Role Play

Customer Service

"So," Kagome questioned in a smooth voice, "what are you doing today?" She cocked her head to the side as she finished her inquisition, keeping her shining orbs half hooded as she peered at her husband on the other side of the table. Her raven locks fell over her shoulder slowly as she did so, falling forward to partially cover her eye. Kagome sat elegantly in her silk robe, daintily holding the fork for her breakfast.

At her question, Sesshomaru casually raised his eyes to glance at his wife over his newspaper. "Hnn," he grunted, reaching for his coffee cup and taking a long sip. But still, his eyes never left the tempting woman before him. His long, silver strands draped over his bare back and chest, framing his smooth skin. Roving his golden eyes over Kagome's form, he stopped once his eyes fell upon the sparkling ring perched upon her slender left hand. 'Mine,' he possessively thought, mentally smirking at the knowledge that this woman was no one's but his.

"Sesshomaru?" she called softly as she noticed his distant look. He did not respond. Frowning slightly, she tried again. "Sess?" Nothing. Sighing, she made a final attempt. "Fluffykins."

The response was immediate. His eyes narrowed slightly as he jerked his gaze up to meet her eyes. "Woman?" he responded stoically.

Kagome chuckled, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she faced him. "Welcome back," she said lightly. "So, what are you doing today?"

Putting his paper down onto the large oak table, he took another sip of coffee before responding. "I have work to attend to."

Kagome frowned. "On Saturday?" she inquired, allowing her voice to show her disappointment. "I thought that we could spend some time with each other today."

"There will be time for that later," her husband responded in a dead pan voice. "I wish to finish this unfortunate assignment as soon as possible."

Kagome sighed, letting her shoulders slouch in defeat. She scooped some food onto her fork. "If you don't mind me asking, what is it for?"

Sesshomaru rose from the table. His muscles rippled with the movement, moving like smooth waves. "I must find a suitable suit. We will be attending a formal event on Thursday," was the response.

"What?" Kagome shrieked as her head shot up. "A formal event? Do you mean a party? And you didn't tell me until now!" she shouted as she rose from her seat and slammed her palms upon the table.

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem? You have five days left."

Kagome rolled her eyes as she straightened herself and began to walk towards Sesshomaru, her breakfast forgotten. "You know, my darling husband, I am expected to be presentable as well. That means that I have to go shopping too."

Sesshomaru nodded his head as he watched his wife stride over to his side, noting how her hips swayed as she moved. "Very well," he said flatly. His muscular arm snaked out, wrapping itself around Kagome's tiny waist and dragging her into his form. His head dipped down, running his lips across the soft skin of her jaw and cheek.

Kagome's own arms reached up to wrap around Sesshomaru's neck. "Wanna meet up for an after shopping dinner?" she asked softly, nudging his face up so that she could whisper the words against his lips.

His heated eyes flashed with desire as she did so. "Very well," he seductively muttered before taking her lips in a heated kiss. His tongue ran over her full lips, tasting and claiming every inch of the surface. However, Kagome pulled back from his kiss causing him to growl at the loss of her heat.

"Ok!" she exclaimed in a chipper tone. "I have to get ready now if I am going to make it to dinner on time!" she said before bounding off from the kitchen, leaving a painfully aroused Sesshomaru in her wake.


"Hi there, Keade! Kagome greeted.

"Hello, child," the aging woman responded in a tender, yet weary voice. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, actually, I was wondering if you could do me two favors," Kagome asked hopefully.

"Of course, child. What is it that you need?"

"First of all, do you think that you could find me a knock-out dress by Thursday?"

A sigh was heard. "I should be able to. Please give me more notice next time though, Kagome."

Kagome giggled. "That's my baka husband's fault. Which leads me to my next question."


"Could I borrow your store for a few hours?"

Insensitive, cold eyes bore downwards, glaring daggers into the timid employee at the designer store. He breathed deeply, checking his anger before it could rise – the control that he was famous for. However, this simple minded person was testing his patience. Sesshomaru found himself wondering why he was even keeping his composure in check.

"I said move, fool," Sesshomaru ground out.

"But…but, Sir, I don't think that I can allow that," replied the stuttering employee.

"You are confused, boy. I did not ask you for permission, I gave you a command. Now move," Sesshomaru coldly responded.

"Sir!" the boy cried out, his eyes widening in shock. "We appreciate your business but…"

Sesshomaru scowled. "If you value my business then you will do as I ask, boy," Sesshomaru commanded harshly.

