at a pitch a young girl would have trouble competing with.

Beast Boy ducked his head just in time to be missed by sonic cannon, shot by a certain mechanical titan.

"BEAST BOY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Cyborg threatened as he came running down the hallway towards the Changeling and Tamaranian.

Beast Boy screamed again, scrambled to get up, and ran in the opposite direction of the enraged half robot.

Starfire raised an eyebrow as Cyborg ran past her in hot pursuit.

"Perhaps Raven will know what is the matter" Starfire said still in her confused state, taking to the air to find Raven.


Punch right. Then left. Punch right again. Kick left. Jab Right, Left.

Robin sent a flying kick at the punching bag, knocking it full force the other way.

Robin landed on the ground and grinned.

"Eeeekkkkkkk!" His moment was interrupted when he heard a little green elf screaming his head off. Beast Boy ran by the gym, his arms were flailing as he ran.



Cyborg ran by the doors.



Robin watched in bewilderment. Still a little confused, he turned to go back to the punching bag only to have it smack him square in the chest, rebounding from his last hit.



Knock, knock

Starfire waited quietly outside Raven's door, hoping for an answer.

"Go away." Came a monotone voice from behind the door.

"Oh but Raven it is I, Starfire."

There was a long pause.

The door opened to reveal Raven, accompanied with a frown and her arms crossed. "Make it quick."

"Um, yes…Raven do you know why Cyborg is mad at Beast Boy?" Starfire inquired.

"Oh, that." Raven said rolling her eyes. "Beast Boy tried to feed Cyborg tofu while he was sleeping."


There was an awkward pause.

"Is that why Cyborg yelled to Beast Boy: "When I catch you I will make you eat a Turkey of the Stuffed?"

Raven just looked at Starfire trying to decipher the alien's meaning. Finally she uttered: "Probably."

"But why would Beast Boy want to feed Cyborg tofu?" Starfire asked.

"He said something to me yesterday about it. He had this crazy idea that feeding Cyborg tofu while he was sleeping would somehow make him addicted to it. I told him it wouldn't work." Raven fidgeted where she stood. She wanted to return to her meditating.

Starfire looked questioning. "Do you think Cyborg is over reacting over just that?"

Raven shook her head. "Well, actually no"

Starfire cocked her head to one side. "Why?"

"Beast Boy also tried to hypnotize Cyborg the other day. I think he's had enough."

"Also while Cyborg was sleeping?"

Raven was starting to get a little annoyed. "I don't know Starfire."

"Why does he want Cyborg to like tofu in the first place?"

Raven lost it.

"I don't know!" Raven threw her arms in the air, her voice rose to just below a yell. Even so, dark energy exploded out of her and immediately took out the light bulb above them. It shattered. The glass fell on the girls.

After looking at Starfire's terrified face and the shattered glass around them, Raven started to return to her calm, normal state.

"Much apologies friend Raven" Starfire said, looking on the verge of tears. "I am sorry I bothered you"

She started to walk away.

Raven felt a pang of guilt. "Starfire, wait."

Starfire turned her head to look at Raven.

Raven rubbed the back of her head. She wasn't used to doing this. "I'm about to start meditation, would you like to join me?" She allowed a small smile.

"Yes! I would much appreciate that friend Raven!" Starfire said with glee, as if the tears were never there.

Raven showed Starfire into her room. The shards of glass became engulfed in black telekinesis and started to piece themselves back together.


"Ow." Robin said with a moan. He dusting himself off and stood up. He swayed.

Well, that's what happens when you get thrown halfway across a gym he thought, while steadying himself on his feet.

He was just about to kick the crap out of the punching bag when a bright red light went off.

"The alarm?" Robin's brows furrowed. He immediately took off towards the control center.



Cyborg held Beast Boy in a headlock. They struggled in the middle of the hallway.

"I should force you to eat meat after what you tried to do to me!"

"Tried" the Changeling was able to coughed out. "Key word: tried."

"Yeah, and would have succeeded if you hadn't knocked down all my favorite CD's waking me up!"

"Dude, those CD's are for girls anyways!" Beast Boy clawed at Cyborg's arm, trying to get free.

"I wouldn't insult the person who you are at mercy with." Cyborg said with a devilish grin.

The Changeling gulped, getting prepared for the worst. He had tried everything to get out of Cyborg's grip, but nothing had worked. Every time Beast Boy tried to transform, Cyborg had zapped him with one of his new gadgets, and it hurt…a lot.

"Now where was-" Cyborg was cut off by the alarm.


Cyborg stood still, as if he couldn't believe his luck, or bad timing. Finally, Cyborg let out a long exasperated moan and dropped Beast Boy.

"AHH!" Beast Boy hit the ground.

"You got lucky, so damn lucky…" Cyborg said as he began to walk away.

When he thought Cyborg was out of earshot, Beast Boy went on his knees and clasped his hands together. "Thank you Lord..."

"BB I heard that now COME ON!" The Changeling winced for underestimating the half robot's hearing and quickly got up. He ran after Cyborg, trying to catch up.


"Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos"

"Raven, would you like to go to the mall of shopping with me today?" Starfire broke the silence.

"Maybe, when we finish meditating" Raven replied without opening her eyes. She began to continue her chant when the infamous alarm went off.

Both girls fell out of their poses and looked at each other.

"Sorry Starfire, but I think both of our activities will have to be cut short today." Starfire nodded, she flew out of Raven's room as a huge bird of dark energy swallowed Raven.


Being the first one to arrive per usual, Robin typed the security codes into the main computer. The new alert system allowed him to access different files at once, one of which brought up a virtual map of the city. It then slowly zoomed in on one location. It was labeled along with the coordinates given on the screen. Robin frantically typed, trying to get as much information he could so he could brief the titans.

The titans arrived in the room one by one. Beast Boy, Cyborg and Starfire entering through the doors, Raven appeared from the ceiling and solidified on the ground.

Robin's face went from shocked to angry as he glared at the screen.

The titans stood behind Robin, waiting to hear the report.

A long pause.

"Man, are you okay?" Cyborg bravely asked.

Robin turned around to face the rest of the titans.

"OH MY GOD! WHO ARE WE GOING TO FIGHT?" Beast Boy yelled in exasperation.

Robin took a deep breath.
