AN:  Well, my first story seemed to go over well, but people wanted to read more about the kids!  So, without any further ado, this is the story of the alluded-to date between Violet Parr and Tony Ridinger.  This takes place two days after the end of the movie (the track meet was on a Wednesday).  The Underminer has been temporarily defeated, but he got away.  Bob and Helen are working with the national guard to catch him.

Disclaimer:  All characters belong to Disney and Pixar.  This story is written for entertainment purposes only.

Chapter 1:  Preparations

Every thirteen-year-old girl had problems – it just happened that Violet Parr's problems extended well past those that most of her classmates at Metroville Middle School had to face. And right now, these problems seemed to all be coming to a head at once.

She could hear her Dad on the phone right now, arguing with Colonel Somebody-or-other of the military, trying to set up a surveillance system capable of finding where the Underminer had hidden all of those burrowing vehicles of his. Mom was doing the dishes and keeping Jack-Jack from making a mess of the remains of his dinner, and Dash was being as irritating as possible.

"Vi, I'm bored. Can we do something?" he whined for at least the thirtieth time in the past fifteen minutes.

Violet rolled her eyes and pulled her hair back behind her ears. "Fine. Want to race?"



Dash pouted. "Aw, you're just being mean because Dad's hogging the phone, and you can't talk to Tony..." he sing-songed.

"Shut up, weevil!" It was even more irritating because he was right. She and Tony were supposed to be going to see a movie... Tony asked me to the movies, she was sidetracked long enough to do a little happy dance... in less than an hour, and if Dad never got off the phone, she wouldn't know where to meet him!

"Dad," she pleaded, "I really need to call Tony... can't you talk to whoever..."

"Whomever," her mom corrected absently from her spot at the kitchen sink.

"...sorry Mom, whomever it is you are talking to on the Incrediphone?"

Her dad put his enormous hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. "Violet, I'm working here. It'll be a few more minutes."

"Dad..." she whined.

"Not while I'm on the phone, please!"

"God! Fine, ruin my life, its not like you care!" she shouted, stomping up the stairs to her room. She was hoping to get a good sulk in and then try again, since Dad was usually pretty reasonable if she complained enough. Her plan was diverted when she found Dash lying on her bed (with his sneakers on) reading her Teen magazine.

"What are you doing in my room?"

Dash ignored the question, continuing to idly leaf through the magazine. "Do you actually read this?"

"Yes, I read it," she said mockingly, striding over the room and snatching it out of his hands. ("Hey!") "Now get out of my room so I can get ready!"

Boy, was that the wrong thing to say. Dash got off the bed and then began bouncing around the room at about a hundred miles an hour, being as obnoxious as possible. "Gotta get ready for your date with Tony... oh, Tony, you're so cute... mwah mwah mwah..." he said, making hideous kissing faces.

Violet clenched her teeth and counted to ten. It didn't help. "Would you please get out?"

"Is he gonna kiss you? I know you want him to..."

"That's it!" Violet shouted, creating a force field that 'bounced' Dash out of the room and into the hall. She slammed the door shut and locked it as fast as she could. She heard Dash muttering as he walked down the hall to his room.

"Fine, whatever, not like anyone was ever gonna kiss her anyways, she's mean..."

Violet sighed, and went back to her vanity mirror. Rummaging around for her makeup, she found a pretty blue hairpin. She held it up to her head, checked the look in the mirror, and then discarded it – the darker ones were better.

She looked in the mirror again, and reached for her makeup. After much deliberation, she picked it up, and then put it down again – she'd already adjusted her makeup four times this evening, another time was not going to help. Besides, she was only going to the movies – what was the big deal?

The big deal? Going to the movies with Tony Ridinger, football captain, exemplar of junior-high coolness, and all around nice guy... "Oh God! I'm going to get there and look horrible and Tony is going be wonder what he was thinking asking me out... get a grip, Violet," she ordered herself forcefully. "You can deal with armed mercenaries trying to kill you and a psycho mole-man out to destroy the city. Therefore, you can deal with going on a date. You will be fine."

She wondered briefly if Mom ever had problems like this, and then shuddered at the thought of Mom and Dad dating. Ew. Some things did not bear thinking about. The very idea of Mom putting on makeup and doing her hair to impress her father was enough to temporarily put her off dating altogether. It wasn't that her parents were gross or anything, its just that they were, well, her parents. They were old, and she, like every other thirteen-year-old on the planet, temporarily forgot that they had been young once, too.

She picked up a brush and started brushing her hair while she encouraged herself. "Besides," she said aloud, "I look nice. I've got nice eyes and a good smile and, um, interesting hair? I can be funny... sometimes. And I'm self-confident! Well, most of the time."

Someone was knocking on the door. Not again. "Go away, Dash! You've been really annoying all night and I don't feel like dealing with you right now!"

"Violet, Tony is on the phone, he wants to talk to you," came her mother's voice from the other side of the door. She sounded amused.

Must unlock door.  Where is that key?  Violet immediately started tearing apart the room looking for her room key. "Um, just a second, Mom! I locked the door 'cuz Dash was being annoying and can't find the key!"

"She'll be just a second, Tony." Mom was definitely laughing now. Violet tossed her bedsheets off the bed, thinking the key might have fallen behind it. "If you'd like, dear, we could have your father come up here and knock the door down," came the unhelpful suggestion from the hall.

"This isn't funny, Mom!" Ah ha! Found it!

The key slid into the lock with a snick, and Violet jerked it open and snatched the phone from her mother's hand while the older woman tried very hard not to smile. "Tony? Hi!" Violet said, a little breathlessly.

"Hey Vi," came Tony's voice from the phone. "How's it going?"

"Oh, um, good, you know," she stammered. Very articulate, Vi. "Just been getting ready." Better.

"Ok. Hey, I'm just making sure that we were meeting up outside the theater at six. Do you think we might, um, I mean, do you want to grab some dinner at the food court before the movie?"

"Uh, yeah, six sounds good! My dad is going into town tonight, he can drop me off. And food court sounds good. They have good Chinese food there, I think."

She could almost hear him giving his trademark grin. "Ok, but remember you said you'd buy the popcorn!"

"Well, maybe I will – if you're nice enough to me," Violet shot back, giggling a little. Oh my god, am I flirting?

"I think I can manage that. See you at six, then?"

"See you at six, Tony. Bye!"

"Bye." Click.

Her mom was leaning on the banister, tossing Jack-Jack back and forth as he gurgled in delight. "That was very well done, dear."

Violet rolled her eyes. "Thanks, Mom." But she was secretly very pleased – enough so that Dash's continued kissy faces had no effect, and that she was still beaming when she hustled her dad away from his schematic of the city and into the car.

"Bye, mom! I'll be back around 9:30!"

"Ok. Be good, and be safe, please!"

Sigh. "Whatever, Mom."

"Drive safely, Bob!"

"I'll call you when I've got it set up, honey."

Violet buckled her seat belt in her mom's red sports car. As her dad fired up the ignition, she looked at him and tossed out one of his favorite catchphrases. "Showtime!"