The young employee shuttered at the iciness that was laced through the tall man's voice. He took a step backwards; trying to distance himself from the silver haired man that he felt was dangerous. "Allow me to ask the owner…"

"Then go," Sesshomaru snapped, narrowing his eyes in annoyance before he watched the young person scamper off towards the back of the shop. Sesshomaru closed his eyes briefly, calming himself as much as he could. "Idiots," he muttered. Why didn't he stay at home with his wife?

"Mr. Tashio?" a soft, confident voice asked.

Sesshomaru grunted before he slowly opened his gold orbs to gaze disinterestedly in the person before him. Luckily, the person that met his gaze was none other than the store's owner, Keade. "Your employees are under-par," he greeted her.

Keade smirked at the tall man before her. "I see you are as cynical as ever, Sesshomaru," she said calmly.

"If people acted rationally then there would be no need for my pessimism," Sesshomaru replied arrogantly.

"I assume so," Keade replied. "So, child, you wish to shop in peace, ne?"

"Yes. I do not wish to be disturbed."

Keade nodded slowly. "That can be arranged, child. Allow me a few moments and I will remove the others. But I will send out one employee to help you with anything you need," Keade said.

Sesshomaru scowled. "I do not need another one of your incompetent employees. I am more than capable of dressing myself."

"Ahh, I am well aware of this fact. However, this child will not bother you. This one is anything but incompetent. This person will also serve to keep you from tossing another one of the clothes racks when you become frustrated," Keade explained simply, using her only good, but steady eye to glare at the intimidating man.

"Very well, woman. I accept your terms," Sesshomaru stated darkly. He turned on his heel, away from the older woman and towards the multiple racks of designer clothes. His molten eyes were glazed over with disinterest as he fingered the clothing, no longer wishing to participate in shopping. 'How does that woman find this infuriating, consuming task enjoyable?' he thought.

It was a soft, musical voice that made him stop in his tracks.

"Can I help you, Sir?"

He knew that voice. He knew it all to well. 'That little vixen,' he thought. Kagome – it could be no one else but her. No other voice could sound as sweet as hers. He slyly smirked. He could feel himself beginning to get aroused just by her scent and sound. She wanted to help him? Then he would be more than happy to find ways for her to achieve her goal.

"Hai," Sesshomaru replied, turning to face the raven haired woman behind him, keeping his eyes lowered. Starting at her feet, he glanced over the small appendages, noting the slender curve of her ankle. As his eyes moved upwards, he could not help but notice just how tight her black pants were. They truly helped enhance her gentle curves and slender hips – they would no doubt frame her perfect rear exceptionally well. But the pants stopped low on her hips, leaving tempting amounts of flesh available before the tight fabric of her blouse began. The shirt hugged her features better than a second skin, deliberately stretching so much across her shirt that the fabric looked as if it would burst apart, which he would not mind in the least. Her black locks flowed freely across her back, just as he preferred it due to his obsession with running his fingers through it as they made love. The shining, blue orbs finally met his own, locking with his with a teasing glint. "And what do you want?" he asked his playful wife.

"I am merely here to help you, Sir. My name is Kagome. I was told that you need a good suit for a formal event, correct?" she responded without missing a beat, cocking her head to the side as she waited for his answer. 'Oh, boy, am I going to have fun with this!' she thought as she watched Sesshomaru.

"Yes," he responded simply, entranced with the subtle movements of her luscious body. He watched her smile at him and nod her head vigorously. "Great! I know of some pieces that would be perfect for you. Would you like me to show you?" Kagome asked cheerfully.

Sesshomaru merely nodded his head in response. He still could not understand how she enjoyed shopping so much. At least he knew that she would pick out an appropriate outfit for him to wear. "Right away, Mr. Tashio! Just allow me to close the store blinds for your own purchasing privacy and make sure the front doors are locked to ensure that you will not be disturbed," she answered before bounding off, leaving her husband to watch her ass move about the store. 'I was right about the pants,' he thought smugly as he watched her retreating form.

It was not long before Kagome came bounding back to Sesshomaru, but this time with three different suits hanging from her arm. "May I show you a suit that I personally feel will compliment your strong physic perfectly?" she asked sweetly, lowering her eyelids seductively as she gazed over his body appreciably.

"Is there something in particular you are staring at?" Sesshomaru asked haughtily, raising an elegant eyebrow at her obvious behavior. However, Kagome merely winked at him before whispering to him, "It's a shame that you're married. You're a cutie," and walking away towards another rack.

Sesshomaru immediately frowned. This situation was not to his liking so far. But he still followed his wife to a rack of clothes were she shifted through a ling of suits. He walked up directly behind her, standing close to her, almost close enough to touch her. It did not faze her. "What size are you? About a 34?" she asked, not even paying attention to his close presence.

