This is the sequel to I Love You, I'll Kill You. In some weird twist of fate, Matt and Tai get a second chance at being together. This is just the prologue. And I changed what Tai said at the end of ILY IKY a little.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon, or any of the characters, I just play with them and make them do stupid things to entertain people like you.

Warnings: I don't know yet, but probably a little confusion until the story progresses a bit. There will be lemon later, though. Enjoy the beginning of the sequel!

New Life

Prologue: Revisiting Love

(Yamato's POV)

Being a ghost sucks. I'm sitting here—well, floating here—while they put my casket into the ground. Taichi is standing there crying—for me. It makes me feel bad. If I hadn't been the way I was, and I hadn't killed his partner, then he wouldn't have killed me. I know he only did it to protect everybody in Odaiba, but I already miss him, even though I'm the one that's dead.

It looks like the funeral is finally over, but Taichi isn't leaving. I'll float down and find out why he's here. Wait a minute—I can't ask him why he's staying—I'm dead! I'm really gonna have to get used to this being dead thing.

Now he's throwing a flower into my grave—a white rose. That's my favorite flower—how'd he know?

"It will happen every time we are reincarnated, I'm almost sure—so here's a little something for you, Yamato: I love you, I'll kill you—but I'll love you forever."

You're so right, Taichi. Maybe if we weren't reincarnated, though—maybe if we just lived a different life? Maybe then things would be different. I could just hug you right now. Well, so much for that idea. I try to hug him, and I go right through him—and fall in my grave. Maybe there isn't any hope for us—ever.

Now he's finally walking away. Probably going home to cry alone. Whoever said that guys never cry was wrong—very wrong. I think I'll visit him tonight—try to talk to him in his dreams or something.

Oh, here comes the bulldozer. I should get out of this hole before they bury me. Literally.

That night I went to Taichi's house. He looked so peaceful, just laying there sleeping. It was just like when I woke up with him laying next to me—everything was perfect right then. I couldn't help but float above him, and hope that by some cosmic power that he would wake up and be able to see me. I closed my eyes, leaned down, and kissed him—I could actually feel the warmth of his lips against my own.

When I pulled back, his eyes were wide open—looking as if he'd seen a ghost. At least I got my wish—and I knew I had when he screamed.

"Yamato!" I flew back until I hit the far wall of his bedroom, and my eyes went wide as well.

"You can see me?"

"See you? I can feel you!"

"Feel me?"

"How do you think I woke up? You're freezing!"

"Sorry. I wasn't trying to wake you up—but how can you see me? You couldn't see me at the funeral."

"I don't know—but come get under the covers and maybe I can warm you up a little."

"Okay." I floated over and slid under the sheets. He pulled me close to him and shivered. "I'm gonna freeze you."

"No you're not. It'll just take me a minute to get used to you being so cold. Then I'll warm you up." He wrapped his arms around my waist and I relaxed into his embrace. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again.



"Do you think that maybe if we had a totally different life then things wouldn't end up the same all the time?"

"You heard what I said after your funeral. I don't know—maybe."

I rolled over and stared straight into his eyes. Carefully, I wrapped my arms around him and whispered softly, "Do you promise that you'll love me forever?"

"Of course I will—I could never love anybody but you."

I couldn't help but let a few tears fall from my eyes—things were so perfect right then, but they would never be like that again. I was dead, and I knew I couldn't stay a ghost forever—even more, I couldn't stay with Taichi forever. I closed my eyes tightly and let the tears fall freely, slowly shaking in my love's hold.

"Don't cry, Yamato. We'll find a way to be together forever—even if it takes a million years. I promise."

He lifted my chin and kissed me sweetly, but passionately. I could feel all of the emotions that he had locked inside—and I could feel my own; emotions I never knew I had.

But suddenly it felt as if we were suspended in mid-air, like when I flew around the city alone. When we pulled back from our kiss, we looked around, and everything was pure white—there weren't any walls, or a floor. We let go of each other and spun around until we saw a figure come out of nowhere. It was some mystical being—cloaked in pure white, and holding a staff with an iridescent crystal on top.

Gravity took over and our feet felt a floor, even though there wasn't one there—then the figure began to speak.

"Do you want another chance to be together? Because that is what I am here to offer you."


Review! Like I already said, this is the sequel to ILY IKY, so if you haven't read it, and things are confusing, that's why—but I don't think you really need to read ILY IKY to understand this. You just need to know that Tai killed Matt. For details, you gotta read the fic. And I know I left this at a cliffhanger—that's the idea. Like I said—they get a second chance at being together. I'll try to update every day, but I won't be able to most school days.