He leaned forward, his breath tickling the strands of her ebony hair. "Yes."

Pulling out a suit from the rack, she spun around, almost smacking directly into his chest. However, she made no acknowledgment of the gorgeous chest in front of her. But that didn't stop her from thinking about it. Instead, she lifted the hanger, pressing it to his upper body, laying out the suit against him. Taking her free hand, she pressed it over him, tracing her fingers down his sides and through the layers of fabrics.

"Hmm," she seductively said, glancing up at him from hooded lashes, "I think that this will look great on you. Why don't you try it on?" For effect, she ran her fingers even lower, caressing them over his thighs and coming dangerously close to his genitals.

Sesshomaru repressed a moan skillfully. "Where would you prefer me to change?" Sesshomaru asked heatedly.

Kagome frowned in response. "May I remind you that this is a professional establishment, Mr. Tashio. You are to change in the dressing rooms."

Raising an eyebrow at her response, Sesshomaru smirked, barely. "I see," he responded silkily. Turning on his heel, he walked quickly to the large dressing rooms located towards the center of the store, highly aware of his wife's light footsteps following behind him. He paused outside one of the rooms, not turning towards her. "Is there something you need?"

"You forgot to take your suit with you, Sir," Kagome easily answered, smiling mischievously. "Is there something I could help you with, Mr. Tashio?"

In response, Sesshomaru merely strode confidently into a dressing room. Kagome waited. She knew what he wanted, but she wanted to hear him say it. 'This is payback for all of those times that you made me say what I so desperately needed. How do you like it now, love?' she thought.

"I would like my suit," his deep voice called out to her. Kagome's smiled widened. This was so much fun. "Of course," she automatically said, walking into the large room with him. She held out the suit away from her body. "Here you are," she said. He grabbed the hanger from her, staring at her with intense, golden eyes. Nodding her head to him, she said, "Let me know if you need any further assistance," before turning to walk away.

"Shut the door," he answered darkly.

Kagome stopped her movements. 'Here it comes!' she thought. Tilting her head back, she asked, "Excuse me?"

"Shut the door."

"But why, Sir?" she asked, faking innocence. "I would like your assistance to assure that this suit fits properly. I do not wish to change with the door open," Sesshomaru answered, boring his heavy gaze onto every inch of Kagome's body. She shivered under his gaze.

"Yes, of course, Sir," she answered obediently. She moved forward, shutting the door softly and plotting her next move. She was trying desperately to hide her excitement and anticipation. When she turned, Sesshomaru was already in the midst of taking off his jacket. Kagome stopped still, staring longingly at the graceful movements and the rippling muscles under his clothing.

Moving slowly, Kagome moved around Sesshomaru, coming up behind him while brushing her fingers across his backside. He paused in his movements, leaving his jacket half hanging on one arm. "Allow me to help you with that, Sir," Kagome purred. Her small hands came onto his arm, removing the fabric but lingering for far too long against him.

Surprisingly, Sesshomaru was remarkably calm. He allowed her to do so without moving a muscle. But his flashing orbs watched her every move in the mirror. He watched her as she placed his jacket on a small ledge and reached to grab the new attire from the hanger. Feeling his eyes, she stretched, causing her shirt to ride up and reveal her white skin – as well as the small bite mark that Sesshomaru had given her yesterday. Her legs spread as she reached, knowing from his soft growl that her movements were having the desired effects. "Will you please remove your pants, Mr. Tashio?" she called out in a sugar-coated voice. The soft sounds of fabric told her that he was complying. 'Of course he'll listen when it comes to undressing. Now if only I can get him to listen at other times…,' she thought vaguely.

Having the garments in her hand, Kagome finally turned back towards her husband, catching the tale end of his undressing. The dark fabric of cloth slipped from his body, revealing powerful legs that made her gasp. Oh, how she loved those legs. Only his boxers prevented from seeing all of his perfect body.

Sesshomaru smirked. "Is there something wrong?" he asked arrogantly, watching her reaction carefully in the mirror. She scoffed in return. "Why, not at all. Now why don't we make sure that this suit fits you properly," she replied smoothly, flashing him a friendly smile.

Taking a light dress shirt that she felt would match the suit; she stepped behind the tall man. She stretched up onto her toes in order to see over his shoulder. Of course, needing support and balance, she leaned slightly into Sesshomaru's body, allowing her breasts and exposed neckline to tease his skin. "Hold out your hands, please," she whispered, against his ear, blowing softly into the appendage. Tightening his jaw noticeably, he complied with her request. As he did so, she slid the soft material onto his arms, making sure that her fingers covered as much area as they possibly could. She raised the fabric to his shoulders, lightly dancing her hands to the delicate area of his throat. He nearly moaned. Suddenly, her hands dipped low, crossing over the smooth expanse of his chiseled chest. Kagome licked her lips, accidentally having her tongue brush Sesshomaru's ear. His mouth parted slightly. But Kagome pulled away, slowly pulling her body down against his as she descended to her feet. "Why don't you button the shirt up while I get the jacket?" she asked calmly.

Scowling, Sesshomaru growled softly as she pulled away. She had felt good against him and his growing arousal was not helping the situation. Yet, he still did as she asked, knowing that his cooperation would be well rewarded in the end. He could not help but mentally smirk as he thought of the aftermath.

Kagome came back to his side while he thought. However, this time she moved to his front, stepping very close to his body. "Arms, please," she said softly. He did so. Once again, she slid the fabric over his body, rising to her tip toes as she ascended to his shoulders. Leaning forward some, she allowed herself to loose balance and to fall against his chest. "I'm sorry, Sir," she whispered softly against his throat, feeling him twitch beneath her. Putting her hands on his chest, she pushing against him, straightening herself. One of her slender fingers found their way through his shirt, prodding the skin as she moved and raced her hands down to his thighs.

Sesshomaru watched her intensely and silently. He could not help but notice how one of the thin straps to her shirt had slipped from her shoulder, showing off her perfect skin. It pleased him even more to note that he could tell that she was not wearing a bra on that afternoon. As she bent and reached to the side for his pants, he had a perfect view of the tops of breasts. Leaning a little further allowed him to have a painfully obvious glance at a perky, rose nipple. His eyes glazed over momentarily, engulfed by the way her body could tease him like no other.

She pulled a pair of pants to her side, carefully manipulating the fabric to allow for Sesshomaru to put the garments on. Glancing up at him, she whispered, "Put your feet in." Again, he complied, stepping into the openings that she had made. She pulled the pants over his legs, leaning forward so that her soft lips passed over his skin as she traveled upwards. She could feel slight tremors in his legs as she moved. Finally, her lips rested at his hips. Moving her lips so that the fabric of the shirt was pushed aside, she darted her tongue out, licking the smooth expanse of his lower body as she fastened the button and pulled up the zipper. She couldn't help but smile at his growls and the erection that was beginning to push against her chest. Yet, she pulled back suddenly, glancing over his appearance. She titled her head to the side and frowned.

"Hmm," she muttered. "Your boxers are bunching the fabric. Let me get that for you sir." She moved again, placing her hands under the pants leg and pushing it upwards. Her hands moved quickly, put slowing once she found his boxers. She moved her hands more, pulling and smoothing the under layer of clothing. Her hands moved over his penis and testicles, finally causing Sesshomaru to moan. She glanced up at him. "Perhaps it would be better if you wore another type of underwear when you wear this suit…or do not wear any at all," she seductively told him, pulling her hands out of his pants after another gently pull at his manhood.

"I will consider your suggestion," Sesshomaru replied, breathing heavily.

"And one more thing, Mr. Tashio," Kagome began, gazing up at him with veiled eyes.

"Yes, what is it?" Sesshomaru answered, staring intensely.

"We'll have to take care of this," she stated, grabbing his covered erection fully in her hand, causing Sesshomaru to stiffen and his eyes to widen slightly. Smiling at his response, Kagome softly exclaimed, "I really think that this suit was made for you!" as she unzipped his pants and pulled his large erection from both the pants and the boxers, exposing the proud member to her. "The color is stunning on you," she muttered just before she placed his penis into her mouth.

This section has been taken out for it's content. The link for the full version can be found in my profile.

In the final moment, her legs clenched about him as did her walls, holding him steady. He, in turn, froze his body rigid and slightly trembling. Both called each other's names as they plummeted over the edge.

As they panted heavily, Sesshomaru looked his wife in the eye with his still lustful orbs. "Do not remove your wedding ring again. I do not care what the circumstance is for," he muttered, running his hands over her body as he continued to hold her elevated from the ground.

Untangling one hand from his disheveled mane, Kagome used her hand to caress his perfect cheek. "I won't," she promised. She broke out into a smile. "But at least we found you a great suit!"

A/N: Sorry for the long overdue update! I always knew that this story would be rather on the sporadic side, but I didn't think it would take me this long! Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this episode! I have something in mind for another one already, so hopefully I will be able to get that out in a shorter amount of time. Let me know what you think!

Until next time,

Nival Rose aka FormerlyRurouniNikkitch13